Chapter 10 ELIRA

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Elira Wake up! Wake up Elira, they’re coming! I woke up in a jolt of sweat, screaming as I felt my skin prick with the sensation of being burned. “Make it stop! Make it stop!” I screamed as if ice cold water was going to be doused onto me. Just then, cold strong hands cupped the back of my neck, lifting me. The sound of a sweet lullaby being hummed rings through my ears as the warm, rough, and calloused hands lightly run through my hair. I leaned in deeper towards the source of comfort and took a deep breath in, slowly feeling myself calm down. “You’re okay, Elira. Shh, I’m here”, Aodin whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheeks. That's right, Aodin was my mate and I had almost forgotten about the trip we were on to get home. He rubbed my back a little more before pulling away to look at me. “Are you okay?” His thumb brushed my cheek and I leaned subconsciously into his touch. My body craved him but my mind wanted to refuse him. It was a constant battle of want and hate, just like with Zahruk. Instinct for the need to survive any emotional and physical pain is much stronger than the will of a mind at times. Sooner or later, the urge to mate again would start again and I wouldn't want to be alone with Aodin when it happens. “Mmhmm”, I nodded and gave him a small smile. “Talk to me”, he said as he shifted to fully sit on the bed while adjusting me to sit on his lap. “I heard a voice”, I told him as my voice trembled. “It told me that they’re coming and then-”, I swallowed down my fear as I looked at him. The memory of the dream came back to me in vivid imagery. “And then I was engulfed by fire and lightning… And I could feel it, Aodin…”. I bit my bottom lip nervously as something gnawed at the back of my head. The more I pushed it away, the stronger that feeling became. Suddenly it clicked, it wasn’t a dream but a premonition. “We have to leave”, I said abruptly. “Elira, what do you mean we have to leave”. I got off his lap and walked towards the window. I didn't why but something inside me told me to look up at at clouds. The clouds swirled in gold and purple lightning had as thunder echoed in the back. Panic set inside of me and I immediately put on my shoes. “Aodin, we have to go. We have to go now!” Aodin walked up towards the window and as soon he drew the curtains back, lightning struck the ground. “Elira, what is going on?” Aodin asked in a panic tone. Closing the curtain back again. “They’ve found me”, I whispered. “Who?” He asked as another lightning struck the ground outside the Inn. “Who, Elira?” “Odin”. “The God of War? That Odin? And why is he after you?” “Because my father is Fenrir, son of Loki who happens to be the son of Odin”. “Gods, you are a literal Goddess... I slept with a Goddess,” he whispered in a flabbergasted tone. The door to our room broke open and men in literal armor stormed in. “Aodin, we have to go now!” “Don’t have to tell me twice”. He stuck his hand out as flames shot out of them knocking the two men in armor down. I stepped onto the chest of one of the fallen men on my way out and ran out towards the car. But we were too late. More men in armor surrounded us as they came together to make a tight circle. “What do we do now?” He asked, sounding a little panicked. “I don’t know”, I said scared. I looked in between the men for an exit but there was none. Lightening flows from armor to armor forming an electric fence around us. 'Fly', said a voice in my head. I turned my head back to look at Aodin who wasn't looking too good at the moment. “Fly, Aodin, fly!” Lightning ran through his entire body as he grew in size, ripping through his clothes and shifting into his Dragon form. His wings stretched and flapped, knocking down the men around us. Those that were standing afar shot lightning arrows at us only to be deflected by Aodin’s wind of shield. I jumped onto Aodin’s back and he began to climb higher and higher. I directed him in the direction of home as I kept watch of the men following behind us. "We need to go higher! We can hide in the clouds!" Aodin nodded and we both flew up, into the clouds of storms. It was still dark but I could see that the sun was starting to rise. I wasn't sure exactly how long we were flying for but I do know it has been awhile by how badly I needed to use the restroom. Aodin was starting to stagger when I felt the bond with my pack begin to click. Aodin must've felt it too because he had begun his descent. "We're almost there!" I shouted over the wind and he huffed. A loud crackle came from behind us and I turned to look for the source. Giant purple lightning bolts came hurling in our direction. I opened my mouth to say something but Aodin beat me to it. "I know!" He linked me. I stood on his back, not knowing what to do, when one of the bolts suddenly hit Aodin on the back of his leg. He let out a loud roar and veered left, making me lose my footing. My chest heaved with fear of falling from this height as the amount of bolts hurtling doubled. I screamed in frustration and the lightning dissipated into the air. Another one shot straight at me and I lifted my hand up, releasing the frustration into it. White bolts of flame shot at the lightning. I looked at my hand as the glow from the fired dimmed. Power I had never felt before surged inside of me, awakening something it shouldn't. I closed my eyes, trying to sense for Odin's men only I couldn't. The ride was starting to feel bumpy when I finally turned to face the front. I noticed Aodin's head bobbing up and down before completely staying down."Aodin?!" I screamed, getting his attention. We began to somersault forward and I grabbed onto his neck as tight as I can. "Aodin! Wake up!" No response. He must've lost consciousness after that last attack. Oh Gods, is this how I die!? The ground was getting closer and my fear of dying was becoming more eminent. And just before we hit the ground, Aodin's wings flapped, softening the blow just a bit. Aodin crashed into the dirt field hard, throwing me off his back as I landed on my back, knocking the wind out of me. Stars blurred my vision as I tried to make out the surroundings around me. Turning to my side, I coughed out the dirt and blood from when I bit my tongue. I looked at Aodin who was already shifting back to his human form when glowing eyes popped out from the treeline. I waved my hands up in a surrender letting them know that we mean no harm. The wolves emerged from the trees, growling at the naked Aodin who's lying there unconscious. "Guys, it's me Elira", I said nervously. They turned and prowled towards me. I took a breath in and that's when I realized they weren't part of the Moon. They were rogues, strong ones at that because they carry no scent. "Stand down, we need them alive", said a female voice. It was too dark to make out who she was but her voice sounded familiar. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm hurt you don't remember me, Elira. I even went out of the way to give you a parting gift", she said in a menacing tone. As she stepped closer, her features became more visible. She had short brown hair, arched eyebrows and high cheekbones. Her lips were thin as she smiled menacingly at me. "Shall I jog your memory? It had something to do with your dad", she sang. My blood boiled at the memory of my dad being strung up on the tree in my backyard. "You f*****g b***h", I said in a harsh whisper. I took a step closer towards her, extending my claws as I swung them at her. She jumped back and laughed, finding all of it amusing. "Come back here and fight me! I will kill you for what you did to him!". "Awe, how sweet", she said sarcastically as she brought one hand up to cover her mouth. "You know, that kind of sounds like what he said to me when I ripped open his stomach and pulled out his intestines", she cackled. "Take that hunk of a man away, I can deal with Princess over here", she ordered the wolves. I swiped my arm, throwing them back to where they came from. Loud cracks from bones being broken echoed into the field and all this b***h did was laugh at the death of her comrades. "Oh, so Princess here has gifts! How delightful", she clapped her hands together. "I can tell this is going to be fun!" "You're sick and sadistic. Why are you doing this?" "Because I want to live in a world where I can do whatever the f**k I want". She stopped moving and stared at me before immediately shifting. She was fast, it was as if she had shifted in a blink of an eye and that's unheard of. I turned and ran towards Aodin’s naked body and ducked down as she tried to pounce at me. She growled and snarled her teeth at me as she missed me by hair. I shook Aodin, hoping he'd wake but when I looked down his leg was in worse shape than I thought. It would take a couple of hours to heal with how burnt this looks. Fuck, I'd have to face little miss psycho here alone. She pawed the ground and ran towards me. I was about to blast her with a fire bolt when a black wolf crashed into her, forcing her to retreat with the others who were still able to move. The black wolf growled at the sight of me hovering over Aodin protectively. "I didn't think you'd make it here this quick", Zahruk growled as he shifted back and striding towards me naked. "What the f**k happened to him?" He asked with a raised brow. "Shot. With a lightning bolt". "Good", Zahruk scoffed at me and lifted Aodin's limp body onto his shoulder. "Did anything happen while I was gone?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "Why? Trying to take your place as Luna, Dragon Queen?" He taunted. "Oof, bitter. No, I was just curious", as I tuck a strand of hair away from my face, nervous. Wait, why am I nervous? "I brought one of my trusted buddies down to become my Beta. I like Yu, but we don't really vibe that way", he shrugged. I could see the back of the packhouse come into view as he made his way towards the door. I stood there a little uneasy about everything. "Come on, there's something else you need to know". I tilted my head, curious at what needed my attention and followed him in. He dropped Aodin on the cold marble floor and I could hear him groan. "Josh! Take the lizard to the pack doctor". Josh came jogging down the stairs, tall, tan with broad muscular shoulders. He had brown hair with an undercut and hazel eyes that you could stare at for days. Someone cleared their throat and I looked over at Zahruk who's seething at Josh. My face was red with embarrassment as I walked over towards Zahruk. "So you're gonna oogle at him but not at your own mate?" He hissed at me. "Zahruk-", before I could even get a word out, he rushed up the stairs. "I'm sorry, nice to meet you", I turned to Josh before running up the stairs after Zahruk. He entered his office and before he could slam the door on me, I stopped it and entered. "What the f**k, Elira!" "Zahruk, calm down. I didn't even do anything!" "You drooling over my Beta isn't anything?" He stalked towards me. "Why are you getting so worked up about it anyway! I was just looking!" I yelled, defending myself. "Bullshit! I can still feel you, Elira. We're still f*****g connected -- deeper than before!" He huffed out. I could feel his power exude off from him as he closed the distance between us. I had to strain my neck up to look at him because of our difference in height. "Tell me you don't feel this", he whispered huskily into my ear. I took a step back as my back hit against the door, breathing in his scent. I could feel our broken bond mend into something else, something stronger. "Tell me you don't feel the f*****g tension between us", his lips brushed against my ear. My chest thundered and I could feel my mind and body begin to fill with an undying lust. I dropped my head back onto the door and turned to look at him. His hot breath fanned against my face and I could feel the pull of our bond reaching out to one another. "I don't", I lied to him with an unphased look. The side of his lips turned up into a sly grin. "I don't f*****g believe that. I can smell your arousal". His fingers thread into my hair before turning it into a fist and yanking my head back, exposing my neck. A wanton moan escaped my lips and he chuckled. "You want me, Elira", he growled huskily, making my knees go weak. My chest rose and fell as I fought my urge to take Zahruk. His lips were inches from mine, brushing them in a teasing manner. Small jolts of electricity shot through my lips and I caved. Succumbing to my primal need to be f****d by my true mate. I pulled onto his neck, forcing our lips to collide in a passionate heated kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance as he pushed me up against the door. I moaned loud enough for the entire pack house to hear and I didn't care. He kissed my neck, licking the area where Aodin had marked me. Surprisingly, it didn't burn, instead it gave me an immense amount of pleasure, soaking my underwear. He ripped my shirt and bra, exposing me to him. He growled as he stared at my breasts before taking one into his hot mouth. My fingers pulled onto his hair as he continued his assault onto my n*****s with his tongue and fingers. I was mewling with the need to be f****d. The need to release. His tongue trailed down my stomach stopping right below my belly button before tearing my jeans in two. Zahruk didn't waste a minute. After discarding me of my jeans, he lifted my legs and placed them onto his shoulders. His face was at my cunt as he licked and f****d me with his tongue. "Zahruk!" I moaned breathlessly as I rocked my hips into him. I felt the ball of pleasure starting to form in the pit of my stomach when the pace of his tongue slowed. He placed one leg back down and then the other, grabbing me by the waist as he placed me down onto the floor gently. The cool marble floor cooled the heat he'd created. Our fingers met and intertwined with one another as he slid his hard c**k through my slit. I arched my back wanting more from him and he knows it. "Elira", he moaned so beautifully. I tossed my head back lost in ecstasy. I lifted my hips, aiming his tip to enter but he'd avoid it like a plague. "I want you to say it. I don't want to force myself onto you". I look up at him, lust filling my eyes. "Take me, Zahruk. All of me" and with that he pushed himself into me. Sparks flew everywhere he touched and I've never felt so much pleasure before in my life. He slowly pushed himself into me and I could feel myself slowly coming undone. It was slow but deep, as if he was writing his name inside of me. He grew harder as my walls grew tighter. I wrapped my legs around him and he pushed himself deeper into me. My fingers raked his back, marking him in a streak of red. His hand cupped my face as his fingers pushed the hairs away from my face. I looked deep into his green eyes as he stared deeply into mine. Tears blurred my vision as I was getting close to my end. I pulled his hand away from my face to hold as I came harder than I ever did before in my life. I screamed in pure ecstasy as he filled me with his seeds. I tighten my hold against him as I pull him closer to me. I needed him close, I wanted him close. Zahruk was something I didn't know I needed until I tasted him. And now that I have, I don't know if I could get enough.
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