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Hands clenched. Eyes squeezed shut, fireworks exploded in my darkness. I think I started to cry. “That’s right, Nine. Let it all out,” Gisele said. “Good. That’s good. For a start.” Oh, f**k. I was already coming again! “Eeiiimphh! Eeiiimphh!” My shoulders pushed up against the straps. Back arched. Urgghh, urgh, urgh.” Gisele didn’t stop. I lost all sense of time, measured now by how often I shook in climax. Some were soft, but most racked my whole body, spasm after spasm of intense pleasure. My hair matted and sweat stung my eyes. How long? How long? I don’t know. Forever. Then forever ended. Gisele pulled out and came around the side. “Wow. You’ve got a lot of tension. What’s been keeping you so uptight?” Through a watery haze I tracked her, trying to breathe through my sniffles, ease my racing heart. The curl of her lip was still there, but a little softer now. She stroked one of my t**s and motioned for Logan to join her. He stood on the other side. “Process the others, but save this one for last. I’ve developed a certain fondness for her. Wipe her down and put her out in the garden. Let her get one last look at the sky.” They marched the others away and left me alone in that huge garage. Then Logan returned and gently toweled off my sweat. One by one the straps fell away, limp, their impressions deep on my skin. My wrists cuffed in back, I half-leaned against him as he led me to a green, flower filled spot under a blue sky laced with soft, puffy clouds. Between two thin pine trees he spread my arms overhead, then my legs. A thick, leather belt wrapped my waist, then a strap passed between my ass cheeks and then over my crotch to buckle in front. A small dildo attached to the crotch strap invaded my spent p***y, not going in nearly as far as any d**k or even Gisele’s strap-on, but then Logan turned a knob on the bottom, outside portion of the strap and the dildo hummed its own quiet song of pleasurable tease. Logan stood back, arms folded. He glanced over me, at my arms and legs at their fullest stretch, then left me alone. It was early afternoon and I hung there the rest of the day, with the birds singing, the pure scent of nature awash over me. I don’t know how many times I came. I don’t know. I don’t care. But when they returned for me, and I hung limp, shivering, my “tension” was gone. Now replaced by a fear that something inside me had awakened and, once roused, would never allow any rest.
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