Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Raw Talent They found out fast I was a blonde. s**t. Gisele caught my light roots. Three rough shampoos later as I hung from an overhead steel bar, my natural hair color returned. I just hoped no one in this wild place read or listened to the news. They all seemed to inhabit their own little world here, and I prayed that also meant they ignored the rest of it. So when a large, beautiful, yet hard woman that could probably snap me like a twig named Gerda strung me up in a shower and also climbed in, there wasn’t much I could do about it. Her big hands ran in a forceful massage over my scalp, then squeezed every last bit of dark coloring down, past my feet into the drain. I watched helpless as my disguise swirled away, accompanied by satisfactory grunts from Gerda. She spoke German. Of course. “Gut. Ist gut. Nein braun haar. Lassen sie es geben leicht! Ja, blond Valkyrie!” Not sure what she meant, but she seemed pleased, and for that I was grateful. The whip on her belt when she collected and shoved me into the shower, now hung on the back of the door, appeared well and expertly used. And I didn’t want it used on me. “Sprechen sie Deutsch?” Huh? She was talking to me? “Ah, no. Nien.” Gerda sighed and squeezed even more brown from my hair. “I speak English some. Follow mien orders, ja!” That last part wasn’t so much a question as a command, and a veiled threat. “Yes. Ja, ja!” She pulled my hair some more and my head bent back at a crazy angle. I repeated my answer in case she didn’t get the message. “Gut. Ist gut.” A bell rang twice; short quick alarms, and Gerda took this as a cue. She patted one of my ass cheeks, then rinsed me off. I hung there, warm water splashing me while she got out and toweled off first, then turned off the tap and yanked me out. I shivered in the cold air while Gerda gave a quick, business like dry over my skin, and tied my arms in back. A wide, three-ringed strap of leather, which I learned later was called a posture collar, forced my chin in a high upright position. She attached a long pole that split into a ‘Y’ at one end to a ring on either side of the collar and forced me ahead of her to steer through the labyrinth. Others of my group were pushed here and there, some guided by poles like me, a few blindfolded, like Hilary, but all under heavy restraint. Leather cuffs that welded wrists and elbows with no space in between, and chain hobbles on the ankles were just a few things that told me I had fallen into the shadowy world of SM. Better than what waited for me out in the “real” world. Various rooms with strange symbols next to the doors indicated meanings that I would come to only know too well. Still, a couple of the symbols were somewhat immediately decipherable, even to a newcomer like me. One that Gerda directed me to indicated a vague outline of a v****a surmounted by some kind of medical symbol. Gerda pushed me through it, stopping me just inches from a woman in a white lab coat bent down between Coretta’s raised and spread legs. Coretta was tied down to an examining table, leather straps across her forehead and under her chin, while leather cuffs on her wrists and upper arms were locked to the table’s sides. A wide strap that bulged in the center covered her mouth, leaving just a small space under her nose and near the end of her chin. The bell rang again, once, and the scurrying outside the room quickened. Behind me Gerda sighed in impatience. “Ist time. Give me the sklave.” The woman turned back over her shoulder. “Just a moment!” she snapped. She turned back to Coretta. Her latex gloved fingers delicately pinched and stroked Coretta’s nether lips. Then, with a sudden assault, she forced three fingers up Coretta’s p***y, all the way to her knuckles. Coretta tensed, closed her eyes, and moaned behind her gag. A couple more thrusts, then the lab-coated woman nodded and pulled out. She removed the latex gloves with a snap and threw them in a bio-hazard bucket. “All right, Number One,” she casually said. “Good lubrication, disease free, no complications. You’re just as randy as some of these younger snatches, although we’re still concerned about your age. But if you make it through and all goes well you might make some master very happy. For now, Gerda will finish your processing.” Gerda chained me to the wall on a short leash so I had to stand on my toes. She released Coretta from the table, locked her arms in back and attached the Y-pole. Coretta’s bare feet slapped on the hard floor followed by Gerda’s heavy boots. They faded away down the hallway. The lab-coated woman ignored me, studied a laptop display and frowned in concentration. She tapped, tapped the keys. “Uh, excuse me,” I croaked, my neck still at a strange angle, my toes numb. “Any time, you’re ready.” The woman flashed me a hot look. Ice-blue eyes and a hard, set, line of a mouth framed by light, brown hair, told me to definitely shut up, which I did. Her clipped, clear polished nails glinted as she continued to enter notes from Coretta’s exam. Then, with a distinct, final, key-stroke she turned to me. “So, mysterious Number Nine. Your file hasn’t caught up to you yet, so I’m afraid we’re going to have to do this all from scratch. Any medical conditions? Previous injuries, broken bones?” “Uh, no,” I gasped. “Lucky. Do you take drugs? Smoke pot? How about s****l preferences? Have you ever engaged in unprotected anal s*x?” “I...don’t think...that’s any...” “...of my business. Oh, yeah, I’ve heard that before. So, which is it? Do you like men or women?” “Fu...Fuck you.” The woman rolled her eyes. “Another smart-assed masochist. All right, if that’s the way it’s going to be.” She donned another pair of gloves and prepared a hypo. “What...What are you..?” I breathed. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll lose that attitude before long. Masters, and especially mistresses, don’t like it. Not to mention myself.” She swabbed and stabbed my hip with the needle. Soon warmth overtook me and my legs turned to rubber. I sagged against the wall and experienced a dull fear that I would strangle. But the woman caught me, undid my collar from the leash and half-carried me, not to the exam table, but to a padded kneeling bench in a corner. I didn’t pass out, but I also couldn’t stop her as I knelt and bent over with my ass up in the air. Drool dripped onto the floor from my slack jaw. She locked me down at my wrists and ankles, then something shiny, cold and hard invaded my ass. “Looks like you’re a virgin at this end,” she said. “No scars or recent abrasions. In fact...” The gloves ran over both of my ass cheeks. You’ve never been whipped, have you? What about your t**s?” She came around, reached under and kneaded my hanging breasts. “No one’s touched these either, at least not with a quirt. Let me see that mouth!” Her hand in my hair bent back my head. My mouth hung limp. Fingers worked the jaw, then pressed against my tongue and ran along the inside of my cheeks. “How did you get here? Who did you convince—” The bell rang. Not once or twice, but several times. The woman almost jumped. “What the hell?” She started for the door but Gisele dashed in, Hilary at her side on hands and knees. A dog collar encircled Hilary’s neck and she sported a muzzle. “Nan!” Gisele said, breathless. “A master is here. One of the nobles! Get this b***h out there. Quick!” Nan shook her head. “She can’t! I had to dope—” “I don’t care if she’s the biggest SAM ever! Just get her on her knees and in harness so she doesn’t fall over.” Just like that Gisele was gone. Hilary scampered after at the end of a leash. Nan cursed but soon another prick on my hip brought me back around. Somewhat. I could move, but everything lurched and spun like a bad carnival ride. Nan locked my arms in back and kept her gloved hands firmly on my shoulders as we fell in step behind Logan and the nervous girl I vaguely remembered labeled as Number Two. I stumbled along, almost right into her and Logan, but Nan’s grip saved me. Then a one-quarter turn to my right, a few more steps, and I stood on dark blue, plush carpet. Nervous Number Two was on my left with Coretta, Number One, on my right. Their shoulders rubbed against mine and provided a steadying influence, something that I desperately needed, at least until the room stopped spinning. Through a personal fog I sensed Gerda move down the line, pull each girl forward, then push her back. Not even when she reached Number Two could I make sense of what Gerda did. But when she got to me I didn’t have any doubt. A wealth of leather straps, interconnected by shiny rings, lay piled on Gerda’s broad shoulders. Soon I understood what Gisele meant by ‘in harness’. A body harness. Gerda slid the top one off her left side, a light tan thing, and draped it over my shoulders. The fiendish contraption wrapped my arms at three places, but a strap that hung down in front to the floor she pulled up tight against my crotch, so tight my p***y lips dangled over both sides of the inch wide strap. Then two pairs of a couple of shiny metal clips, connected by a short, light chain, bit each p***y lip and each n****e. “Ow! Hey!” In spite of my daze I definitely felt that! “Nien gut,” Gerda muttered. From her other shoulder she grabbed a head harness, this one with a large plug on a black panel and shoved it in my mouth. “Ulllgg! Ullerrnngg!” was all I managed to say while Gerda affixed the straps tight around my head and buckled them in place. “Besser, besser,” Gerda said and moved on to Coretta. Nan’s fist to the back of my knees brought me to the floor. I bumped against Number Two, and soon Coretta joined me on the other side, decked out just like me, only she didn’t wear a gag. Neither did Number Two. I leaned forward a little and glanced up the line. Not even Hilary wore one as her muzzle was removed. Only me. “Get back!” Nan ordered behind me. A quick tug on my hair pulled me back in line. Gisele strutted in front, crop in a tight fist. Its end slapped against a belly here which instantly got sucked in, tapped a chin there that got lifted to her satisfaction. She stopped before me. “Square those shoulders! Straighten up!” Whish! Crack! f**k! Right on my tit! “You heard me! This isn’t any lazy SM parlor. Get that head up. Push out those t**s. Do it!” Nan’s knee in the small of my back and hands on my shoulders ensured compliance. A finger wrapped around a strap that ran down the back of my head got me at attention. Gisele gave us all one last look. The crop nervously swatted the side of her boot. Then, with a final, loud smack she pointed the crop to the door through which we all had entered and the handlers left the room, except for Logan. He sauntered around in front, accepted the crop from Gisele who then also exited. He waited until the door shut then flexed the crop before his chest. “We’ve got a blue blood in house. I know you’ve just got here, haven’t had any time to orient, but you all know how to act toward a noble. If you don’t, I promise you will regret it. You’ll be punished, and not in a good way.” The room got very quiet. Number Two and Coretta virtually stopped breathing. Logan flashed a toothy grin. “You’re all scared. Good. Stay that way.” Another door, behind Logan, slowly swung open. Gisele stepped through. “Our current stable, sir.” Behind her came a tall, well proportioned man. Short, dark blonde hair with a bit of a widow’s peak sat above light brown eyes. He appeared in his late twenties and moved easily in a tailored blue suit with a red silk tie. Polished black shoes glided across the carpet. Everything about him spoke of power.
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