Chapter 5

1158 Words
Unknown POV I walk down the dimly lit corridor to the main room. The location for the council of elder's meeting is always different. Safety was always the main reason. This time however, I recognized the building as one we visited before. The old house looked about to fall apart from the outside, but the inside housed a grand layout of a sight to behold. Tall ceilings with big beautiful chandeliers. Antique paintings lining both walls of each corridor. Shelves from the floor to the ceiling, filled with books dated back to years before myself and even some of the higher ranked members. A butler greeted me at the end of the corridor and requested my left wrist. Producing my wrist, he proceeds to spray a liquid from a flask. The dark rune of the councils appears visible for a few seconds and then disappears again. After a brief nod, I'm allowed to enter the room. The head table at the front of the room was already occupied by the head elders of the council. I occupied one of the few available seats scattered infront them. Hushed whispers can be heard from those already present. Everyone, like myself was obviously wondering the reason for the abrupt call for a meeting. Especially since the pack Alpha was not present. The elder at the center of the table called for order and the meeting commenced. "The purpose of this meeting tonight has its importance" his heavy gruff voice bellows to the room. "The royal Oracle will be joining us today" he continues.This resulted in the room being overcome with mumblings and voices of concern. The Oracle has never been present to a council meeting. She advised the Alpha and the council elders, but never addressed the entire council. Until today. I rub the faint stubble on my chin, deep in thought. Something wasn't right. Too many things were out of the ordinary. This meeting in itself didn't feel right. The elder called for order in the room again and the hushed whispers died down. Everyone's attention was now focused back on him. He turned his head to the guard at the adjoining door and nodded at him. The guard then proceeded to open the door. A cold wind and a faint mist comes through through the door, followed by a frail, grey haired women with a walking stick. Her steps were slow, but sure. The stick stomped on the marble floors with an erie echo. She made her way to the front of the main table, where she bowed slightly to the elders, who acknowledged her. She turns around to face the rest of us and a collective gasp fills the air. Spirals of grey hair fall back to reveal the face of a woman no older than her thirties. Her features were that of a young beauty. Her eyes a glossy hazel and she smiled to the members of the crowd. She scans the room for a moment and I could have sworn that her eyes lingered on me for a few seconds. I adjust myself on my seat but show no other reaction. I look around the room the see that all the other members are engrossed in her appearance. Then she spoke. " Our days of peace are numbered", her eyes glaze over and are now an opaque grey. " The times are about to change. The beholder of the orb will be our saviour or our doom. The gifted must be strong. The heart's purest desire shall be their testimony" Her body seemed to relax and her eyes return to their original color. She looks at me again briefly before facing the elders again. She bows to them and then the lights start to flicker. Strong mists engulf her and within seconds, she disappears. The room erupts with questions and uproar. Member stand from their seats. The elders gaze upon the members who want their questions answered. Amongst the chaos in the room, I remain seated. She mentioned the orb, which means my research was indeed right. I smile to myself and my small victory. I stand and make my way towards the exit feeling a renewed enlightening. It was time to get back to my work. Time was now of great importance. Luca's POV I walk down the stairs towards the front entrance of the academy. All I wanted to do was head home, grab a beer and clear my head. As I push the door open I hear rushed foot steps behind me. Without turning around I continue forward and head towards the student carpark. I spot my bike and continue towards it. "Luca! Wait up!" my annoying sister's voice comes from across the carpark. As I straddle my bike and start the engine, she stops abruptly next to me. She bends over from her waist and gasps for air. I smile to myself as I put on my helmet. She straightens her posture and looks at me, one hand on her waist. "You can't just leave, we can head home together. Wait for Stef and I, the driver will be here in a bit." I look at my sister knowing all too well the drive home with us in the same car meant she was going to interrogate me again about Eliza. And that was a conversation I was not willing to have with her. With no one for that matter. Without answering her, I kick off my stand and rev my engine. She jumps back out of the way and I drive off. " We live in the same house dummy! I'll just ask you home!" came her voice loud and clear. Damn wolf genes. I accelerate and head onto the main road. Thoughts of Eliza Cade be damned. Or so I hoped, because I couldn't shake the weird feeling I got when we were in the same room. From that day she fell backwards on the stairs and I caught her. I still remember that her hair smelled of lavender. Her eyes were like caramel depths that just asked for you to drown in them. I shake my head and speed up. No. No way am I going to get shaken up by the new girl in town. Even if she was a dead ringer for the girl I've been having those weird dreams about. My mind again starts to buzz with images of myself and a dark haired girl standing across from each other in a dark, damp cave. She's grasping something in her hand for dear life as tears stream down her face. I feel my chest tighten as the feeling to hold her close washes over me. A car honking it's horn at me brings me out of my thoughts and I adjust my speed and continue home.This was all a big coincidence. Nothing I needed to think about right now. Home. Beer. No thoughts of Eliza Cade.
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