Chapter 11

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"Zahruk, we got a problem", Josh said through the door as Zahruk started to slowly move his hips into me again. A wanton moan escaped my lips and I quickly placed my hand over my mouth. He smirked as he pushed himself deeper inside of me and I arched my back, wrapping my legs around him. "What is it?" Zahruk asked, annoyed that we were being interrupted. "There's been sightings of Dragons attacking humans down in Florida". "What?" Zahruk stilled as my eyes widened and my neck crane back to look at the door. "Not just that, but wolves and vampires are running rampant, terrorizing people out on the streets of New York". I pushed Zahruk off me and walked over towards the couch, draping myself in a blanket. "Wolves? Do you know which clan they are from?" Zahruk asked as he walked over towards the closet in his office. He grabbed a shirt to put over himself and tossed me a sweatshirt. I quickly put on the sweatshirt as Zahruk tossed me a pair of sweats to put on. "No, from what we can tell, they're rogues". "s**t", Zahruk whispered under his breath. "Is the reptile awake yet?" "No. It seems like something is keeping him in stasis. We don't know much about Dragon anatomy but whatever this is, it's not normal". Josh sighed. Zahruk looked over at me, making sure that I was fully dressed before opening the door to let Josh in. My face turned bright red as his eyes widened with realization of what just happened here. "Elira, I think now would be a good time to tell you that your father is here". Zahruk said with seriousness written all over his face. Father? Does he mean Hadik or Fenrir? My heart beat against my chest at the thought of Hadik coming back. "Which one?" I whispered shakily. "Which one, Zahruk?!" I yelled. Not waiting for an answer, I ran out of the office and back home. Tears flooded my eyes as I thought of Hadik. Please let it be him, please! I pushed past the door and ran up the stairs to my parents bedroom. Huffing as the two figures in bed moved groggily at my invasion. "Dad?!" I panted as I quickly made my way to his side of the bed. Pulling the covers off, I found a shirtless Beta Yu, laying there as my mother stared at me in disbelief. "Elira, what's gotten into you?!" She half yelled at me. "Sorry, I just thought… I just thought Hadik was back", I said as I staggered backwards. I turned and ran into something hard but strong hands caught the side of my arms before I fell. I slowly looked up thinking it to be Zahruk but it wasn’t. Gold wolf-like eyes stared down at me with such regret and sorrow. His face resembled Hadik but I knew it wasn’t him. "Daughter", he said with a teary eye. "How you've grown", his bottom lips quivered as he studied my features. I felt a sense of peace wash over me as he brushed his fingers through my hair. An overwhelming feeling built up inside my chest and the tears I've been holding back broke through like a broken dam. He pulled me into a tight hug and I cried into his chest. It was weird because he felt like home even though I didn't know him. Like as if a part of Hadik was somewhere inside of him. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to watch you grow but I'm here now", he sobbed. I pulled back to look at him as he cupped my cheek, wiping away the tears that had fallen. "How are you here? Last I heard you were captured", I asked. "I managed to escape and made my way down here. I knew that Odin and his men were after you but I didn't know Brayan was coming for you as well". I looked at him confused, "How did you know about Brayan?" "Because he’s my nephew and your cousin". "My cousin?" "He's the son to my sister, Hela, the Goddess of Death. Years ago before the Realm of the Gods had turned to s**t, Hela had gone down to Earth to learn about Human culture. During her little expedition, she had run into the Unseelie King, Bethmon and shortly after their meeting became pregnant with Brayan. When Brayan was born, she wanted nothing to do with him. She blamed that Earth was too different and that humans were disgusting vile creatures that didn’t deserve to live. Brayan, who sought for his mother’s attention, was turned down by Hela over and over again. She had told him that if he wanted her approval, the entire human race must die”. "But that still doesn’t explain why he is after me”. "Elira, you hold great power inside of you. Just like me, and just like your aunt Hela. Because of that power, the Gods have gone mad and scared, afraid that at a flick of your finger you could bring an end to all life. Brayan holds that same power inside of him, only darker. If he combines both the power of darkness and light… Human life isn’t going to be the only one going extinct”. “But what does the Dragon King have to do with any of his plans?” I asked. “For the love of Gods, I am trying to sleep!” Yu shouted from the bed. I quietly apologized to both my mom and Yu and directed my dad down the stairs to the living room. It was strange having him here, in person and actually talking but what's even weirder is I could sense Hadik as well. "Why am I able to sense Hadik around you?" I asked as my voice trembled. "Because Hadik is a part of me. When your mother had turned him into a shifter, she had connected a part of his soul with mine which allowed me to see you through his eyes, felt the dangers he felt and felt the emotions he experienced. And I can tell that he truly loves you, Elira. Up to his last dying breath". I hadn’t even realized that I was crying until my shoulders started to move on their own as I sobbed. “He’s still here with me, Elira. He’ll always be with you”, Fenrir told me as he smiled. I cradled my face in my hands as I broke down crying. Fenrir came over from where he was sitting and pulled me into his warm embrace. I felt a piece of Hadik calling out to me, comforting me. I wrapped my arms around Fenrir and pulled him closer towards me. “Dad, I miss you”, I whispered and Fenrir sobbed, tightening his hold on me. "I'm sorry you had to lose and witness him in that state", my dad apologized. "Yea, me too". The door knocked and my mother went to open it. I hadn’t even realized that she was downstairs with us. "Alpha", she greeted. "Is she here?" I heard Zahruk’s voice come in through the door. She nodded her head towards my direction and Zahruk stepped in through the door. I could feel worry wash off him as he looked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "It's Aodin. He's getting worse". I looked to my dad who got up and followed me and Zahruk to the Pack Hospital. The hallway to Aodin’s room was long, white and never-ending. I felt my heart drown in guilt as I got closer to his room. What if what I did with Zahruk put him in his comatose state? What if this was punishment from some God for sleeping with Zahruk? Loud beeps from a machine could be heard as I stood in front of his door, afraid to enter. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in before opening his door on my exhale. Wires were hooked to his chest as Doctor Tim was standing by his bed, writing notes down onto Aodin’s chart. "Alpha Zahruk", Tim greeted. "Has there been any progress?" Zahruk asked as he walked over next to him to look at Aodin's chart. "No", he shook his head. "I don't know much about Dragon anatomy, only what I've read in books, but this", he pointed onto his thigh. "I've never seen anything like it before". I walked over to examine his thigh and a giant diamond with an 'X' over it was scorched into it. "That's Gungnir -- a symbol of Odin. He’s marked him and will be coming for him soon”. “Is there any way that we can remove it?” I asked my dad. “I’m not sure but once Odin has put a mark on someone, he never stops coming for them. Unless…”, he trailed off. “Unless what?” “Unless he’s dead”. Guilt filled me as I looked at Aodin’s lifeless body. I did this to him. I had taken him out of his home, gotten him shot by a magical lightning bolt and now he’s going to die. I grabbed his hand and felt his fingers twitch around mine. Resolution filled me and I knew what I needed to do. I’m not going to let another person I care about die in my place. I wiped away my tears and walked over to Zahruk, reaching into his pocket and taking out his phone. “What are you doing?” Zahruk asked and I flashed his phone onto his face, unlocking it. “Finding a solution”. I scrolled down his contacts until I found the number I needed. Dialing it, I placed the phone to my ear and waited for the ring to click and for her to pick it up. “Hello”, she said over the phone. “Kivana? I need your help”.
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