Chapter 5 : The World Where Supernatural Creatures Live..

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"Our world is very well hidden from the eyes of humans. It exists everywhere but not everyone can see it." Morgan started in a way that left Raven confused. "It started with the creation of worlds. No one knows when it happened, that's the secret that we will never know. However, what we do know is that when the world was created, it was created as one. One earth, one world, where humans and people like you and me lived together as the children of nature." Morgan's words started to make a little sense to Raven. She sat straight as she listened carefully. "You will be surprised how little the humans have changed in the last millennium Raven. The selfishness and self importance of theirs exists now but it was worse in the days when they had to share the same world with us. It was exhausting for them to tolerate us, who they thought didn't belong on the same land as theirs." "An inevitable war led to the separation of worlds. Warlocks, witches, werewolves, vampires, fairies, and all the creatures of nature you can possibly think of, were driven away because of the desire of human. To save efforts and manforce, our ancestors left the holy land of humans and created an alternate universe that resembled earth. They made a living there, away from humans." Morgan spoke with precision and feel, as if she had witnessed those days personally. Raven felt herself be biased against humans as well. She felt that her identity as a human was wrong. She was her parents daughter, she was half werewolf. She was as wronged as her ancestors. "Then how did we end up back here? How are you here?" Raven asked. This was the human earth after all. If they were driven away then why come back? Morgan smiled bitterly, "When the supernatural earth world was created, a gruesome war was already wreaked upon this world. And remember Raven, I said the humans are selfish, but that doesn't make the creatures of our world any better. Humans are deceiving, but creatures with power are worse. When calamity rained on them, they left many behind. The portal to the new world was only opened for two days amidst war. Those who died couldn't make it, those who were too far couldn't either." "Then.." "Only the elite had the power to evade war and leave unscathed. They jumped through safely, with no regards to the blood their people shed into the battlefield. The ones who were left behind had to hide like thieves. Their life was miserable. Through the countless years of struggle, they learnt to live again. They built their life in the human world as both worlds slowly forgot about their existence. The human world no longer remembered the ones they shared their land with. We became mysteries, myths and fantasies." Sure enough they weren't lacking scums either. That world was more or less an escape for the Powerful. It abandoned their people and fled in time of need. Raven hated this type of society. Morgan shared the same thoughts as Raven. It was enough that they had a full earth of humans to deal with. But they also had to tolerate the elites of their world. Morgan continued with the narration of their world and didn't forget to mention Fiona's origin, "Your mother's pack was one of the only organization that had communication with the one pack that existed in the human world. It was then that your mother was lost in this world. Since then they also cut contact with the human world and blamed the humans for their loss. They only send some people to search for their lost daughter." Raven felt thoroughly enlightened after the explaination. So much truth and horror was hidden under the earth. No one would have known about it. Humans had no trouble forgetting about it but the ones who were forced to leave still remembered. They had the wound and humiliation still engraved in their soul. With every generation the resentment only got stronger. "So the Avencia Academy is in the supernatural earth?" Raven asked. She couldn't wait to go there. She wanted to see the world that was made for people like her. There was an anticipation that something was waiting for her there. Not only the need to find her father, but also a new world that was asking for her to explore. "Yes. That's where your father studied." Morgan smiled when she remembered her time at Avencia Academy with her friends, "I was a student there as well. We were a tight knit group of friends who attended Avencia Academy. However, getting into the academy is not as easy as it sounds. That place is more like a prison than a school. It may sound exciting to attend it but it will only test your patience and your will to escape." Raven frowned, "It is that bad? Do they teach geography too?" Morgan laughed and shook her head, "No Raven. Avencia Academy is an Academy for elites. The same elites who don't care about anything more than themselves and their immediate family. It was an educational institution built for their generations of heirs. It is very difficult to get in if you are not a well known air to a pack it a country, or if you aren't related to a duke or have an immediate connection with a council man." It was really that difficult? Raven's face fell when she heard that. She was even more hungry to know about her father, he was capable of attending the Academy. It made him one of the elite? However, Raven couldn't use his identity as an entrance pass. One, she didn't know much about him other than his name, and two, her mother said never to let anyone know who her father was. "How did you get in? Are you very influential?" Raven asked. "No, I got a scholarship through my master. She was the leader of our coven and didn't have an heir. I was sent to Avencia to receive education. But when I came back,m to our coven, my master had fallen and someone else had taken over. I couldn't stand staying there anymore and withdrew. Then I followed Liam and Fiona here." ---------------------------------- Double update as promised! Lot's of Love, Skylar XOXO
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