2140 Words

CHAPTER 21 Eva “I love you, Eva” I move away from Fred’s hold. “Fred, you are drunk… “ “I’m not drunk. I know what I’m saying, I love you. I have always loved you but I just got to realize it, I know I’ve been harsh and rude towards you but that was because I didn’t want to admit the fact that I actually love you” I sigh and shake my head. It’s official, Fred is drunk, because the Fred I know, the almighty Fred would never, I mean never in his lifetime profess that he love me. “It’s hard to believe you, Fred. Not after all the things you did to me and all the insultive names you called me, you said a maid is more valuable than me…. So, I’m sorry that I don’t believe you” He holds my shoulders and faced me to him. “Listen, I… I.. I know I said those things and worse than those, but

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