Chapter 6

1158 Words
Eliza's POV I'm sitting in the back of Ethan's car admiring the beautiful backdrop of mountains and forest. Thick patches of mist can be seen floating like a blanket on an open lush, green pasture as the sun slowly sets for the evening. We arrive at the driveway of an old victorian style house. Neatly trimmed hedges form a fence like barrier around it. Stepping out of the car I look at the house and then at Ethan. He stands at the front of the car now watching my reaction. "Aren't you a little too Millennial to have such a historic looking place?" I shoot him a quick smile to let him know I'm joking. With a chuckle he places both hands in his front pants pockets and rocks back on the side of the car. He seemed to have a reminiscing look on his face before he shakes his head and looks at me again. "This house belonged to your great grandmother. My mother gave it to me before she moved to Thornhill to be close to you." He walks towards to front door and turns to motion for me to follow him. He leads me through the corridor to a kitchen where he gives me a brief of where to find plates, cutlery and so on. He then leads me upstairs to show me my room. As we reach the top floor we pass two other rooms and a study. He opens a door and I step in. I admire the modern looking layout and turn to Ethan with a grin on my face. He smiles back at me knowing all too well I was expecting old furniture and fixtures. " I removed the four poster bed and the high mirror powder station" he laughs before walking towards an adjoining door. " Bathroom has towels and toiletries. I think that's about it. How about I make us some dinner?" He asks while heading back to the main door. " You can cook?" I c**k an eyebrow at him. "I can feed you edible stuff and I'm a pro at ordering pizza" he shoots me a wink and then heads back downstairs, closing the door behind him. I flop down on the bed and lie back. As I look at the pattern on the ceiling my mind drifts back to what happened in the cafeteria at school today. Luca's piercing grey eyes flash in my mind and a shiver runs down my spine. What is up with him. One minute he's all smart mouth and smooth words, then he looks at you like he's trying to blow you up with him mind. I let out a frustrated breath and roll over on my stomach. After finding out that Alexis was his sister, I couldn't help the calm that overcame me. Then again, I had no business worrying about who was his sister or his girlfriend. Girlfriend? What the hell. Stop thinking about stupid things! I smother my face into the mattress when I hear my phone beep. I raise my head and dig my hand into my bag to fish out my phone. Looking at the screen I see a message from Bella. Hey, Alexis asked for your number. I gave it to her since you didn't seem too bothered by her at lunch. See ya tomorrow! I stare at the screen for a few seconds and read the message again. Alexis asked for my number. Weird. As if on cue, another message appeared on my phone. Hi Eliza, It's Alexis. Hope you don't mind but I asked your friend Bella for your number. Save my digits. See you at school tomorrow! "Ummm what?" I look at the message in utter confusion. She sounds pretty friendly for the sister of a guy whose mood swings can give you whiplash. I save her number and send a quick reply. The smell of bacon catches my attention. I head in the bathroom to take a quick shower and then I head downstairs in tracks and a t-shirt. I walk in a trance towards the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. Ethan stands my the stove tossing vegetables in a frying pan. As he turns away from the stove, I catch a glimpse of the apron he's wearing. I let out a laugh and almost fall off the stair I'm sitting on. "Hey hey chill out ok. It was the last one they had at the store" he tried to say with a serious look on his face and failing miserably. Wiping a tear from the side of my eye I look at the bikini print apron and hide a chuckle behind my hand. He puts a plate with bacon wrapped chicken and vegetables infront of me and my mouth waters. "Wow, this looks delicious" I grab my fork and dig in. A moan of satisfaction leaves my mouth and I chew the tender chicken. Ethan laughs softly and grabs a plate himself. He sits across from me at the table and digs into his heap of vegetables. "So, how was your first day?" he asks in-between bites. I pretend I didn't hear him and glance up at him to see him watching me expectantly. I let out a sigh and sit back in my chair. "It was fine I guess. I'm a little behind in some subjects but it shouldn't be a problem to catch up. I made a friend, Bella Black." He nods approvingly and takes sip of his water. "Bella's a good kid. An if you need material from teachers let me know." I thank him and the rest of our meal is finished with causal conversation. I offer to do the dishes and then head back up to my room. Lying back on my pillows I set my alarm and drift off to sleep. Unknown's POV Stacks of books layer my desk as I try to decifer the code on the script. Each rune and symbol coincided with a meaning in some of the books I read, but together they made no sense. I sit back with a frustrated sigh. If only I had access to the elder scripts, it could make things easier. I didn't however, want to bring any attention to myself suddenly wanting to see ancient scriptures in the elder library. I swipe at the beads of perspiration on my forehead as i grab another thick book off one of the stacks. Turning through the pages my gaze stops on a page that looks almost similar to the script I was looking at. Looking closer I read the excerpt at the bottom. Entry made by Georgina White. Georgina White was one of the most respected elders on the council. Her name could be seen on almost all the scripts on rune symbolism. I make a note on the book and continue looking at the script. Maybe Elder White was the key after all.
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