Chapter : 7. Travelling to a new city..

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It’s been an hour and I’m still holding the file in my hand and staring at it. I still couldn’t make my mind whether or not to open it. I know Jasper doesn’t want me to put my foot in his matter, but his time I’m already involved in it, unintentionally. One part of my heart is telling me to open it and know about the person for whom my husband got angry at me that he was about to hurt me badly. I have to fix the problems I created in between Jasper and that other guy, so that he can relax and have peace in mind. But another part of me is saying that, Jasper would be furious at me if he finds out that I am trying to contact his enemy. What if he tries to hurt me again? “You’re still holding that file like that. I thought you must be done by now. Are you okay?” I was so deep in my thought that I didn’t see when Mike came in. I think I have to forbid him from coming into my chamber without permission from now on. He is really scaring me nowadays. “No. I couldn’t decide whether I should check it or not. I’m afraid Jasper will get angry at me.” I told him the truth without any hesitation. He is the only close person I have, with whom I like to share my thoughts. And like a trusted secretary, he always keeps it confidential. “What? You want to waste my labor? I can’t let you do that. If you are so worried about reading that file yourself, then let me help you. Your husband can’t get mad at you if you hear about his enemy from a friend. It won’t be a cheating at all.” He said, taking the file out of my hand. “It will be a cheating on cheating. I don’t think there is any rule for that.” I replied with some small nod. Mike is right. If it turns out that, I head about that guy from a friend, then Jasper can’t get angry at me by saying that I researched about him. It’s a brilliant idea. “Wow.. You learned a lot while staying with me. I’m impressed girl. So, where should we start from?” “From the very beginning.” “Okay.. Name : Noah James Parker. Age : 31. Height : 192 cm. Status : Married. Company : JP Groups and Companies in New Jersey, California, Paris,….” I heard Mike go on and on about this guy’s private informations. The list of his companies and awards aren’t taking a break. This guy is way too successful than I had thought. That’s why Jasper is eager to make this deal. It will give our company a tremendous boost up if both companies get joined. And now I also know why he’s having trouble making a business deal with him. He’s already too successful to need someone else’s help in growing. But if my husband wants to make a partnership with him, then he would do it no matter how long it takes. If I succeed to make him agree to do this partnership with our company, both of us will get profit out of it. “See? Why I said that most of the business world knows about him? He’s a business tycoon. If the boss succeeds to make a partnership with him, our company will make a double profit with their help. It is a huge opportunity. Maybe you should try to call him and discuss it with Mr. Noah. You are so good with peoples, specially business peoples. Why don’t you give it a try?” “No. Just calling won’t work. I have to meet this guy personally to make him agree. I have to do it not only for my husband, but also for our company. Do you know where he lives?” “Yes. He’s in New Jersey. His family lives in there. So, no matter where he travels, he would get back to his house, eventually.” Mike said with a smirk in his innocent face. Only I know that he is not that innocent like he looks. “Book a ticket for tomorrow morning. I’m going to meet this Noah James Parker in New Jersey. And make sure Jasper dosen’t find it out anyway.” “Consider it done.” I immediately made all plans in my head. Jasper is out of town for at least five days. I have a long time to travel to New Jersey, meet Mr. Noah, and come back home before he returns. He will never find it out if I keep it hidden from everyone at this moment. It will be a huge surprise for Jasper if I come back with a deal in my hand. He would be so proud of me. I can do this. New Jersey, here I come. By the night, Mike confirmed my tickets for the next flight of early morning. I also asked him to help in dropping me at the airport, because if I go in my car, Carlos will surely tell Jasper about my journey out of the city. I can’t take that risk right now. Thankfully, Mike agreed and told me that he would pick me up on time. I also packed all my necessities, just in case I have to stay there for a day or two. The whole night, I couldn’t get any sleep in excitement. This would be the first time in five years, I’m travelling in flight. I don’t even remember how it feels because of my memory loss. I’m also a little nervous about it too. But I know I can do it. I’m a big girl now. When the time to leave my house came, I was all packed and ready. Not only that, but I was also standing at my gate to see if Mike is coming or not. When I noticed him coming, my face lit up with a big smile. I can’t wait to get into my first flight. “You’re looking really nice. Hop in.” Mike said while peaking his head out of his window. I know he is supposed to show some respect and open the door for me. But when we are out of Jasper’s eyes, we like to treat each other as a close friend. “Thank you. It’s truly a special day for me. Thats why I thought to dress up a little.” I praised my own blue and white, off shoulder, half sleeve, Denim & Net short dress. It’s fitting in my body perfectly while hiding all of my curves beautifully. I also left my long light brown hair with blond highlights, flowing open, because it complimented my look more. And a pair of matching high heels and Chanel handbag made me look complete. Soon I reached airport and successfully boarded my plane. The time to reach New Jersey is really short, but I thought to relax myself a bit because this is my first time on a plane and I’m really nervous about it. Or maybe it’s not my first time as I’m thinking. “Rose, wake up. We are going to land now.” Opening my eyes, I saw that same blue eye looking at me. My eyes are sleepy, so I couldn’t see this person clearly. But I can feel everything. I can feel his hand on my hair, trying to wake me up. But I’m too tired to open them. “Rose, It’s been five hours we are on this plane.” Looking at his ocean eyes, I kept thinking, Who is this guy? Why is he calling me Rose? My name is Zoey, not Rose. And how can we be on this plane for five hours? The distance of New Jersey from Miami is only two and a half hours? What’s he talking about? All of a sudden, I felt his warm lips on my forehead, which felt so nice and caring that I closed my eyes to enjoy it. But the moment I opened my eyes again, it was all gone. Those blue eyes were not around me anymore, and I found myself sitting in my plane seat like I was before. So, what was that? Was it one of my dreams again? It must be, because there is no one around me like that, who can show me affection in this plane. “Madam, please tie your seat belts. We are going to land.” An air hostess came to me and informed me about it while I was searching here and there to look for that blue-eyed person. I nod at her and fixed myself, with this thought that it was again one of my daydreams. After half an hour later, I was out of the plane and out of the airport. The landing was the worse time of my entire journey because I almost threw up from the nausea. I don’t know how people do it in a daily basis when I can’t even handle it this one time. With this thought, I sat down on a bench at a bus stop like place, a few feet away from the airport gate, to not only calm myself from the journey, but also to think of what to do next. Although I know Mr. Noah lives in this city, but I don’t have an exact address. Mike told me I should go to his company first and from there I might get an idea of where to find him. And if I’m too lucky, I might find him in his company today. While I was thinking about this, I felt a tug on my dress. Looking down, I found a little boy with teary eyes looking at me. He was wearing some pretty nice clothes and looked all clean, which tells me that he must have gotten lost from his parents. But the weird thing is, looking at his face for a bit, it reminds of someone really close to me. “Excuse me, miss. Can you please help me?” He said with a cutest voice I’ve ever heard. It was so sweet that it could even melt a rock. “Of course. Tell me, how can I help you? Are you lost from your parents?” I bend myself a little so that he doesn’t have to pick his head up too high to look at me. “No. I’m not lost. My nanny kidnapped me and my sister. I escaped from them. But my sister is stuck. Please help me save her?” Hearing this, my mind blew up. This little kid and his sister are being kidnapped. I have to save her before they take her away. I can’t let anything happen to his little souls. I don’t know from where I get the strength to tangle myself again with some bad guys, even after I lost so much for this reason. But I felt like these kids are my responsibility. I will do everything I need to, to make sure of their safety. “Where are they? And where did they keep your sister?” I asked him. “They are that way. It is a black car. She is in backseat.” He pointed me towards the airport. They must be thinking about porting them here to another city, or else why would they bring them here, where they have a huge chance of getting caught by the cops. “Okay. I will see what I can do. Come with me.” I thought to take him with me because who knows, they might catch him if he stays here. Holding his small and soft hand in mine, I slowly went to the airport gate. Before getting into the crowded area, I hide the little boy behind me. He was too little to be noticed in that crowd anyway. “That’s them.” I looked back to the boy to see where he’s pointing at. Following his finger, I found two men searching here and there near a black van, which is standing a little farther from the gate. Not many peoples are roaming in that part, giving them an opportunity to do their business freely. I understood that they are searching for none other then this boy, but couldn’t leave the car’s side for fear of losing the girl as well. She is right in the backseat of that van they are guarding. But not for long, because I will save her, no matter what.
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