
Revenge of the Misanthrope

lucky dog

Greige Fitzgerald doesn't mind if people mock him and make fun of him as long as he gets paid for his efforts. Until his world flipped which revealed the truth about his existence up to the moment he found out that he was obscenely wealthy. By then, the man vowed to make those people who have degraded his pride pay for what they have done to him.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Loud noises from the yelling and teasing of the football players were heard in the four corners of the locker room. Anyone will be annoyed if she or he is not part of the team. A nerdy-looking guy named Greige Fitzgerald was almost suffocated but he couldn’t complain because he is a mere worker on this school’s football team. Greige is working to earn some allowance so he can support his living expenses. Even though he is mistreated by everyone, he will just keep quiet, wait for their instructions, and do the work for the sake of his stipend. He was mopping the floor when Zack, the quarterback of the football team, darted his eyes at him. It is the first sign that he will begin to make fun of Greige. “Hey, Greige Fitzgerald. You have been mopping the floor for quite some time. How about you give us a little show here? I feel bored,” Zack said which made his underdogs agree with his words. Greige’s brow furrowed but he looked at Zack to give him his obedient expression. The other players stopped talking to watch him. They are expecting the show to be interesting just like always. “What show do you want me to do?” asked Greige. Zack grinned and leaned his back on the chair. He crossed his arms and signaled one of his underdogs to get the pile of his stinking socks. Greige didn’t get that but he is determined to do anything if the quarterback says so. He always thinks that no matter how they treat him, they won’t delay his stipend and he can even get a bonus if these people are in a good mood. “Am I going to tell you what to do right? Kneel before me and lick my shoes,” Zack spat rudely. Greige heaved a deep sigh but he nodded. Of course, he needs to be obedient or else they will even ask him to do something worse than this. No one is expecting Greige to disobey Zack’s words or anyone from the football team. And so Greige is not daring enough to let his hard work go to waste just by striking back. So he immediately knelt before Zack and slowly crouched to do what he said. The anticipation is killing them. Even though he is obedient enough to do anything, he almost vomits from the smell of Zack’s dirty shoes. If only he can draw from this then he will surely try to run away. When Greige was about to land his face on Zack’s shoes, he was stunned when he smelled a very noisome smell, more disturbing than his dirty shoes. The quarterback threw a pile of his stinking socks and 50 dollars at Greige, most of them landed on his head and shoulder. He gulped. “You should be happy that I gave you a bonus from cleaning up the floor and smelling my stinking socks. Go pick up your 50 dollars and buy yourself a cheap perfume.” Zach burst into laughter followed by the other players. Greige couldn’t afford to breathe through the stinking smell. He can almost picture himself lying on the floor while unconscious. The disgusting smell hurt his nose so he has to hold out his breath for a while. The other football players laughed at him and did the same. They made fun of him until they are satisfied. Greige clenched his fist firmly from the irritation and anger. All he has to do is stay silent and avoid provoking anyone from this team. “Look how dirty you are, you ugly Fitzgerald. That is your place, where you belong. You stink so you fit with those stinking socks like real trash!” the other players teased and laughed. Now Greige looks like he is drowning from the pile of stinking socks but he just gritted his teeth and kept silent. After all, Greige knows that he couldn’t do anything to prevent them from treating him like trash. They don’t like him because he is poor and ugly like what they always claim and say. Greige Fitzgerald doesn’t know how to fix himself. In short, he is a typical nerdy type of guy you will see on campus. Just add the fact that he is working and not studying. He wears cheap clothes, his hair is always disheveled, and everyone gets annoyed with his unwelcoming eyes and poker face. They find him arrogant because of that natural feature of him. Meanwhile, Greige has nothing in his mind but to earn money from his hard work. He is not that ambitious enough to befriend anyone from the school, not to mention the members of the football team. Greige picked up all of their stinking things and the 50 dollars after they left in disgust and despair. The loud nuisance disappeared as he heard the door bangs behind them. He was relieved somehow that they had enough of that show. Because last time, he went home late because they made him clean the room more than twenty-five times just to annoy him and ruin his day. He can’t say no because they threatened him that he won’t receive his stipend if he will not obey them. Suddenly, he heard a woman groan in delight in the man’s shower. She’s flirting with some man. Greige’s brow shot up. He thought everyone has left the room. It seems like someone has brought his girlfriend to do that thing here. Greige put the pile of stinking socks in the basket then he walked over and lifted the curtain to check what is going on. Although he is just working under this team, he knows that no woman is allowed in this locker because it is part of the school’s rules. He might be involved once they get caught and he will be questioned too. At first, he is showing his ruthless expression but he was shocked by what he saw after lifting the curtain…

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