chapter 22

1971 Words
Edited. Depp’s P.O.V I stood there listening to them going back and forth, asking and answering questions, but when he said that she had killed someone at such a young age I was shocked, but she was only trying to defend herself, she didn’t have any other choice. It still doesn’t explain what she is though or how she managed to kill him, but she doesn’t even remember anything. I know that this had got to be hard for her to try remembering things like this and it was upsetting her even more because she couldn’t remember. I listened to the rogue spit out more of his venom, but then I saw one of my guards walking around the cage and when he got close enough he looked right at me, asking for permission. I was done listening to this bastard’s words and seeing how they hurt my mate, so I nodded to my guard. We all watched as it happened, like it was in slow motion. My guard grabbed the rogue by the neck and shoulders, then ripped his head clean off, spraying blood over the floor, walls of the cage and ceiling. I knew my guards and this one wasn’t about to stand by and let his queen be threatened. The dead body of the rogue fell to the floor and his blood proceeded to gush out of the open wound where his head used to be, all over the floor. My guard threw the head to the floor and suddenly the body caught fire, shocking us all except Alpha Joe. “I had this cage built specially so that if the one inside tries to escape or dies, then sparks come out and catch fire, causing whatever is inside to burst into flames. Do you see the sparks?” Alpha Joe said, explaining and then pointed out the spikes that were hooked onto the cage. I watched as sparks flew out of the spikes and aimed directly at the rogue's body, setting it on fire and burning it to a crisp. When the body was completely burned to ash the sparks stopped firing and the fire went out. Brie’s P.O.V I watched as the nasty ass rogue burned and I couldn’t help thinking of everything he had said. I still don’t remember killing his friend, so did I really do that? How did he know that it was me that did it? Did he see me or was he lying? He said that I turned into several different things, but he didn’t know what they were or rather what I was and now I was more confused than ever. Doctor Glaser said them and now the rogue said the same thing, but I guess the only way for me to figure out what I truly am is to wait for when the time comes. Wait, Doctor Glaser did some x-rays of me, so what is he hiding? We walked back out of the dungeons and outside of the pack house, where I pulled Depp to the side, wanting to talk to him in private. “Doctor Glaser took x-rays of me and he also said them, but shouldn’t he know what I am from the x-rays? How come he didn’t tell me about them in more detail, what is he hiding?” I asked, feeling worried and cautious at the same time. “I don’t know, love, but when we get back home we will find out what is going on. He shouldn’t be hiding anything and if he knows anything then he should tell us right away.” Depp replied and I nodded. What is he hiding? Why is he hiding it? Is it worse than we thought? Sadie’s P.O.V Sparrow and I were just coming back from our date night of dinner and a movie, when we passed one of the guards and he gave us a worried and nervous look. “What’s wrong?” Sparrow asked, making the guard fidget a little. “Brie is back, but you are going to have a huge surprise when you see her.” The guard replied, confusing us both as he opened the gate and let us drive through. Tonight had been amazing, but now all my thoughts were on Brie and what this surprise was. We came back because after speaking to the woman in the cafe we never heard from Brie, so we assumed that she had refused to see us, so we came home. We knew that one day she would come back to want answers, so we were ready for that, but we never expected it to be this soon and what is this surprise that we are going to have? Sparrow and I tensed up as we drove up to the house and saw that there was a very large car parked in the driveway and our front door was open. We cautiously got out of the car and Sparrow was halfway through shifting into his lycan when Brie came out of the house. As soon as he saw her he stopped shifting and went back to fully human, causing his shirt to be the only thing that was torn. We both ran up to her and hugged her as tightly as we could, glad that she was back, but Brie stiffened up and didn’t return our hug. “Before you even start with your questions, like why I’m back, you need to answer my questions first. Come on, let’s head inside, my mate wants to meet you as well.” Brie said, surprising us. Was this the surprise the guard was talking about, if so it was a great surprise. “You found your mate, oh I am so happy for you, Brie. Come on, let’s go meet him. I have a few questions for him before you leave with him.” Sparrow said and Brie chuckled, but it wasn’t a normal chuckle. She sounded like she knew something that we didn’t and was going to enjoy herself, but what could it be? I tried to wrap my arm around her shoulder as we walked inside, but she stiffened again, so I took my arm away. It was then that I realised just how much we had hurt her by keeping things from her and I was so angry at myself for doing that to her. We walked into the living room, where there was a huge man standing there, talking on his cell phone and then he hung up and turned to face us. Sparrow and I both stopped dead in our tracks when we saw who it was. The Lycan King Depp Tiltion. The king of all kings. We looked from him to Brie and then back at him, suddenly realising right there and then just who Brie’s mate is. “It’s an honour to have you in our home, my king, my queen. Please sit and we will bring you food and drinks.” Sparrow quickly said as we both bowed to them. “There is no need for that because we have already eaten with the Alpha. Please sit and let Brie speak before you talk, she has questions for you to answer.” Lycan King Depp said and we both quickly nodded and sat down on the couch. We looked to our daughter as she and the lycan king sat down opposite us and then waited for her to speak, but it felt awkward for some reason. “I know that you both found me in Tennessee and that you went to the coffee shop, where his sister wouldn’t let you know where I was and that is because I asked her not to tell you. I had my reasons for that and you know that it’s because first of all I found out about the wolfsbane pills and what those pills do to what’s inside of you. To me it was a drug for my anxiety and even after I found out the truth I still had a hard time getting off them, but I made it through. Secondly, why didn’t you tell me and don’t tell me that it was because you thought I wasn’t ready to know because I know that it was really you two that weren’t ready.” Brie said and we both lowered our heads in shame. She was right, but she didn’t know our reasons for not being ready. “Yes, I know we didn’t tell you and we should have, but yes, you’re right it was because we weren’t ready. I didn’t want you to ever think that you were a burden on us. We took you into our home because we wanted you and we kept giving you those pills because we didn’t want you to get hurt or go crazy if you shifted. We didn’t know what you were then and we still don’t.” Sparrow replied and I lifted my head to see Brie slowly nodding. “Alright, but why didn’t you let me decide this? You took that from me, you took my choice from me. I would have asked questions to better understand, but I would have trusted you more, instead you went behind my back and took a decision that was meant to be mine away.” Brie asked and now it was my turn to reply. “We didn’t know what to do. We wanted to tell you, but like your father said we didn't know if you were going to get hurt or go crazy because of the shift and we would never risk that.” I replied and Brie sighed, rolling her eyes at us. Brie’s P.O.V When Depp and I first stepped foot in this house Depp got a phone call and I started to wonder around the house, but as I got into my room I had another flash of what had happened when I was a child, but this time there was more to it and it terrified me. I was listening to my parent’s answers and I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at their excuses. I mean seriously, they took my choice away from me because they were scared, that's not right. I get scared, but I don’t deny anyone their right to have a choice, so how could they? I hadn’t told Depp about that, but he was about to find out at the same time my parents did. “Do you know what I remembered from when I was a little girl? I remembered being at home with my real mother and father. They were having a party and they sent me to my room, so I was unable to see or hear anything that was going on. I was asleep when a loud bang woke me up, then I heard more gunshots. That was what I remembered, but just before you came I was up in my old room and I had another flashback. I remembered the same thing happening again, but this time instead of it ending with the gunshots it carried on, giving me a bit more information. I heard footsteps coming towards my room and I caught a glimpse of them as they opened my door, but before they could get me I jumped out of the window and that’s all I can remember. Do you know who killed my family, a f*****g human hunter. He had hunted us down, wanting to kill us and till this day I still don’t know why.” I said, causing Depp to look at me in shock. I knew that he was going to be upset that I hadn’t told him and I should have told him before they came, but there was no time because my parents showed up before I could.
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