3088 Words

CHAPTER 20 Fred “Boss!” “What is so urgent that I have to attend to it personally?” Jerry steps aside and I see a box with a little note on it. “For Fred’s eyes only” it says. I rip the box open and an awfully bad smell welcomes me. I take a step back first and cover my nose with my palm. I lean forward to see what’s inside the box, it’s a dead body cut into tiny pieces and the face smashed. I see a piece of paper tuck in a corner in the box. “Get the paper for me” I ordered one of my boys. He picks the paper and hands it to me. I open it and read its contents. *Hi, Fred… How do you like My gift. You took something Of great importance from Me, I’ll do the same to you It’s just one of your Boys this time, I bet you Don’t even know his name. Next time it’ll be your little F

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