Chapter : 8. Twins..

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Standing behind a pillar, I kept my eyes on those kidnappers for a while. But after seeing that they don’t have any intentions to move away from the van, I thought that it’s time to tell the cops. Before they can run away, cops can arrest them and save the girl. With this thought, just as I was about to go and search for a cop, I saw one going towards them himself. I again hid back the pillar with this boy to see what they are doing. If they suspect these bad guys and search them, then I don’t have to go there myself and I can also hand over the boy to them safely. But what shocked me the most is when I saw them laughing with the cop like they gave some kind of lame joke, and after a minute, the cop left for his own job without any doubts about them. Are they connected with each other? They must be. That’s why they came to an airport with no fear of getting caught. Now I can trust the cops anymore too. Seeing that the police are also partners in this kidnap, I decided that I have to take the charge myself. If I can’t rely on anyone, then I have to be the one to approach them somehow and save that girl. But how? Then an idea came into my mind. It should work, or should I say it has to work, because it would be my one and only chance to save the girl. “Sweety, can you wait for me here and keep hiding behind his pillar? I will be right back.” I said to the little boy, who is still shredding tears in fear for his sister. “Are you going to save my sister? Promise that you will bring her?” He asked me with a lot of hope in his eyes. I can’t fail this innocent soul’s hope. “Yes. I promise I will bring your sister. Now stay back and don’t come out until I call you.” I hid him behind the pillar properly so that the kidnappers couldn’t see him. After I made sure that he’s safe, I casually walked towards the van. I was pretending like I was just a normal passerby, minding my own business, until I reached near their van. “Oh my God! Is that a snake? Move away. I just saw a snake enter through your front door. It looked poisonous. Get it out or it might bite someone.” Immediately both of them started freaking out and couldn’t think of what to do. Fear consumed their senses, and they were not thinking about the little girl anymore. Both of them got busy to search for the snake instead of looking back. “Did you really saw it get in?” One of those two asked me and I kept acting like I don’t know who they are. “Yes, I did. It was right there. Open the door and check in. It’s inside.” They fell for my lie and truly opened the door slowly and started searching inside. Few more people also gathered to see what’s going on in here. Taking this opportunity, I slowly opened the back door and found a little girl, same as the boy’s age, sitting in a corner and crying. Seeing open the door, she looked back at me in fear. But the moment I motioned her to come out, she understood that I was there to help her. She instantly got up from the corner and come down from the car. I checked one more time to see if the kidnappers were looking at us or not. When I saw that they were still busy finding the fake snake, I took the girl’s hand in mine and ran out of that place. Reaching for the boy, I also took his hand in my free one and ran from that place. Unfortunately, this time those kidnappers saw us and ran behind us to catch. I tried to run as fast as possible but these kids’ feet are two small to equal my speed. So just as we reached the spot I was sitting before and my luggage is still waiting for me, those two kidnappers caught us. “There’s no way to run now. You can’t get away from us. We don’t have any business with you, so give us the kids and you can go freely. We won’t think of harming you If you make this quick.” Hearing this, I turned back at them and put both kids behind me to protect. I’m not letting them touch these innocent kids and let them get hurt. “I’m not leaving these kids. If you want a fight, then let it be. I won’t let go of them without a fight, even if it takes my life.” I challenge them without any hesitation. If my child was alive, he must of be their age by now. And if it was my child in place of them, I might have sacrificed my life for him. Then how can they be an exception. They are also a mother’s life. “You Fu*king Bi*ch! I am going to kill you and take those…” Although one guy started cursing at me in anger, another one stopped him from doing so. “Wait. Isn’t she… I think she’s..."  “What are you talking about, you moron?”  “Look at her carefully. Don’t you recognise her?” “No, I don’t. Now stop this nonsense and catch that bi*ch.” “No. Don’t. Boss will kill us. Let’s go before he finds out.” “What? What are you…?” “Trust me, and let’s go if you don’t want to lose your life. We will talk to the boss about it. Let’s go.” I couldn’t understand a bit of what happened right now. Standing in my place, I just saw them mutter some incomprehensible words to each other before one of them dragged another one away. I didn’t have to fight or even argue with them to save these kids, and they just left like that. What just happened in here? “You saved us, miss. Thank you so much. Trisha, say thank you to the lady.” The boy pushed the girl’s hand to say as he wants. “Thank you, miss.” she said with hare cute voice which made me aww at them. “You don’t have to call me, miss. My name is Zoey, and you can call me by my name.” I said to them, sitting on their level. “Zoey? I like your name. It’s pretty.” The girl said with a prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.  “My name is Tristan, and she is my twin sister Trisha.” The boy told me their names. “You are twins? That’s why you look so similar to each other. But you two are the prettiest twins I’ve ever seen. How old are you two?” “We are going to turn five next month.” It froze me a little to think that not only they look like my lost child’s age, but they are of their age. If my baby was alive, he must have been five next month too. Is this just a coincidence, or does the god want to give me the feeling of being a mother? I hope he is not playing with my emotions like before. “Can you tell me your father’s name, so that I can search him up and drop you to your home?” I asked them. “We are not allowed to tell his name to a stranger. But I know the address. Will you take us back to daddy?” “Of course I will. I will drop you to your home safely. You know, you are a brave big boy to handle this situation so nicely.” I told the boy, touching the tip of his sharp nose. “He is my hero. My brother promised to save me. He kept his promise. I love you my hero.” I saw the girl hug her brother to thank him. It was such a beautiful moment that I will never forget in my life. I can clearly imagine what happened to them. When the kidnappers bring them here, Tristan got a chance to escape and call for help. T that time, he must have promised his sister to come back to save her. And he also did the same. He found me as a trustworthy person, in this crowd and asked for my help. He is a really intelligent boy to keep his mind calm and think of a right way to save his sister in such a time of panic. I wish I have a brother and sister to love and protect like this little boy. “Okay. We should move now. Your parents must be worried sick by now. Let’s get you home.” I got up from my place and called a cab. Telling the driver about the address Tristan told me, we started our journey. I know I’m getting late to meet Mr. Noah, but I can’t leave these kids unsafe when they just got out of a life-threatening danger. Dropping them off to their home, I will immediately leave for my mission. Putting my back on the seat, I looked at the twin five year old kids, who fell asleep hugging each other, as soon as the cab started. I’m really glad that I can give them the safe environment in the time of fear. They truly need some rest after what they have been through this day. The whole ride, I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. Their brown eyes, pointy nose, brown hair, beautiful smile, all of it keeps reminding me of someone I can’t point out. They seem way too familiar to me, then I know my own self. Now that I’m with them, my heart isn’t giving me the strength to leave them. I think I’m falling in love with these kids. Who are these kids? And why are they restricted to tell their father’s name to a stranger? And why am I having such emotions with these specific children? No. Zoey, don’t involve yourself with them. They are just someone else’s kids. Once you drop them off, you will never see them again. So, it’s better if you keep your emotions in control. Thinking about this, I finally took my eyes off and looked outside the window to get the view, when I noticed we are stopping Infront of a huge mansion. I peeked out once through the window to see the mansion clearly. It’s bigger than the one we have in Miami. Maybe a lot of peoples live in here, where in our mansion we are just two. “Madam. We are at your address.” The driver informed me, when he noticed that we weren’t getting off. “Yes. Thank you. Kids… You are home. Get up.” As soon as I called them, they jumped up from their sleep in excitement. Looking outside, when they found that we are truly at their home, they quickly get out of the car and ran towards their gate. I also followed them out too, to see if they made it safe inside or not, when I saw two gigantic men in black dress and black glasses with guns stopping them. Instantly a fear ran down my spin thinking that they are some bad guys who want to hurt them too. I ran to them as fast as possible and dragged them behind me to protect. Those two men also pulled out their guns and pointed them at me. They were about to shoot me with no hesitation when Tristan spoke up. “Wait. Don’t hurt her. She is good. She saved up. Don’t shoot.” “As you order, little master.” Immediately those two men took their guns back into their places, and at that moment I realized that they are just their appointed guards who is trying to protect their little master’s, just like me. “Come on Zoey. I want to show you to my daddy. Come with us.” Saying this, both of them took my both hand and started dragging me inside. “Wait, I can’t. I have work to attend.” “We won’t take long. Come on.” “But I have my luggage back in the cab.” “Guards will bring it. Can you please bring Zoey’s bag?” “As you wish, Little master.” “And pay him too. Thank you.” With this, they again started dragging me in. I was amazed to see that, a huge man is taking orders from such a little kid like they are the one paying them. Their parents really gave them some powers in this house, even though they are just five years old.
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