1621 Words

CHAPTER 19Eva “We are calling off the engagement!!” Uncle announced. “What?” “Why?!” Fred and I exclaims. “Well, for one, it has come to our notice that the two of you don’t get along with each other” uncle said. How did they know that…. “Yeah, you’re making it seem like we are forcing you to be together” dad brings out some papers from his briefcase and puts it on the table. Uncle also take out some papers and puts it on the table next to dad’s. “These are the marriage certificate prepared by our lawyers, but we don’t want to force you guys into doing anything, so we’re just gonna…… “ Dad picks the papers and made to tear them, but Fred was very fast. He snatch the papers from him. “No!!” He said. “No?” Uncle and dad asked. “No, no one is calling off any engagement” he replied

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