chapter 32

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Edited. Brie’s P.O.V I walked down to Mona’s room and took a deep breath, trying to figure out just what I was going to say to her to convince her that I meant no harm and knew nothing of what she was planning to do. I knocked on her door and the second she opened it I saw the look of shock and confusion on her face, but I pretended like I hadn’t noticed. “I’m sorry, Mona, did I catch you at a bad time? I was wondering if you would like to go eat lunch with me tomorrow, my way of saying that I’m sorry for growling at you when I got home.” I asked and I could tell that she was a little taken aback by my offer, but she recovered fast. “Yeah sure, I don’t blame you for growling, you’ve been asleep for three months, so of course you would want to be with your mate.” Mona replied and I nodded. “Yeah right and all she wants is to kill us and have our mate. Can I just bite her head off already?” A voice said in my head and I wasn’t sure which one of my creatures it was, but I almost started laughing when she spoke. “Okay great, I’ll come by at about eleven in the morning, then we can head out and go to lunch. We can chat and get to know each other better.” I said and Mona nodded, but I could see that she was still unsure. “Okay, I’ll be ready.” Mona replied and I nodded. “Great, well get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, walking away from her. I knew that she was probably asking herself what kind of set up this was, but she would never guess until it was too late and by the time I get done with her I’ll have her eating out of the palm of my hand, begging me to show her mercy. Mona’s P.O.V What the hell was that all about? I know that she couldn’t be that nice, inviting me for lunch, but I had no idea what else she had planned. Okay, I’ll bite and have lunch with her, then I’ll see what kind of questions she will ask. Maybe I can fill her head with all kinds of doubt and if she tries to screw with me then I’m going to screw with her right back. Two can play this game. “Yeah, but Mona, she is our queen and you need to have respect for her.” My lycan, Drilly, said, causing me to roll my eyes at her. “Drilly, everything will be just fine, so relax. I’m not going to poison her, I will just get her some other way, but tomorrow I’m going to have a free lunch and enjoy every bit of it.” I replied, shaking my head. “Alright, if you say so, but when everything goes wrong, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Either you are going to get yourself killed or spend the rest of your life in the dungeons, like Flower is.” Drilly said, pissing me off. “Drilly, calm down already, no one is going to know any difference, alright.” I replied, but felt her huff in my head. “Yeah, we’ll see, but if you get put in the dungeons then I will leave you. Don’t say that you haven’t been warned.” Drilly said and then she blocked me out. Brie’s P.O.V After my talk with Mona I headed back into the bedroom, but I already knew that Depp would be pacing back and forth, probably ready to run through the door to come find me, so I hurried back into the room. I shut and locked the door behind me, as Depp stopped pacing and stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot. “So, is everything all set?” Depp asked and I nodded. “Yes, we are having lunch tomorrow and I just might take her shopping as well. Once we are close I'll compel her and she won’t even know what happened.” I replied, but didn’t tell him that I had no idea how to compel just yet or that I hadn’t spoken to my vampire side yet. “Hello my lady, I’m Annabelle, your vampire and I can help you to compel that b***h. I’m sorry that I have not spoken to you sooner, but the others are resting now, so I’m taking this time to talk with you. It will be easy to compel that woman because when you were talking to her I was watching her every move. Just take her to lunch tomorrow and go shopping, then I’ll do the rest.” Annabella said, surprising me. I was still not used to having these supernatural creatures inside of me, but I was trying to get used to it and although I still wasn’t sure how to talk to them one at a time just yet, I will get there. “Hi Annabelle, it's very nice to meet you. I’m glad for any help you can give me because I have no clue how to do anything, let alone compel someone.” I replied and heard a cute little laugh in my head. “Don’t worry, my person, you will do just fine and tomorrow we will do this together. The others will be watching and will be there for you if you need them.” Annabelle said, still laughing. “Thank you, Annabelle.” I replied and then the link ended between us. I looked back up at Depp and he smiled at me. I still couldn’t believe that I was his queen and he was my king. “Were you just talking to one of them?” Depp asked and I nodded. “Yes, my vampire side, her name is Annabelle and she said that she is going to help me compel Mona tomorrow, plus the rest of my creatures will be just under the surface if they are needed.” I replied and he started laughing. “Really? Her name is Annabelle? Have you ever seen that movie?” Depp asked, chuckling as he took a blu-ray off the shelf and put it in the player. I looked at the title on the case and saw that it was the film, Annabelle. “Come on, let’s watch it.” Depp said and I rolled my eyes. I had already seen this movie, but I sat down on the bed next to him to watch it. I cuddled closer to him as the movie started playing, but I could hear my vampire in my head, giggling. “Oh, this is going to be so great. A movie named after me. This is going to be brilliant.” Annabelle said, praising herself. I had to cover my eyes with some parts of the film and Depp chuckled, but I felt a sense of disgust in me and I knew that it was coming from Annabelle. “Oh please, I am nothing like that. I’m not a doll and I don’t kill people unless they try to kill you. I would never hurt a little girl. This movie is just dumb and I don’t like it using my name.” Annabelle said and I couldn’t help laughing, but Depp gave me a confused look. “Annabelle isn’t impressed by the movie or that it is using her name.” I said and he nodded, but just as the movie finished I started yawning. I had just been asleep for three months and it had been a long time since I stayed up this late, but I wasn’t ready to sleep just yet. I felt like I had been asleep for years, but my body betrayed me as my eyelids started feeling heavy and I just couldn’t stay awake any longer.
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