Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Greige was shocked to see his girlfriend in the arms of a football player. This is shocking to him and he has not fully recovered from that stinking smell earlier and now this scene has surprised him too. His lips parted. Now Greige can feel his heartache. “Lydia,” he called her girlfriend’s name. “What is the meaning of this?” he mumbled to himself with his surprised look. Lydia throws him a death glare. She was caught off guard but she doesn’t seem to be afraid of him. She looks angry though. “What now, Greige?! Why you are here?!” the girl asked, raising her voice to sound more superior and angry. She’s angry that Greige saw her like this. She asked why Greige was here before he could ask about what she was doing. Greige couldn’t afford to utter any word. He was shocked. He has been saving money to buy something nice for his girlfriend’s birthday present. It is funny to think how Greige is working his ass off while Lydia, his girlfriend, has been fooling around with another man. The fact that he is trying to save up for nothing stung his heart. There is no need for further explanation. The sight of her being in another man’s arms is very understandable. “I am working here to earn some money for your birthday present. You are my girlfriend and we’ve been together for years. Now, this is what you will pay me back?” Greige asked coldly. Now the pain has turned into anger. He was fuming mad but Lydia didn’t think this was such a big deal to think of. She laughed to save her face from the man she is with right now. The football player laughed with her and gave Greige a warning look but Greige is mad enough to even understand that gesture. “Yuck! I never asked you to work your ass off! Stop being delusional, Greige. My relationship with you is nothing but just a truth or dare. I never liked you. The thought of being with you makes me sick not to mention that you are a loser, a total trash!” the girl spat rudely using her most disgusted tone. She even tried to scan Greige from head to foot to make him feel small. “But I loved you,” said Greige. He sounds sorrowful. The girl burst into laughter even the other man in this room laughed as if this is the best thing that has humored him. Greige gritted his teeth to suppress his anger. This is ridiculous. He is fine with the players making fun of them but he has never imagined being fooled by his girlfriend. “Take a second look at yourself in the mirror. I didn’t know you have such a hard face to even dream of our relationship becoming real and working out for the both of us. You have been fooled, Greige. You didn’t realize that? I will never stoop down to your level and make you my official boyfriend. You are so poor that you could not even afford to buy me a new phone. I will never be with someone this poor. In a nutshell, I will never be with someone like you!” Lydia said straightforwardly and laughed again. The football player laughed too and threw a hundred dollars at Greige. Greige’s jaw clenched and he tried to throw him a glare but the man just smirked at him to annoy him even more. “Take the money and leave us alone. Don’t be so full of yourself. You are just a worker. I am Lydia’s true boyfriend. You are nothing but someone who is designed to make fun of. You are trash and nothing else!” the football player throws these hurtful words at him. Greige couldn’t take it anymore. He never felt this annoyed and angry towards other who bullies him and makes fun of him. He charged at the football player, who is much taller and stronger than him. Greige doesn’t stand a chance. The man is lean and has a muscular body so of course, Greige lost to him. Lydia cheered for his lover and did not even bother herself to stop them. She even encouraged the football player to hit Greige hard on his face and teach him a lesson. Greige was pinned to the floor by the football player. He tried to fight him back again but the man acted as if he will hurt and punch him on his back so as a result, Greige shut his eyes tightly to anticipate it but it didn’t come. He was relieved somehow. “Good thing I don’t hit weak people.” The football player chuckled. Greige opened his eyes and tried to look back at the football player. He doesn’t stand a chance but he badly wants to punch this man in his face. Not just he but he also wants to make Lydia pay for what she did. Did she fool him? She must pay for it. He worked hard to do and answer her bidding but all he has to receive is this treachery. “Oh, my, honey! You are so cool!” Lydia complimented the man which annoyed Greige even more. “Thank you, honey. Although he is nothing compared to tamed dogs. I didn’t even sweat.” Nothing is on Greige’s mind but revenge. Even though he knows that he will never get that, he is smashing both of them at the back of his mind. His heart is burning from anger and revenge. If only he is strong just like those who made fun of him, he will surely make them pay individually. But of course, the compensation will be doubled or even tripled. “That is right! That ugly man is a weakling!” said Lydia. The football player looked around and found a black marker. He grinned at the back of Greige who looks very helpless right now. “It seems like you need a note that will remind you of what you are, Greige Fitzgerald,” he teased and wrote ‘SORE LOSER’ on Greige’s back then left with his girlfriend while laughing loudly.
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