Chapter 6 : How to Mix Into The Academy...?

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"I am sorry to hear that." Raven expressed her condolences, "You followed my parents here?" "Yes. Your mother and Liam used to reside in the other world as well. You were conceived there so your records must exist somewhere. When I followed them here, I didn't know what was going on either. Fiona just mentioned it to me that it might be difficult for them to keep living there and Liam wanted to go to the human world to keep them safe. I didn't have the power to help them then so the most I could do was help mask their scent and escape." Morgan still remembered that day clearly. Fiona didn't look scared when she told Morgan that they were going to run away. She was pregnant with Raven at that time and inorder to keep her baby safe, she was ready to throw away anything. "It will be difficult to get into Avencia Academy without influence but it's not impossible. It is a huge institution and not every student stands out. I can get you in and mask your scent. Even though you have the scent of a werewolf in you, you still reek of humans because you lived among them for so long. I will mask the scent for you and also get an admission letter for you by the end of this week." Raven nodded, "Miss Morgan -" "Call me aunt." Morgan chuckled, "Your parents were dear friends of mine, your mother wanted me to be your godmother." Raven's face heated up with emotions. She swallowed down the thickness in her throat and nodded. "Aunt Morgan," Raven tested the words on her tongue and felt it to be pleasant, "How do I blend in the Academy? I don't have magical powers. I cannot reveal my origins either. If they find out who I am then I won't be able to find my father." Morgan had already considered that possibility and came up with a solution, "I have thought about it. That's why I will come with you to the other world. After you called me this morning, I contacted my coven. They have been having a hard time because their new leader had let them down. They only remembered me as my master's heir and have been trying to contact me for a long time. I rejected them all the time but accepted their request today. You will go to Avencia Academy as my heir. A witch from the House of East." The first thought that entered Raven's head was that Morgan was a damn cool person and the second through was that the title sounded even cooler. She had easily accepted the fact that Morgan was a witch. It wasn't as weird after knowing her own mother was half wolf. "When attending the Academy, you have to keep a low profile. Try to interact as less as possible. It will give you a lot of time and space to look around and find clues about your father. The Academy is not only for the students to learn Raven. It's a powerhouse where some of the deepest secrets of our world is hidden. It is a tight institution that never let's his weak side show. If you want to penetrate into it's hard walls them you have to become as tough as it's walls. You cannot show your weakness, cannot be scared. Remember that you have me. I will help you along the way." Raven was reassured. She was not alone anymore. The loneliness that had been following her for a long time was disrupted by Morgan. She was Raven's godmother. Raven had a way to get into the Academy now and there was a possibility that she could fin dher father and also meet her grandparents. "Aunt Morgan, what about my grandparents? My mom's parents? Can I meet them too?" Raven asked excitedly. Her hands were curled into fists. Morgan shook her head, "I am afraid no. A few years ago I heard the news of Alpha and Luna's demise. The Alpha died of old age and the Luna followed him into the afterlife. Their son, your mother's older brother, is now the pack leader. You can meet him." Raven was remorseful about the news. She was looking forwards to meeting her grandparents. But it was fine, she wouldn't miss them that much when she never met them. "Then can I meet my uncle? What kind of person is he?" "The new Alpha is said to have a good temperament. He is just and easy to get along with. I think it is possible to meet him before we officially register you into the Academy. He loved Fiona dearly and I am sure he will be happy to know that his niece is alive." That restored Raven's smile. She was really grateful to have met Morgan or else she wouldn't know where to start. Now she had a way to meet her uncle and also get into the academy. Raven sighed a breath in relief. "Thank you so much aunt Morgan." Raven expressed her genuine gratitude. "There is no need to thank me. I wish I had done something back then, maybe things wouldn't have progressed to this. But now that I have a chance to help, I will do everything in my power to send you where you belong." Raven got to know everything she needed to know. Morgan showed a room to Raven and told her to settle her things there. "I will arrange your admission into the Academy and also brew a spell scented pouch to mask your scent. I will have it made in bulk do you won't run out. Also, during this week I'll give you small doses of a potion that will give you the ability to perform small magic spells. It will help you avoid suspicion with your classmates." Seeing how much Morgan was doing for her, Raven was overwhelmed with gratitude. That night Raven slept with a calm mind. She had finally found a way out. The constant shadow around her had dispersed. A ray of light had entered her life and Raven wasn't going to let go of it. Through the night, on the earth that didn't belong to humans. Within a golden lit castle there was a group of young heirs of the intricately designed society. The air smelled of carelessness and most of them were wasted. Among them was a young man who was looking far into the night, wondering why his heart was fluttering for no reason. Anticipation became butterflies into his stomach. He smiled, wondering what was going to come crashing into his life.
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