Chapter 7

1005 Words
Eliza's POV The sound of dripping water could be heard in the distance. A sudden chill breeze sweeps over my body and I automatically reach for my blanket. When my hand hits a damp rock my eyes open. Startled, I sit up quickly and take in the pitch dark surroundings. Squeezing my eyes shut and opening them back again I try to focus as my eyes adjust to the darkness. Shifting my legs under me I suddenly feel a cold steel grasp on my left ankle. Running my hands down my leg I feel the cold surface of the shackle and the adjoining chain. "What the hell?! Where am I?" my lips tremble a bit as I take in my situation. Wobbling slightly I manage to stand, and I place my hand on the wall behind me to stable my footing. "Hello! Is anybody here?" I shout. My only reply was the echo of my voice off the dark walls. "You're awake" a gruff voice calls out to me from where I stood. I squint to see who said the words but it's too dark. "Who are you? Why am I here?" I take a few steps forward but the chain halts my steps. "Everything will be fine, Eliza. I won't let him hurt you". The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Suddenly, a heat on my chest has me looking down. My emerald necklace my grandmother gave me is now illuminated, glowing bright green from where it hung from the chain around my neck. I look up and there's a blue glow from where the voice came. The bright blue light highlights the face of the person wearing it. Grey depths laced with gold flecks look back at me. My mouth hangs open and my eyes go wide. "Luca!" My eyes open to the blazing sunlight coming through my bedroom window. I sit up and realize I'm back I'm my room at Ethan's house. I wipe the sweat beading on my forehead and take a big gulp of air. "What kind of crazy dream was that?" I run my hands through my tangled hair and my hand automatically goes for my necklace. The silver pendant hangs at the end of the chain, the emerald sits in it, not glowing. I groan loudly and swing my legs off the bed. I walk to the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. Dark circles were evident under my eyes. I wash my face with cold water and brush my teeth. After taking a shower I look at my clothes and pick out my track suit and uniform. I was looking forward to my first gym class today. I loved athletics and was really interesting in what sports the academy took part in. I finish getting dressed and fix my hair when my phone beeps. I stand there looking at the screen in confusion. The message was from Alexis. How about we carpool to school. I'll pick u up 730am Glancing at my watch I see it's almost that time and I watch my screen again. I'm about to leave my room when I hear a horn in the front yard. I walk towards my window and watch through to curtains. A sleek black car sat at the front of the driveway. A man with a hat steps out of the driver seat and stands at the door waiting. I'm out my room and down the stairs in a flash. I call out to Ethan in the kitchen that I have a ride and I'm out the door in a few seconds. The back window rolls down and Alexis waves to me. As I walk slowly towards the car, I couldn't help but try to see if she was the only passenger. Seeming to read my body language, Alexis peeps her head out again. "It's just us Eliza. Cold and broody took the other car with Stefan" She shoots me a knowing smile and sits back in her seat. The man opens the door for me and I give a nod of appreciation before I step in. The leather seats were surprisingly warm and I turn to Alexis. "Hey, thanks for the ride but it wasn't necessary" I give her my best smile considering I probably look like a sleep deprived shift worker. She waves a hand at me as if to swat away my statement. "Relax Eliza, I wanted to give you a ride. My brothers usually go with me but Luca was in a foul mood this morning" she explains with a wry smile. I sit back in my seat and my own thoughts flood my head. He was in a mood. Did he have a disturbing dream about me too? Oh dream on Eliza! I smack my palm to my forehead. "Ouch, dammit!" I cry out. I immediately turn my head to face Alexis, who is looking at me like I've grown an extra head. Then we both suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. Holding her stomach Alexis looks at me and wipes at invisible tears. "You are a breath of fresh air girl. I like you alot" she beams a smile at me. "You're not so bad yourself" I reply, feeling alot better with the small distraction. Alexis is now watching me closely, studying my face as if she was storing them to memory. "Rough night" she says to me. "Yeah, crazy dream" I try to laugh it off and fail miserably. Alexis looks straight ahead in silence for a while and then sighs. "Hmmm, Luca has those all the time" She turns to look at me and then focuses her attention out her window. I sit there, dazed for a few seconds. Shaking my head, I sit back and look out my own window while her words sink in. Luca has those all the time. God it was going to be a very long day. I needed a distraction. Gym class couldn't come soon enough.
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