chapter 33

1591 Words
Hey guys, I'm on vacation, but I'm still posting and writing. Hope you like the chapters I posted. Edited. Flint’s (the hunter) P.O.V I had stayed in a pack of lycans for a few weeks, needing to make sure that b***h wasn’t hiding there and I was surprised at how comfortable I actually was. I kept an eye on their comings and goings, timing them and their responses, but then I got caught by this muscle bound dude. He was about 6.2 with short brown hair and brown eyes. He towered over me, snarling and bearing his canines at me, then I saw his hands start to grow claws and I realised that he was shifting, which scared the s**t out of me. I have never been scared of supernatural bastards in my entire life, until now and I was in his home snooping around when he came running at me. He shoved me so hard that I went through a wall and I couldn’t get up for a few minutes because he had knocked the wind out of me. I slowly caught my breath and opened my eyes to see that he was towering over me again. I barely managed to get the needle out before he grabbed me and I shoved it in his leg as hard as I could then plunged the liquid into him. I knew that it would work fast and he would go down like a ton of bricks, not being able to wake up for at least a few days, that’s if he survives it. The Alpha of that pack of mutts found out what I did and quickly told me to leave his territory or he would f*****g kill me and I didn’t have enough needles for the whole pack, plus they took all my guns and ammo. They walked me to the edge of the territory, threw my unloaded guns at me, but refused to give me the ammo back, which really pissed me off because that ammo cost me an arm and a leg. I threatened them and gave them a warning that if I found out that they were hiding that b***h I would kill every last one of them, but I had a feeling deep down that they weren’t. I didn’t tell Gunner any of this, but when I got back he told me of the information he had found out about our little mangy mutt helper, Unit. Gunner’s (the second hunter) P.O.V Flint had been staying in a pack, working undercover trying to find the last b***h, so that he could kill her, but then he was found out and they asked him to leave. He was now back at our place, but I found out something really interesting while he was there. Our little mutt helper, Unit, had been hiding his mate, Emma, from us. We both already knew that she was one of them, so we took action and while Flint kept Unit busy, I used my trackers to hunt her down. We found her hiding out in the Diamond Blue Moon pack, so I hurried to the territory and climbed up a tall old oak tree just outside the border of their territory. I waited and watched everything that was happening there for a few days, until I knew that I could get a clear good clean shot right between the eyes. It was the only way to kill them because if I shot them anywhere else on their body their beasts would heal them fast, but they couldn’t heal the brain or heart if the wound was bad enough, so I always made sure to aim for those two parts of the body. I waited until the time was right and no one was with her before taking my gun and aiming it right at her chest. I pulled the trigger and the first shot hit her straight in the chest, causing her to clutch her chest and drop to her knees, gasping for breath. I looked down the sight of my gun, watching as she pulled her bloody hand away from her chest and I could see that she was getting weaker with all the blood she was losing. Those wild mutts started running towards her, but it was too late for her because I took my second shot before anyone could cover her. They all watched in horror as I blew her head clean off, causing her blood and flesh to splatter everywhere. The she-wolves screamed and shifted, looking around to see where the shot had come from. The male wolves shifted and started running in my direction, so I knew that I needed to get out of here fast. I jumped down from the tree and got on my motorbike that was just a few feet away from me, then drove off before they could even get close to me. There was only one more of that kind left now, we just had to find her and then we could kill her, wiping out her kind forever. I heard the growls coming from behind me, but it was too late for them to catch me because I was already on the road, surrounded by humans and I knew that they wouldn’t dare change into their mangy wolf forms around humans. They didn’t want to be found out, which worked to my advantage. I made my way back to Flint, who was still keeping that mutt, Unit, busy. When I arrived at our place I walked in and punched Unit right in the face, shocking him and catching him off guard. “Did you seriously think you could hide her from us? That was your first mistake. I was going to make her death fast, but as you hid her and lied to us I made her suffer. I shot her in the chest and let her bleed out a bit before I blew her head right off. You should have seen the mess your mates blood and flesh made when it splattered everywhere, it was a beautiful sight. I just wish that I could have taken my time with her.” I said, making Flint and I laugh. Unit screamed and cried out at me, then he lunged at me and tried to kill me, so I took my knife and stabbed him in the heart and gut. He gasped for air and then I twisted the knife so that his beast couldn’t heal him. He was bleeding out fast and all I could do was laugh at him as I watched him cough and spit up blood. “I would have never killed you if you didn’t do this, this was your own fault for trying to hide her away from me, you stupid son of a b***h. When I find the other one I will do the same to her as I did your mate, but you won’t be here to see it. Be glad, you’re going to join your mate again, not in this life, but in the afterlife.” I said and kicked him down to the ground. I laughed as I walked out of the building, leaving him there to rot. Flint and I left the area and carried on with the trackers, looking for her, but then I got a phone call and I was stunned. “He….he’s alive….” One of my hunters said, but his voice sounded weird. “Who’s alive? What’s wrong with you?” I asked, looking at Flint. “U…Unit…he’s ali…alive….he stab…stabbed me….I’m bl…bleeding out…I ne…need help…” He replied, making my anger rise up inside me. “He’s alive. How the f**k is that mangy f*****g mutt is still alive, when he should be dead and rotting by now?” I asked, pissed off. “I…I need h…help….please….” He said, not answering my question. “Too late, just f*****g die already, maybe you can do that job right seeing as you suck at being a hunter. If you can’t get rid of one mangy mutt after I have stabbed him half to death, then what good are you to me?” I replied and hung up the phone. “AHHHH!!!” I shouted out, fisting my hair. “What’s going on? Who was that?” Flint asked and I filled him in on what had happened. “He must have had a strong wolf inside him to heal him that fast. He’s going to come after us now, you in particular because you killed his mate, but don’t worry, we’ll be waiting for him. Now come on, we still have to find that other bitch.” Flint replied and I nodded. “Yeah, I know. She’s a slick b***h too, she hasn’t left a trail or scent for our trackers to follow and we have no clue where to find her. This is going to be tricky, but then again I do like a challenge.” I said, smirking. “We’ll get her, even if it takes us years, we’ll get her. We have to or she could take down all the hunters in one kill and it's up to us to stop that from happening. It won’t be easy, but we’ll get her one way or another.” Flint said and I nodded. We both hated these beasts, but we were good at what we did, so I had no doubt that we would find her and kill her before she had a chance to kill us.
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