Chapter 4 : Meeting Morgan For The First Time...

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Raven's ears were filled with the faint and bone chilling hooting of owls. The neighborhood that she had entered looked creepy enough to scare her back to Veshmor. She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand and read the address again. She was at the right place. A much needed deep breath was hard to take. Raven's lungs seemed to have frozen from the cold as she found it harder to breathe. At the post office Raven had the opportunity to talk to the woman named Morgan. In her mother's letters Morgan was a young woman with a charming voice, she was special after all. For some reason Raven expected her to sound young and enchanting. Raven was only partly disappointed upon hearing the hoarse tone of the woman. However, She didn't lack enchantment. There was a certain limit to how much Raven could reveal on the phone and other than mentioning her mother and father, Raven had no other way of knowing if the Morgan she was talking to was the same one she was looking for. "I am looking for my mother's friend, Morgan. My mother's name was Fiona." Raven had spoken with deep caution. Her breath was light and baited, waiting for Morgan to say she was wrong and that she didn't know anyone named Fiona. Morgan hummed and said, "I was wondering when you will come to me. Write down my address." Her voice was soothing to the ears. Raven didn't want her to stop speaking. There was an effect that calmed her heart and turned her brain into a puddle of water. It was dangerous and ethereal. It was addiction and also destructive. "Are you writing?" Morgan asked, there was an ambiguous smile into her voice which Raven couldn't see but hear very well. Raven had never worked so fast in her whole entire life. As if her hands and feet were working on their own, Raven didn't know where the pen came from and how she got that paper. The address was jotted down carefully. "Come after seven in the evening. I am going to be a little busy before that. Bring your luggage as well. Fiona and Liam were my good friends, I cannot possibly let you live in a hotel." Morgan had said before hanging up the phone. Raven dragged her luggage accross the rough pavement. The locality was very organized but the overall feeling of it wasn't the nicest. The houses were symmetrical and old, some of the houses had open yards which were not taken care of, and the flower bed by the pavement was also dying. Raven once again read the address to find the house number. Thirteen. Raven squinted her eyes to follow the numbers on the houses. "One.." "Two.." "Three.." ".." "Twelve.." "Thirteen.." The house where she stopped was most likely the better one out of all the ones she crossed. Raven stood before the low iron gate and saw the name plate stuck on it. Morgan Franklin, Thirteen. It was the right house, Raven thought. There was a small button by the gate for the bell. Raven pressed on it and waited. Her sneaker covered legs bounced in anticipation as she waited for someone to open the gate. Cold wind was picking up it's pace into the night. Raven had packed many warm clothes before the journey so keeping warm was not an issue. However, it wasn't the cold that bothered her, it was the strange sound that suddenly entered her ears and scared her to death! A continuous screech came from the other side. Beyond the iron gate, it was the sound of metal screeching into a rough surface. It wasn't loud, nor was it as bad as nails on a chalkboard but the sound got her attention alright. Gulping down the fear, Raven hardened her courage before calling out, "Miss Morgan?" Raven's voice was a bit hoarse after not speaking for a long time. It was particularly soft. She wondered if she was heard or not. Just as she opened her mouth to speak again, the iron gates creaked open. Warm breath was released and formed a cloud in front of her face. Raven closed her mouth and blinked down. Before her was a beautifully aged woman on a wheelchair. Morgan smiled at the young girl. One of her hands was holding the gate open and the other was holding the wheelchair controls. Her bronze skin was shining under the light of dimly lit lamps. "Miss Morgan?" Raven asked. Her eyes were shining with hope. She wanted this woman to be the one. She wanted to have someone to rely on. "I wondered what Fiona's daughter looked like." Morgan's soft voice reached Raven's ears and soothed the storm inside her, "You remind me of Liam." Raven looked down, her ponytail cascading down her scarf covered neck, her hands stuffed into her pant pockets. Hearing about her parents made her eyes red. Raven guessed she was over it by now. That nothing bothered her anymore. But at that moment something had ticked in her chest, as if Morgan's words unlocked a safe of sadness and spilled tears. Morgan moved her wheelchair away from the gate and made way for Raven to come inside. "We have a lot of time to talk. Come inside." Raven nodded rapidly and picked up her luggage. Beyond the iron gate was a tiny space. Both sides had a good amount of herbs growing. The house itself was two storey and looked rustic. "I live alone so don't mind the mess. I had guests over today so I couldn't prepare for your arrival beforehand." Morgan sincerely apologized as she guided Raven inside. Raven looked around the house and thought Morgan was really being humble about the mess in the house. It was a minimalistic house with not much of anything. Necessary furniture was where it should be. Curtains were of monochrome colors. The only messy thing was the center table. It had boxes piled one upon another. "It's good." Raven mumbled. "Keep the bags there for a while, come sit with me." Morgan wheeled herself towards the sofa. Raven left her stuff by the stairs that went to the upper floor and followed Morgan. There was a pleasant scent in the house. Raven sniffed a few times to pinpoint the scent but gave up. It wasn't something she could tell on her own. Morgan stopped at the empty space next to the sofa and poured a glass of lemonade from the jar on the center table. In the light of the house Raven could see Morgan's features properly. Her bronze skin was glowing as if it was powdered with gold. Her hair was braided at the back and her ears were adorned with golden hoops. Raven scanned the woman and found that she wore a lot of gold on herself. Her finger rings and bracelets were also golden. Raven was so invested in admiring Morgan that she kept looking without taking the glass passed to her. Morgan smiled at her in amusement and that broke the spell. Raven looked away in embarrassment. It was so rude of her to stare that way. Not only Raven but Morgan must have also felt so weird. What would she think of Raven now?! Morgan obviously didn't think so much about it. She sat in a relaxed manner and waited for Raven to take a few sips of lemonade before speaking up. "You are here, that means you already know about us." Morgan said slowly, "Can you tell me how much you know?" The sweetness of lemonade spread throughout her tongue and slid down her throat. Raven fiddled with her fingers as she recalled what happened to her during the past month. Morgan listened to her patiently, never once interrupting her. As Raven recited everything, she couldn't help but feel as if her life was a bit unfair. That though brought tears to get eyes but she didn't cry. Raven had already shed enough tears for herself and others. Now she only wanted to live the way her mother wished for her and if possible, find her father. Morgan got the gist of everything. She was caught in a trance for a long time as she listened to Raven. The young girl before her resembled her father to a degree that the face she carried was an invitation to danger. Morgan knew everything very well. What Fiona wanted, what Liam wished for and what Raven was trying to do. Their world was not as simple as that of humans. It was full of complexity, unreasonable rules and a lot of unjust. It had a hierarchy that was hard to get into. Raven had to work very had to get into it. Although it was a difficult task to season Raven into someone who could fit into their world, Morgan was willing to do it for her late friend. Fiona and Liam were good people. They never wanted anything more than to live a happy life with each other but fate had never been on their side. At that time Morgan was helpless and weak. Now their daughter was facing the same cruel fate. How could Morgan sit back and do nothing? Raven looked up with red eyes. She didn't hide her fear. She was afraid but still ready to take up any route if it meant to have a future with her father and uncover the reason that separated her with her family. Morgan's smile turned a bit sad. She pitied this young girl for having to go through these things. "Your parents were a unique couple Raven. You already know about them through your mother's diary so I won't waste your time repeating the same thing." Morgan was determined to help Raven through her journey, "So instead, let me tell you about our world and Avencia Academy." -------------------------------------- Hey Beautiful Readers! It took a while to update today haha. Dropping by to inform y'all that this story's name will be changed pretty soon and I'll be making this a series of six books. All the Major Characters of Avencia Academy will have a book of their own. And the series will be called 'The Avencia Academy Series.' I hope you all look forward to it! Lot's of love, Skylar
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