Chapter Two-2

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Coretta gave a small gasp. Number Two’s shoulder next to mine shook in repressed nervousness. He heard Coretta’s reaction and strode right over to her. Manicured nails stroked a trembling chin. “Well, you finally decided to take the plunge,” he said, his voice as smooth as he looked. “For your sake, it better not be too late. Eh, Coretta?” “My name...” Coretta cleared her throat. “I am Number One, sir.” The man nodded. “You’re off to a good start. And I also know this one here.” He stood over Number Two. “I should have known. Where Number One goes so does little Marisa. I mean, Number Two.” “Y-Yes, sir,” Marisa whispered. The man nodded, then strode up the line. He tightened a couple of clips here and there, just to gauge the woman’s reactions. A few moaned but none cried out. “A good batch,” he said. “Thank you, Gavin,” Logan said. “Of course, this is only a clearing house. We haven’t had time to fully appraise each one’s strengths and weaknesses. Once we do they’ll go to the appropriate training facility.” “They all seem to know what’s expected of them,” Gavin said. He strode back to me and idly stroked the head harness straps. “Although, this one here isn’t quite like the others. A wildcat?” “We’re not sure.” Gavin squatted down and those well cared for fingers expertly caressed my p***y lips. My...wet...pussy lips. Oh, oooh. Ahhh. Don’t stop... I closed my eyes and couldn’t help but moan. I swayed forward and fell right into Gavin’s arms. “Well, she’s certainly eager enough.” He rose and dabbed the end of my nose in p***y juice. “I’ll give her a try tonight.” That brought me fully around. Fast. Give me a try? What the hell did that mean? “Are you sure?” Logan said. “We had to gag her.” “Then we’ll just leave it in. What she lacks in polish might just be made up in raw talent. And if that’s so, it’ll be easier to train her the way that I want. But, just in case she doesn’t have what it takes... Yes, this one next to her, Number Two.” Gavin rested a hand on Marisa’s head. Her trepidation escaped in a quick, involuntary shiver. “Scared, little one? You always were whenever Coretta couldn’t contain herself any longer and had to beg me to come over. More often than not you’d be there too, naked, hiding in the shadows, ready to jump out of your skin at the slightest word. You always were a hot little thing, but no more hiding now.” Marisa blushed a deep red. “Good. Now, as for this one...” He stepped back to Coretta and folded his arms in consideration. “Bring her too. I have a difficult decision to quickly make, what with leaving the country.” Huh? What was that? “... and maybe Number One here will give me a good baseline...” I didn’t hear anything else. This guy was leaving the country and taking someone with him? Me! Me! Pick me! Whatever I needed to do, I was going to do it. And no b***h better get in the way. *** I kept my wits about me – even when Logan pulled me along by the leash and the walls shimmered like through the heat of a campfire. When I was still things were fine, but any movement almost made me lose my lunch. That definitely was not option. The gag still filled my mouth, but mercifully I didn’t have to walk far or fast. Logan often turned around and made sure I remained on my feet and brought me to a dark, paneled room. It was smaller than the previous one, though not as richly decorated. The carpet here wasn’t nearly as thick, although a high mound of white, red and black fur throw rugs lay piled up opposite the narrow door. Above them, hung from several light brown pegboards, were various strange leather devices whose intended purposes were clear. A couple of leather hoods set on white, styrofoam heads weren’t the type that covered half the face for some grown up trick or treater. They hung loose, but with leather laces and strategically placed attachments for a gag and blindfold. Efficiently cruel to cut off all light and sound – either incoming or outgoing for the poor, unfortunate trapped inside. Beside them were several long, pale flesh dildo gags that made my throat ache just from looking at them. Beyond those hung more straps with shiny buckles and then equally bright, small metal devices that resembled the n****e clips I already wore, but with jagged, alligator like teeth. There were long, skinny leather skirts, black come-f**k-me pumps with tiny locks that promised once put on they didn’t come off, coiled bullwhips, nasty little quirts, and on and on until my head swam again, now with sensory overload. Either out of necessity, so he wouldn’t have to hold me up, or pity, Logan tied me tight to an immaculately white pole in a corner, near the end of the peg board. My body wanted to sag in fatigue, but Logan did an excellent job with the ropes to keep me upright. I gazed at my toes and, at last, the spinning stopped for good, but I didn’t stare at them for long. Logan’s hand under my chin brought my attention back to the present. Behind him stood Coretta and Marisa, also still done up in their body harnesses and clips. Marisa’s lips quivered while Coretta’s were set. Not grim, but in acceptance of the inevitable. Logan addressed us all. “We really haven’t had time to assess any of you, gauge your aptitudes, your physical limits.” At this he gave a pointed look to Coretta. “But the hard core of what you can do, of who you are, is there. Trust it and who knows? You might just score the ultimate fantasy right off the bat. But cop an attitude and what I said before goes double now: You won’t know anything but pain, and not the nice kind.” He let this sink in. Logan’s tone, his tense manner, and dark look left no doubt that he took this seriously, and because he did, so should we. He checked my ropes one last time so I wouldn’t slide down the pole, hitched Coretta and Marisa together by a short chain to the front of each collar, then left us alone. Coretta and I got into a mini stare down. Not that I thought to challenge her, although she may have guessed that, but I admired her body. Here was a woman on the edge, if not past the beginning, of middle age, and yet her full breasts, a slim yet not absolutely skinny waist and curved hips that led down to well-shaped legs still without cellulite aroused my jealousies. I only hoped when I reached her age that I would look just as good. Coretta remained poised, almost regal despite her bondage and nudity. Or maybe because of it. She held her own against any younger woman, like Marisa or me. Marisa. She was another matter. Her plain nervousness, if not outright fear, made her ready to bolt. She muttered, “I can’t do this, I can’t do this. I’ve changed my mind. I can still get out of here. Let me out!” She pulled back on the chain that connected them, but Coretta stood her ground. Her strong back and stiff neck pulled the chain taut and prevented Marisa from toppling them both down in a panic. “Marisa. Marisa! Child, stop!” Coretta spoke in a low, urgent voice, yet that didn’t make it any less commanding. “Think of what you’ve gone through to get here. Will you now throw all that away? Listen to me, girl. Listen! Years ago I had a master. But I got scared and sent him away. Not because of anything he did, but ashamed of what I was. And I lived that way for years. How many nights did I spend alone? Until I met Gavin. He took away my shame, but also brought me a new fear.” “You?” Marisa said in small voice. “No, you’re never afraid. A master commands and you obey. There’s nothing you won’t—” “Stop. Stop it!” Coretta leaned back and swung Marisa up against the peg board, less than a foot from me. Equipment scattered and fell to the floor. Coretta pressed up against her. “You don’t think I’m not scared now? Look at me! I’m a woman slipping out of her prime who now competes against not one, but two, young tender p*****s. Scared? Hell, yes! And you should be too, but here’s your chance, and sooner than you thought. But if you allow fear to rule your life, you don’t deserve a master, and especially not one like Gavin. Then I’ll only have to fight this other little slut for him. Who’ll win? I don’t know, but if I do I promise I won’t give him up. He’ll be mine and I’ll make sure he stays mine. No one, no one, will take my master away from me. Not even you.” “But...But I...” Marisa was on the edge of tears. “Shh. Shh.” Coretta kissed her cheeks. “Of course you do. I’ve known it all along. Gavin said you always hid in the shadows. Step into the light and show him your true beauty.” Marisa wept quietly and Coretta kissed away her tears. Their breasts, their stomachs pressed against each other, bare legs entangled. At last Marisa calmed and with a tug on the neck chain, Coretta led her to stand beside me, then had them kneel, legs doubled under, knees spread wide. She told Marisa to bow her head. Aside from Marisa’s decreasing sniffles the room was quiet. Her shaking stopped, but when the door banged open she almost jumped. She would have too, but by the neck chain Coretta jerked her back into position. All grew quiet, like the calm before the storm. Then Gavin strode in and if I weren’t gagged I would have given a wolf whistle. Instead my internal heat soared. The crotch strap between my legs, already soaked, did nothing to stop a river of my p***y juices that now dripped down my legs. I want to say he acted like he owned the place, but I found out later that in essence he did, along with all the other “nobles” that made up the Sanctuary. He had shed the suit and was bare-chested, two thin leather thongs tied about muscled biceps and another around his head. Tight fitting, black bikini trunks left little to the imagination about his size and a pair of well polished, lace up boots completed the look. He crossed his arms like a pirate king come to inspect his treasure. When he pierced me with that intense gaze I was completely bewitched. What a specimen! He idly twisted one of my n*****s and I exploded. “Uhhrrnnn! Uhhrrnn!” God, jesus, f**k! If not for the pole I’d be a quaking mass at his feet! “Uhhrnn!” Gavin stepped back. “Is this for real?” “Sometimes all it takes is just a caress, or a little pinch,” Logan said from the door. He was dressed similarly to Gavin, minus the leather thongs. And whereas Gavin’s get up appeared new, Logan’s was more broken in, like they were his work clothes. The black trunks were somewhat faded, the boots not quite as shiny with tiny scuffs. But that only made him more impressive. He twisted my other n****e. “Uhhh!” Oh, f**k here it goes again! I shook against the pole as fireworks burst under my squeezed shut eyelids. Oh...Oh s**t! Shiiiittt! Logan let go and, like a faucet turned off, my orgasm, the most intense I’d experienced in like forever, quickly trailed away. “Some of these girls work themselves up so much that by the time they get here they can’t help it,” Logan said. “So we whip, tie and gag them until they get it out of their system. Once they calm down, then the real work begins.” “Yes, the specialty houses.” Gavin slowly paced in front of us. “I wonder where these will wind up? Domestic? Pleasure? Pony? Or one of the other more exotic fortes?” “That’s what Sanctuary is here to find out, isn’t it? But I doubt any of them will get to one, at least for now. Not until you decide which one to take away.” Gavin nodded. “Yes. And time is wasting. I have only six weeks to choose.” *** They started with me. Was it because I was closest to them, or that they didn’t feel like unhitching Coretta and Marisa and hauling them to their feet? Or maybe Logan felt I deserved it? He gave each of us an appraising look, starting with me and ending on me. Why not? I was already gagged, tied to the pole in a haughty pose (even if Logan did it) and I matched his glare while the other two humbly knelt. Take down the arrogant b***h first. Logan’s fingers tore at the knots and buckles. Soon the rope and body harness lay piled in a heap around my ankles. A stout, thin metal rod latched on to the wrist cuffs behind me, then to the back of the collar. A motor’s soft whir coincided with my arms going up, up, straight out behind me and forced me to bend forward. I struggled against the new but inescapable position and my breasts swung side to side, erect n*****s pointed at the floor. My shoulders burned like a thousand wildfires and my wet p***y lips puffed out. Rivulets of juices flowed down my legs and tiny orbs of liquid dripped from curled pubic hairs. A stain spread on the carpet.
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