Chapter 9 AODIN

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AODIN I’ve never been the type to get attached. I was a one and done type of guy. No female had ever received my attention for more than a couple of hours, I wreck and destroy, but when my eyes met her hazel eyes; the strings that held me down to Earth snapped. The Earth I stood on, breathed on, even s**t on, no longer grounded me. She had grounded me.  At first I was in denial about her being my mate. So I tested her, I intentionally hurt her to see how she would react but the more I hurt, the more of her pain I felt. Then the lust of wanting to be buried in her came storming in and I doubt that the she-wolf could even sate a dragon’s need let alone rule over them. Dragon bonded mates were rare. There hadn’t been a bonded-mate within our ranks in the last thirty years. But if she really was my mate, it would be the first in a while. When we were together, everything just felt right. I knew I hurt her but I also knew that with time, she would come to forgive me. I could feel her emotions, her thoughts and her need to be with me and when she had escaped, I felt so lost.  The smell of iron, dog and fae filled the air when I woke from my slumber. I grabbed my slacks that were on the floor next to me and rushed out of The Warded. Screams from my men could be heard and I stood there, shirtless as the wind from the Elite Dragons beat down on me. Shock wouldn’t even begin to express what I felt, I was sick. Pools of blood wet the ground and pieces of limbs and intestines were strewn in a path. I followed the bloody entrails that Elira had meticulously placed in her wolf form and my breath hitched when I saw her. Her fur was white with splashes of red added to it. I wanted to be disgusted and angry at her for what she had done to my people but I couldn't. It was that stupid bond we had. I found her alluring yet deadly.  A guard had charged towards her with a polearm and before his blade could touch her, she pawed it away from him before taking his head into her mouth and ripping it off his body with a crunch. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see one of the people I grew up with in a headless fashion. I could feel the anger from my Elite Dragons and their wings flapped harder as they got ready to put her down. I raised my hand, ordering them to stay back, needing to see how far Elira would go. There's no escape from here; from me. I heard Eunice growl her disapproval at me before flying off to an island to sulk. The others scoffed at her childish behaviour knowing the history between the two of us.  I followed Elira to a clearing where one of my Keepers had landed. Tivera had informed my men of the wolves that had snuck into my home and was bringing me one of them. Bad timing was all I could say since Elira is literally on a hunt.  Her back was arched with fur standing on its ends and her growling intensified as she caught sight of Tivera. I wanted to intervene but the wolf that she had brought with her had called her name before I could. My chest felt tight as I watched their interactions and as soon as he took a step towards her I just lost it. I could feel the bond they had for one another and I didn’t like it. Elira was mine and I wasn’t going to let her be with anybody else. Blood boiled within me and I wanted to rip that dog’s head off, I just know that if I did, It would hurt her. The bond they had with one another was much deeper than what I could feel for Elira. There was something primal and ancient within them that craved one another and I would do anything to stop them from coming together. I have to, because this feeling that I get when I’m with her, I don’t want to lose it.  All my life I’ve been alone and it has made me feel cold. My parents only cared about me because I was their heir. My father came from royalty but couldn't control any basic elements. He was what we would call a Dupe, a dragon who can shift but wasn't blessed with a gift. So when they had discovered I could control all four of the elements, I was being pushed everyday to hone my skills. No one else in our line has been able to control all four except for Aomere, the first original Dragon that came down to Earth. I had my freedom taken away from me and that’s why I’m the cold bastard I am today. But somehow being with Elira had changed me. That heavy burden of being in line for the throne was lifted and I no longer feel the pressure that had been pushing me down. Elira made me feel light and warm, melting the ice around my heart and letting me feel emotions I didn’t even know existed.  For the first time in my life I felt fear. Fear of losing something I really wanted and needed. It was so warm and beautiful that I couldn’t put a name to it. So when I saw that dog of hers, fear and anxiety filled me and something inside of me clicked. I challenged him to a duel to the death, wanting to rip his head, barbeque him to a crisp and then bury him in the Earth so deep that she wouldn’t be able to find him. I cannot lose Elira to him and I know I can make her happier than he can. I would’ve won too if she hadn’t intervened and immobilized me. How did she do it? I don’t know, but I can only assume it was because she is the daughter to a Goddess.  If I couldn't take my eyes away from her before, it was starting to become a problem now. The color of her hair was darker, almost midnight in color but vibrant at the same time. Her hair fell into small waves, framing her delicate features and her hazel eyes had more of a gold tint to them now. She was breathtakingly beautiful. I was becoming possessive and I’ve been that way before. What are the odds that some psycho fairy was after both me and her? Maybe we are fated to be together.  After some discussion, we concluded that it would be safer for my family and people that I leave with them. But I never realized how hard it would be to leave my home. I couldn’t get on a plane unless I had something called an eye-dee? So I had to travel by car.  At first Zahruk offered to accompany me but by the stroke of luck, he received an urgent call from the Beta of his pack needing his attention there. Zahruk kindly asked his brother Zakil but he refused saying he needed to get back to take care of their grieving father and handle Pack business while his father gets his act together. That was when Elira stepped up and asked to drive me back to Washington alone. I was so happy that everyone around us could feel my cheekiness radiating off of me. Which pissed Zahruk off and it couldn't have made me any happier.  "You better not touch her the entire drive back", Zahruk had warned me as we dropped them off at a place called an airport. It was the home to where the planes that would crash on our islands came from.  I gave him my most smuggish smile and wrapped my arm around Elira. "Oh don't worry, I won't". Elira glared at me and shrugged me off her shoulders as she took a step forward. It gave me relief that she didn't walk straight to Zahruk but it also hurt me to see her push me away.  "Tell my mother that I'll see her soon. She must be worried", she asked of Zahruk with a worried look on her face.  "Which mother?" I rolled my eyes, annoyed at his attempt to make light of the situation. Even I knew that she meant Eirina and I haven't even met her yet.   Elira popped her hip out and crossed her arms, raising one brow to look at Zahruk. "Really?" Her tone was straight and not amused.  "I'm kidding. Lighten up, I was trying to make you laugh", he said softly. He lifted a finger to point at her chest making her look down before swiping up on her nose. "I'll see you soon?" He asked her, tilting his head, trying to act cute. Bleh!  "See you soon", she smiled. We waved and watched them disappear inside the building, standing there until Elira decided to move. She turned and smiled at me, punching me in the chest lightly. "Let's go", she urged me. I smiled and followed closely behind her. I wanted to make the most of this situation before having to fight for her attention when we are at her home.  "So how far is this Washington?" I asked her, trying to make conversation. Ever since she met Zahruk again, she's been acting distant and closed off. Not just with me but with Zahruk too. I could feel the turmoil that runs through her mind every second and I wanted to just hug that out of her but if I did, she'll probably never talk to me again.  "Um, about two to three days. We're in Florida right now which is on the other side of the coast and because I'm driving, it might take up to four days because at this point, I'm just too tired to do anything". She paused and turned around to look at me, her face looking horrified. "Sorry, I was rambling. I've just had so much on my mind and I just-".  Walking up to her, I placed both hands on her shoulders. "Elira", I said with a calm voice, which made her golden hazel eyes look up at me. "You're okay, I'm here for you. Ramble all you want", placing a hand on her cheek.  "Thank you, Aodin". She leaned into my hand a bit before resting her hand on top of mine. I felt the warmth radiating from her cheek to my chest but before I could do anything more, she pulled away from me and walked into the direction of the car. "We're going to stop by a store first and then drive about maybe eight hours? Ten? And then I'm gonna stop at an inn for the night", talking fast as if trying to change the loving atmosphere we both had just created.  "Why not stop at an inn now? It's late. Plus what difference does it make if we drive now or later. Depending on where we stop, it'll take the same amount of time", I shrugged entering the car. I waited for her to enter but she didn't. I heard her fingernails tap onto the door of the car before she opened her door and sat in with a big sigh. "You're right, why didn't I think of that. I need sleep. It's not good to drive while I'm tired", she mumbled to herself. Pulling out a rectangular device from her pocket, it lit up as she double tapped her thumb on it. She placed the device in front of her face and it made a clicking sound. She smiled and started tapping her thumbs again allowing pictures and words to pop up. "Is that thing a cell phone?" I asked curiously. "I've seen those wash up on shore but they never seem to light up like yours". She looked at me with wide eyes like I had just said something out of this world. "What?" "It's just- I-" She stuttered. "You've never seen a cell phone?"  "Elira, you have to know that I've been closed off from society until you came for me", I chuckled. She just shook her head, opening her mouth but immediately closing it afterwards. "What were you doing on it?"  "I'm planning…", she mumbled again. She bit onto her nails and I smacked it out of her hands.  "Stop that! Do you know where your nails have been!" I teasingly scolded her. My mother had always done that to me, telling me it’s bad etiquette. I shivered at the thought of my mother smacking me and looked away from her but turned back when I heard her laugh. It was like chimes on a windy day, beautiful and soothing.  "Aodin, you're funny. I'm sorry, I'll stop. Are you ready?" She said as she pressed a button and the car hummed.  "Is it safe?"  "It's very safe. You should be scared that I'm the one driving", she laughed and revved the engine.  "Oh Gods, this will be an adventure", I said, not realizing my voice was shaking.  "Hold on tight!" The car moved and I closed my eyes. She giggled at my reactions and I was glad because she needed a good laugh. If acting scared helped her then I will gladly do it. We drove for a while in silence until we stopped at a big white building. "What are we doing here?"  "Snacks!" She exclaimed as she opened up the door to get out. I felt that in a way, she wanted to get away from me. There was a hint of remorse or anger whenever she replied to me, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. I watched as she disappeared behind the car and a sense of anxiety filled me. I ran out of the car, slamming the door before it beeped at me. I gave it a little smack and it beeped again, and that had me running to Elira.  "I don't think that car likes me very much". She smiled and the car beeped twice. "See! I told you!" She laughed and pulled on the hem of my shirt. "Come on. We're losing daylight". I followed her closely the entire way making sure that Brayan or whatever that fairy’s name is wouldn’t come and snatch her. She grabbed boxes and boxes that had pictures of food on them, meat that were wrapped in plastic and a couple cases of bottled water. We then walked to an area filled with clothes, reminding me of a giant closet. People were sifting through them and picking what they wanted, tossing them into their baskets and walking away.  "Why are people taking clothes from this person's closet?" I joked with her.  She rubbed her temples together, a little annoyed but I could feel her amusement through our bond. "It's not a closet but a clothing section. I'm getting us some clothes for the trip as it will get cold".  "Dragons don't get cold", I scoffed. "I could keep you warm, if you'd like", I winked and grinned at her.  "Oh Gods, stop it". She walked over to a rack and picked up some clothing and tossed it into the basket. Then we walked towards a conveyor belt with a lady at the end putting everything into a bag. “What a great guy you have there”, the lady complimented me. I couldn’t help but give her my killer smile and she smiled.  “Would you like to have him? I’m getting a little bored”.  “Elira!” I gasped.  “Relax, I’m just kidding”, she teased.  “Ya’ll are cute”, the lady added. “Alright the total is a hundred and fifty dollars and thirty-one cents. Cash or card?”  “Card”, as she placed a small black card onto a bigger cell phone screen thing.  It beeped and the lady handed Elira a list of the things we bought. “Have a good day you two”.  “Thank you”, looking at her nametag and reading Aileen. “You have a wonderful day too, Aileen”. She gave me a bright red blush and I carried the bags, following Elira to the car. After loading everything into the car, we snacked on some jerky sticks and made our way to the next stop which happened to be the Inn. The air inside the car felt stuffie with heavy tension and I just had to ask her, even if I had to get my ass whooped. "Are you mad at me?"  "Mad? Angry? Upset? Does it really matter? I mean what was the point of keeping me there?"  Oh Gods… I’ve done it. I could feel her resentment for me overflow like a waterfall. "It was a tactic we'd use to make our prisoners slowly lose their minds and talk".  "You could've just, I don't know… answered me and I would've told you everything", sounding annoyed. "But you didn't, you kept your secrets. You could’ve at least told me that some fairy was after me!" "Because I didn't know if you could be trusted!" She yelled at me.  "I didn't know you could be trusted! For all I know, you could've been someone that wanted to end all Dragon kind!" I said sternly.  "Well that's stupid", she scoffed.  "You're stupid", I blurted, a little upset. As soon as it slipped out I instantly regretted it.  "You know what. I am mad at you. I'm so mad that I feel this stupid bond! I'm mad that I had to lose my virginity to you and I'm so mad at the fact that I cannot get mad at you because of this!" As she slammed her fist onto her chest. Tears filled her eyes and the engine revved and I could feel the pace of the car quickened. "I never asked for this. I wanted to live a quiet life away from the pack after my dad passed away. And then this stupid thing with changing of the Alpha happened and I had to come back. Imagine meeting your mate for the first time and he was f*****g some other b***h and then the stupid mate bond made them feel all lovey dovey towards you with fresh c*m still lacing his d**k". She gripped the wheel and I could see it turn white.  Oof… Wolf boy really did that to her? I can see why she has trust issues. "Elira-", I started but got cut off.  "Not just that. Turns out my mother isn't even my mother! I'm the daughter of two Gods who have their own problems that they handed me off to someone else. Oh and here's the best part. You're going to like this". She wiped the snot and tears away from her face and giggled. "I finally got to go to the land of the dragons, only to get kidnapped and then I lost my virginity to the most arrogant asshole on the planet. Like?  Why?! Why me, Aodin!?" She sobbed and slowed the car down, pulling to the side of the road.  I went to hug her but this thing called a seatbelt held me back. I fought with it and she chuckled, sniffling. "Here", she said while pushing the red button on the side of my thigh. "You're not arrogant. You're actually kind, funny and thoughtful but I'm just angry. So so angry".  "I know", I whispered as I thumbed her tears away. "I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me. Would you believe me if I told you I hadn't felt real emotions till I met you?"  "Yea, actually I can". We sat there staring at one another before she felt composed enough to start driving again. We talked calmly the entire way to the inn. She had told me she booked several stops along the way to rest and she's bought enough microwavable foods and snacks to last us the entire way without any detours except for gas stops.  She wasn’t that emotionally detached girl I met in the beginning, she was full of life and energy. She's smart, kind and caring and I think I may have fallen for her a little bit more. I had opened up about my childhood and she listened as I complained and explained to her why I am the way that I am. She told me that deep down I was an amazing person and she could sense that. She had a knack for making anyone feel better which made me feel like s**t because I'm the one that should be comforting her.  When we pulled up at the inn,  I waited in the car until she gave me the okay. We brought all of the things she had bought into the room. I was surprised to see us sharing a room with one bed and when I asked her about it she looked over her shoulder and told me, “We’ve practically shared a bed”. Which is true but still, I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable being alone with her. I wanted to worship and respect her, I want her to come to love me on her own and not because of the mating bond tugging at our hearts.  I felt the need to do something nice for her but since I’m out of my realm, the only thing I could think of doing was drawing a bath for her. So I snuck into the bathroom after dinner and spent my time there trying to figure out how to make this faucet work. I must’ve been there for a while because eventually, Elira came in and started the bath for me.  “Thanks but I was trying to start one for you. Not you for me”, I chuckled embarrassed.  “Oh? Well I’ll just take it then”, as she started to strip in front of me. My cheeks heated and I looked away. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me that dragon boy here is getting all shy”, she teased.  I wanted nothing more than to lift her up and f**k her on that counter but I held myself back. “Who said I was shy?” Turning my head up to look at her as I give her my biggest smile. “You’re so beautiful, Elira”.  She undid her bra, and slowly pulled down her underwear and stepped into the bath. “Are you going to join me?” I bit my bottom lip and hissed as she slipped her hand in between her thighs.  “That depends, are you still mad at me?” I dipped my hand into the bath, brushing my hand against her calf pulling a soft moan from her.  “Mmm, that depends on what you’re going to do to make up for it”, she grinned, spreading her legs for me to see her cute p***y.  “Are you sure you want me?” I asked. I didn't want her to feel like she needed to sleep with me because of the mating bond.  "We're mated aren't we? Isn't it normal to want my mate?" There was a slight tremble in her voice and I could tell she's hurt. I got into the bath fully clothed and straddled her, cupping her cheeks and looking straight into those beautiful eyes of hers.  "It's so very normal, and I'm just scared", I told her as I leaned my forehead against her. "Scared that you might not want me the same way you want Zahruk". She flinched at his name.  "What do you mean?"  "I can feel the bond between the two of you. I can feel how much you crave him and he you". Tears welled in her eyes and she slowly shook her head.  “No”, she whispered. I leaned in, brushing my lips against hers.  “It’s okay, Elira. I’ll wait for you. However long it takes, I promise”.  “Promise?” Tears slipped down her cheeks and I kissed them away. She let out a small sob and I pulled her close to me. “I promise. I’ll make you happy Elira”.
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