Chapter 34

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Hey guys, remember I post every day, but I take a break on the weekends. Have a wonderful day or night everyone Edited. Depp’s P.O.V I was going through some paperwork when my phone started to ring and when I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was the Alpha of the Diamond Blue Moon pack. I knew right away that something had happened and he confirmed it when he told me what had happened to Emma, the one that was like Brie, but when the Alpha spoke I could hear how upset he was. “My king, I promised her mate, Unit, that I would protect her and keep her safe while she was hiding here. I didn’t know that they would find her so easy, but they did. The way he…he killed her, it…it was brutal and will forever be etched into my memories. She was innocent and never wronged anyone. She was so caring and loving and would have been a great Luna to her mate if he was an Alpha.” Alpha Henry said and I hummed in response. “By the way you’re talking about her it sounds as if you were in love with her as well, Henry.” I replied, telling him of my suspicions. “To be honest, my king, I was, but I never told her nor would I have ever. I have a mate and I love her the same, but I’m calling because I know that Queen Brie is now the last of her kind. Please, just watch out for these hunters, they are slick ones and know how to hide and shoot. They are definitely well trained, so don’t underestimate them, my king.” Alpha Henry said and I could hear the fear in his voice. “Have you heard from her mate since this happened?” I asked, wanting to know that he was safe. “I have….he…they…they stabbed him after they told him what they did to his mate. Thankfully he survived and is now in hiding, but he wants to go after the two main hunters that killed his mate.” Alpha Henry replied and I was surprised that he survived them. “No, tell him not to make a move against them. They will get what's coming to them, but for now he should focus on fully healing and mourning his mate. It won’t end well for him if he goes in there like a bull in a china shop.” I replied, commanding him. “Yes, my king, I’ll tell him straight away.” Alpha Henry replied and I breathed a sigh of relief. We talked for another hour about how the trappers, the ones that will stay up in the trees keeping an eye out for more hunters, were being trained and I told him that as soon as they see a hunter they are to kill them immediately, to show no mercy to them because I knew that they wouldn’t and hadn’t shown any to us. Brie’s P.O.V The morning birds were chirping up a storm outside and the sun was shining through the windows, lighting up the whole bedroom. I looked to my side and saw that Depp was already out of bed and I knew that he was probably in his office because he always had a lot of work to do and needed to get up early to get it done for each day. I threw the blankets off me, stretched and got out of bed, going to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower, washed my hair and body, then dried off and went back into the bedroom to get dressed in my jeans and a blue pull over shirt. I brushed my hair out, put a little make-up on and then put my sandals on. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for me to go and put my plan into action, so I hurried out of the bedroom to Depp’s office to see what he was doing. Depp’s P.O.V The more I thought about what had happened the more pissed off I got and by the end of the phone call I was furious, but then Brie walked into my office. I talked for a couple more minutes and then hung up, but I was so stressed out because I knew right away that she was going to hate what I was about to say to her. She was going to question it and I hated it when she did that, especially when I was doing it to protect her, but I dealt with it because I knew that she wouldn’t be herself if she didn’t question me. Brie’s P.O.V When I opened the door I saw that he was in deep conversation on the phone. The way his face looked and the tone he was using with whoever was on the other end of the phone, let me know that this was something serious. When he got off the phone he ran his hands through his long dark hair and then rested them behind his head. “I’m sending guards with you and Mona when you go out. Something happened in another pack and I want my guards around you at all times.” Depp said and I was a little surprised by what he just said, but I was more shocked that he thought it necessary to have guards with me at all times. What was that call about? What had happened that was so serious? I know that I always question him on things, but that’s just the way I am and besides, I keep him on his toes by doing it. “Why do I need guards with me at all times when all I’m going to do is have lunch and shop. What does what happened at another pack have to do with me?” I asked and by the look on his face I could see that he was annoyed that I questioned him. “Brie, you know I hate it when you question my actions, especially when I have good reason to do them. There was a woman who was the same as you, the same kind of creature as you and she was hiding in the Diamond Blue Moon pack. The hunters found out about her, then they tracked her down and killed her. She was shot in the chest and then her head was blown off. They tried to kill her mate, the one that was helping steer them away from her and you.” Depp replied, shocking me. I had no idea there was another like me out there. “What happened to her mate? Is he alive?” I asked, wanting to know. “He’s alive and now in hiding, but he is healing and getting stronger. He wasn’t like her or you, he’s a normal wolf, but he wants to go after the hunters that killed his mate. I told him no because of how dangerous it is and that we will get him in time. Brie, do you understand how close these hunters are to us, but thankfully they don’t have a clue just how close they are. We need to keep you guarded at all times.” Depp replied and I nodded. “Fine, I guess we can have our lunch here and watch a movie in the theatre room. I don’t want to risk the guards life if something happens. I will ask the cooks to make steak and shrimp with a side of lobster tail, then I will head to Mona’s room to get her.” I said, smiling and he nodded. Depp’s P.O.V When I told her that the guards would be guarding her at all times from now on, especially while she was having lunch and shopping with that little b***h, Mona, she decided to stay home and have lunch then watch a movie, which I was grateful for. Brie left my office to speak to the cooks, but she didn’t even give me a kiss before she left and I knew that she had to be mad at me if she didn’t even kiss me. That's okay, I will get her sooner or later, I thought to myself and started planning on what to do next with these hunters. Mona’s P.O.V I woke up early this morning and I wanted to try to be ready for when she came knocking on my door, so I hurried to shower and get ready. A part of me was really excited about spending time with her, while the other part of me just wanted her gone and out of my way, but what was really weird was that the good part was winning over the bad. It was so strange that I was excited about this and I didn’t and couldn’t understand why. I had finished getting ready and had been waiting here for what seemed like forever, but when I looked at the time I saw that it was a little after eleven and it made me wonder if she had changed her mind about all this. No more than ten minutes went by and there was a knock on my bedroom door, so I hurried to answer it. I had no idea why, but I was all smiles when I opened the door, that was until I saw the look on her face and my smile disappeared. I had this sudden urge to comfort her and ask if she was okay, but I had no idea where that urge came from. I looked at her face and she seemed really upset, so the good part of me won out and I grabbed her hand, pulling her into my room and shutting the door behind us. She was surprised that I did that, but I was worried for some reason “Whose ass do I need to kick and who do I need to kill, Brie? I know that we didn’t get off on the right foot, but that doesn’t matter now, so why are you so upset or should I say pissed off? I’m reading both of those feelings from you, so what happened? Did the king upset you? Do I need to go kick his ass for you?” I asked and that’s when I heard her laugh as she started to calm down. What the f**k is happening to me? Why do I care so much if she’s hurting? Isn’t that what I wanted? “Mona, I’m fine, it's just that someone went to the Diamond Blue Moon pack and killed a woman that was hiding there. She was just like me and from what I understand the hunter that killed her is close, but he doesn’t know it. Now the king wants guards to be around me at all times and he wanted them to start when we go out for lunch and shopping, so I decided we could stay home and have lunch, then watch a movie in the theatre room. Who ever this hunter is he will go down and I will f**k him up. I’m not going to be one of the weaklings that runs away, I will stay and fight. He will not make me run from my home, no one will.” Brie replied and I stood there listening to her. I couldn’t help thinking about how strong this woman was, even though she had already been through so much. It will be too bad when she is dead, but she is just too nice for her own good. A queen should rule with an iron fist, not with a soft heart because that is how she will get overthrown and there was no way I would let that happen to me. “Well, enough about all that, let's head down to the dining hall and eat lunch. You did say you wanted to get to know me right?” I asked and she nodded, but when I looked into her eyes I saw something shine in them, like there was something else there. I will need to be more careful around her and keep my thoughts to myself. I knew how to do it and how to block people from my mind, so therefore I will do it with her. “Alright, let’s head down there and have a chat.” Brie replied and I nodded, opening my bedroom door and heading downstairs. When we got to the dining hall we sat down and the cooks placed the food down in front of us. “Thanks guys, you did a wonderful job, so take the rest of the night off and when we are done I will make sure that our plates are cleaned and put away.” Brie said and the cooks bowed to her, then headed out. Brie’s P.O.V We started eating and after we had finished Mona and I sat there looking at each other, but that’s when I felt my wolf trying to speak to me. “Hello Brie, I am your wolf and my name is Forest. Don’t trust this woman, I have been talking to her lycan, Drilly and she has a drug that she is going to try putting in anything you might eat or drink. I want to rip her f*****g head off, but the others told me to let you handle this and if you can’t handle it then one of us will come out and do it for you.” My wolf, Forest said, talking into my mind and I tried to sit there listening to her while not letting Mona know that I was talking to my wolf. This was all new to me and I had to be careful how I spoke so that Mona wouldn’t be able to tell what was going on. “It’s very nice to meet you, Forest. Please tell the others to calm down and if I need them I will let you know.” I replied and ended the link. I wanted to talk more with my wolf, but I didn’t want Mona to get suspicious. “So Mona, tell me about yourself. Do you have a mate yet? What do you do around here?” I asked and I watched her look at me carefully. Mona’s P.O.V When she asked me that question I was trying to decide how best to answer her. I mean it wasn’t news that I was always after the king, but next to Flower I never had a chance. I suppose it's best for me to just tell her, maybe she will trust me more if I do. “Well, it was just to be with the king and become his king, but since he found his mate in you I am left to find my own mate. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fun with the king, but that is in the past now.” I replied, hoping that she would buy this or I’m going to be a dead woman. “You see, Flower and I both wanted to be queen, but Flower was always in the way and I was always waiting on the side lines, but I’m alright with all that now.” I said, continuing on with my explanation and hoping that it would hurt her just a little.
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