chapter 21

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Edited. Alpha Joe’s P.O.V I was informed as soon as the lycan king and his entourage drove through the gates of my pack and I was starting to get nervous, but my mate must have felt it because she walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Calm, my Alpha, everything will be fine, I promise. You have done what he has asked and kept your promise to him, the rogue is still in the cell and you have kept him alive, so you have nothing to fear. You will not be stepping down at any time during my lifetime.” She said and all I could do was nod. I heard the car driving up the driveway and I tensed, knowing right away that I had to be the Alpha I needed to be, the one that everyone expected me to be, so I held my head high and walked outside to greet them, with my mate by my side. I waited for a few minutes, but no one got out of the cars at first and then the doors started to slowly open. Men stepped out of the one car and I guessed that they were warriors and guards, then two of those men walked round and opened the doors to the car in front. The lycan king stepped out of the car first, followed by his Beta, but the biggest shock was the third person that stepped out of the car. It was none other than Brie Hunter. Our little girl had grown up and I seriously wasn’t expecting her to step out of that car, but what was she doing with the lycan king? I had told him that the she-wolves would be waiting for him, but did I miss something that no one had told me? I waited for them to walk up the steps of the pack house before greeting them. “My king, you have found our missing pack member, Brie, how did you find her?” I asked, but then I saw that Brie was trying not to laugh and then the Lycan king just shook his head. “Alpha Joe, she was never missing, she has been with me all this time. She is my queen, my mate and now she is the official queen of the lycans and has been for over a week now.” Lycan King Depp replied and my jaw dropped when I heard the news. I looked at Brie and she nodded, confirming it. “Yes Alpha Joe, I am his mate and queen.” Brie said and then she turned to the she-wolves that had gathered outside. Brie’s P.O.V “You can all go home now, as you can see the king is taken and he doesn’t want any of you. So, unless you want to challenge me for my crown, I advise you all to leave.” I said and watched as some of the she-wolves nodded and left, while some watched to see what was going to happen next and one of them just rolled her eyes. I only chuckled because I knew who she was. She was the one that always messed with me and tried to bully me, claiming that I was just a human girl that no one wanted. She would beat me and I would punch her back just as hard, but I knew what she would do once we were done here, unless someone talked her out of it and I doubt they would though because of how stubborn she is. This also means that my parents would know I was here and they would want to see me, but all I could do was sigh, still undecided if I wanted to see them or not, especially after learning about the pills they were giving me. We walked inside the pack house and into Alpha Joe’s office, but when I turned I saw that his mate kept looking at me, like she knew something. We all took our seats and I was about to ask her what her problem was, but Depp started talking to Alpha Joe. “So Alpha Joe, I have heard good things about you since we last spoke. You have found your mate and the pack has changed, I saw the playgrounds and the gardens, you did well and you also did as I asked and kept that rogue locked away and alive. I would like to speak with him before we eat dinner.” Depp said and Alpha Joe nodded, getting up from his seat. “Yes my king, follow me.” Alpha Joe said and Depp stood up from his seat. I got up and stood beside him, taking his hand and we started walking, but then Alpha Joe stopped and turned to look at me. “Brie, you must not see this, turn back and forget about this rogue.” Alpha Joe said, but I shook my head. “I think not, this rogue might hold a clue as to how I got into that shack in the first place, so come on, I want to speak to him as well.” I replied, but instead of listening to me, Alpha Joe turned and looked at Depp. He stood there for a few seconds before looking back at me and then shook his head at me. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, Brie.” Alpha Joe said and I nodded. He turned back toward the door and opened it to the large dungeon. We walked down the steep steps and into a large room, where cages were hanging from the ceiling going around the room, but then there was one cage that was dead centre of the room. There were torture devices all around the room, even one that had spikes sticking out of it and when you walked into it the spikes would drill holes into your head and body. There was another that you got tied to and torn apart, stretched limb from limb. I had never been down here before and now I know why. In the largest of the cages in the middle of the room was the rogue and when he saw me he smirked. “Oh, the little girl has returned home again, but wait, this isn’t really your home now, is it? I saw you when you were just a small child, you were running into that shack and before I could kill you, the Alpha here and another came to kill me. I got away that day with the help of you, little one. Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a shame because when I get out of here I’m going to find you and I will kill you no matter where you are or how far you run, I will come after you, bitch.” The rogue said and suddenly Depp growled loudly next to me. “THAT’S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU, YOU FILTHY FUCKER!!! HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?!! WHY DID YOU KILL THAT GIRL SO MANY YEARS AGO?!!! WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU FOR YOU TO DO THAT TO HER?!! SHE WAS ONLY SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, SHE HADN’T SHIFTED YET OR FOUND HER MATE AND YOU KILLED THAT POOR GIRL!!!” Depp shouted and the rogue just laughed hard. “That girl was my mate. I knew she was my mate, but she didn’t want to and wouldn’t come with me, she kept telling me that I stunk and that she didn’t want to become a rogue. I didn’t mean to kill her, but my anger took over and I ripped her throat out. It killed me inside knowing that I had killed my own mate, but I got over it and then I came looking for her.” The rogue replied and pointed at me, making everyone turn to look at me. “Why did you come looking for me? What do you know that I don’t know? What am I to you? Please tell me if you know what I am, please.” I asked and again the rogue laughed, but this time he rolled his eyes. “Little girl, I don’t have a clue what the hell you are, but when I saw you running into the shack you turned into several things and I was curious as to who or what you are. I also wanted to know why you were going into the place I lived. Like I said, you were in my place and I didn’t get the chance to kill you, but trust me, I will and when I find you again, little girl, I will have your f*****g head.” The rogue replied and I was so confused. Why was this nasty smelling thing so desperate to harm me? I thought to myself and decided to ask him. “What the f**k did I do to you for you to want to kill me so badly?” I asked, but he snarled at me. “You were in my home and you destroyed it, you killed my friend and I don’t care if he was going to kill you, you killed him and I found his body miles away from the shack. I knew it was you because I smelled your scent.” The rogue replied, snarling at me and it made me feel so bad. I really did turn at an early age and went on a rampage, I killed his friend. “I…I’m…I’m sorry, I don’t remember doing that, but if he was trying to kill me then don’t you think I have a right to defend myself. I couldn’t just let someone hurt me, could I?” I said and the rogue opened and closed his mouth several times to speak, but in the end he didn’t have an answer to my question. He stood back in his cell and crossed his arms over his chest. “Just because he was going to harm you, doesn’t give you the right to kill him.” The rogue replied, giving me a half assed excuse. “Like I said before, I’m sorry, but I just don’t remember. I was only four or five, for crying out loud. I was just a young child and you think I would remember that?” I said, sighing and shaking my head.
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