Chapter 10 : "Transportation Is Weird In This World..."

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If there was one thing that matched the description from the human stories, it was the pointy ears of fairies. Other than slightly pointy ears and stright nose, the fairies looked exactly like humans. They didn't have wings or weird skin colors. Morgan noticed the way Raven was looking around and smiled. She touched Raven's hand on her wheelchair and patted. "You can look, but don't make it obvious. Fairies are usually very nice but they don't tolerate when stared at. They will think you are judging them." Morgan gave another life lesson. Raven instantly averted her eyes away and wheeled Morgan ahead. "You didn't tell me we were coming here to get clothes. I would have prepared!" Raven didn't dare rase her voice more than a whisper. "How would you prepare? It wouldn't matter what you did." Raven didn't have an answer. There was no way she could prepare to enter this world right off the bat. Her wandering eyes didn't stop but they didn't linger for long either. Morgan was right, the fashion was really a bit different in this world. It wasn't much different from the humans, but it felt more like high end fashion. The clothes that were usually seen at fashion shows and runways. Here everyone wore those clothes while shopping. The clothes looked like they cost a million dollars but their faces were bare. There was a trace of make up. And jewellery was also minimal. "But is it okay to come here like this? Won't I be found out? I thought you were going to bring me after the admission was done." Raven anxiously whispered as she looked around. "It's completely fine. Today after shopping we aren't going back to the human world. I will take you to the witch sub-kingdom and there we will proceed with everything else." Raven almost tripped over her shoes. She was least expecting Morgan to drop the bomb on her. "Not going back?!" What do you mean?! All my things are back there! My mom's diary and letter, my grandmother's photo, everything ..." Morgan sighed, "It's not a big deal to get them back. I will bring them for you. The main reason to not going back is so you can get used to the environment over here. You must have already noticed that the weather is different from earth. It varies according to the person who is feeling it. You have to get trained too. If you don't adapt to the living conditions of ours then you won't be able to survive a single day." "What do you mean the weather varies?" Raven's heart was trembling with a surge of emotions. Out of nowhere she had stumbled into this new world, she was going shopping and seeing new things, new people. Soon, this world will be a huge part of her. Raven was having the time of her life, regardless of how terrifying it was! Morgan was looking around the street as well. The shops had glass windows with displays. "Yes, climate varies person to person in fairy kingdom. They have a good relationship with witches and wizards who help them with it. Since every person here has a different tolerance to heat and cold, it was made it so that everyone feels the climate as they like it. What are you feeling?" "I feel warm. And the wind feels nice on my skin." Raven answered. "Hm.. I am used to the cold so I feel the same here. It is just one of the peculiar things about a magical world. But it's not the same everywhere. Only the fairy world and the Avencia Academy campus has this function thanks to the wizards and witches magic. The other kingdoms have their own natural climate. North is cold, and south is warmer. It's just like earth." After explaining the concept of climate, Morgan and Raven went to a store that sold female clothing. The store was filled with expensive looking clothes that Raven would have never considered buying before. She was internally a bit worried because she had very little money on herself. "Pick whatever suits your taste. Clothes are extremely cheap here so don't worry about money. They even give a big discount on first purchase." Morgan encouraged Raven to look around. Raven raised an eyebrow and did as she said. She didn't believe any of that though. But as always, Morgan was right again. The clothes were indeed cheap. The currency used here was called Dillan and it was of same value as dollar. Every piece of clothing that Raven brought was less than a dillan, as in less than a dollar. This was so cheap!!! And the clothes looked better than most of the high fashion brands!!! Raven decided to never go shopping in those expensive stores again. She wasn't going to look back!! Morgan paid for her clothes but Raven promised to pay her back once she got her stuff from back home. Although Morgan didn't want to listen, Raven was pretty stubborn too. Raven was a happy girl when she walked out of the store with good clothes and thirty dollars less in her pocket as credit. Morgan and Raven searched the street, which was almost the same as any other Market Street from where Raven came from, for more stuff that Raven would need. Good school supplies etc. Accessories were not a thing in this world. At most people would wear an heirloom or something that either is necessary for their power or that represents their kingdom. Like the witches wear a certain crystal on their forehead to represent their identity as a witch. Some wizards use beads to perform certain spells. It varied from kingdom to kingdom and person to person. Wearing these symbol were all inclusive, regardless of age and gender. Raven liked this kind of diversity. "Since we are done here, let's go to the witch sub-kingdom. I had already informed them that I'll be taking the role of their leader so everything must be prepared by now." Morgan led Raven to the very end of the street. There was a single, large platform with a few people lined up in front of it. Raven was going to ask what that was for when she saw a person standing on the side, open his palm and rotate. A portal opened and the next person in line went into that portal. "It's the teleportation system in the world. There are other means like bikes and air cabs but this is the fastest and cheapest so most prefer to port away." Morgan laughed as she explained. "I am not even surprised at this point." Raven said with a straight face as she got into the line with Morgan. ------------------------------------
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