Chapter 3 : Schemir City

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Raven did not find anything that told her where this aforementioned Avencia Academy was, how to get in or what she was supposed to do there. The details of events became less and less as the diary came to it's end. Raven read it more than four times that day in order to find something that would hint towards the location of the academy or even someone who knew about it. After some serious concentration, she did find an indirect clue. Fiona had mentioned the time she met Liam's friends in the later phase of their love and one of them became close with her. Her name was Morgan. Although not much was written about her, it did say Moran had to move all the way to Schemir city to be with her family. Fiona and Morgan lost contact after that. Raven googled about the city and how to get there. Schemir city was small and located towards the north, it was cold all through the year. It was a four hour flight from the city where Raven lived. She booked a ticked for the next day. It was a long shot but Raven was ready to give it a try. That night Raven picked up all her important things and packed them into a suitcase. It was nothing much anyway. Raven only had her mother's belongings, her grandmother's photo with Raven after her kindergarten graduation and some clothes. If everything worked out as Raven imagined in her head then she won't be coming back to this house for a long time. Raven made sure to lock away the valuables that belonged to her grandmother. The whole night Raven couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but think of various things that she discovered. Her mother and father were not humans. Raven's mother was a werewolf, so did that mean Raven was a werewolf too? Raven picked up her hand and blinked at her smooth skin. She waxed at least once a month but the growth of hair was never excessive. One would say it was low. Didn't werewolves have a lot of hair on their body? And who was her father? Raven only knew his name. Other than that she also knew which school he attended. There was nothing more about her father. Raven found herself in a fix. Unless she found Morgan, entering that world sounded too difficult. Fight to Schemir city was early in the morning. Raven dressed in warm clothes and also carried a scarf in case the city was too cold. Her mother's pendant was hanging low on her neck, after a little consideration, she tucked it inside her collar. Once ready, Raven locked the house and safely tucked the key into her luggage. She gave a once over to the home she grew up in and then turned her back on it. A cab was waiting for her a little far from the house. Since the airport was an hour away, she passed her time by trying to search for Avencia Academy. Google had nothing on it. It did not exist according to the search engine. Raven thought that it made sense, it was a supernatural thing after all. If humans somehow caught wind of it, they will try their best to destroy it and get destroyed in the process. Raven always thought that the things they did were so absurd. Humans need nature to survive but they kill it little by little everyday. For the sake of development they keep taking steps backwards. As much as Raven was scared to step into the new world, she was also excited to know more about her parents. Where they came from, what they were like. If possible, she also wanted to see the pack that her mother came from. Her grandparents could possibly be there. Raven suddenly wondered what the academy would be like. The schools in Veshmor city, where Raven resided, was very simple and mediocre. It was a cement building with repetitive classes and a herd of uncultured jocks and nerdy students. Although bullying wasn't a thing at her school, Raven never felt at peace. Avencia Academy sounded like a place with good system. Reaching at the airport, Raven got her boarding pass and was right on time for the flight. Four hour flight wasn't that long but it still left Raven feeling a bit lethargic. Without much knowledge of where to go, she first found a hotel to stay in. Since she was living with her grandmother, money was rarely an issue in the household. The elderly got grants from government every month and grandmother Cecilia had her own clothing store that was running smoothly under the watch of a trusted employee. Raven was not interested in inheriting the store and grandmother Cecilia did not force her to take it either. Raven worked a few jobs since junior high too. When Raven read on Google about Schemir city, she didn't expect the city to be like this. It may be called a city but in fact it was more like a developed town. The usual bustling atmosphere of a city was absent from Schemir. There was only one hotel in the city. It was that small. Raven was not complaining. The smaller the perimeter, the easier it would be to find Morgan. After a good lunch, Raven set out to find the woman. It was post lunch time so the little bit of hustle had also slowed down. The hotel staff provided quiet a lot of information. Not only it was very easy to just ask around for someone and everyone was very friendly, if it was urgent, she could go to the post office at the four way and ask them to directly call the person to let them know. Raven was pleasantly surprised and directly went to the office. She gave them Morgan's full name and a vague description of her appearance that she had read in the diary. The incharge looked through a thick book and then dialled a number.
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