Chapter 11 : It was nerve-wracking and mind numbing.

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Raven lied. She was surprised. Teleportation as transport?! And it was cheap too?! What was this sorcery?! Now she thought that the humans were missing out! Not that she wanted them to know about all this. Raven was one of the few people who knew and it made her feel special. "Once we get to the witch sub-kingdom, I'll first get you your crystal. It's important that no one sees your face till then. I'll cast a charm on you till then so your features change." Morgan and Raven were next in line for the portal. "The witch sub-kingdom please." Morgan told the person in-charge of the portals and tossed him a dollar. Well, not a dollar. It was a dillan but it looked so similar to a dollar. It was hard to tell them apart if not looking closely enough. The person opened up the portal and Raven and Morgan went in. When Raven opened her eyes again, she was in a place that was covered with trees. Thay had landed in the middle of the jungle? Raven looked down at Morgan with confusion. "The witch sub-kingdom was attacked a few hundred years ago and is the easiest to attack anytime because we don't train in combat. That's why teleportation is banned inside. If anyone wants to come in, they have to teleport outside the border and then go in with an identity check." Raven nodded in understanding. She then realised that the hair on her shoulder was not her usual black hair. She touched the blonde strands. "Why am I blonde?" "Because I cast a temporary charm on you. You can't look like your father, remember?" Morgan said as she went through the border with Raven. The border check didn't stop Morgan. They were already informed of Morgan's arrival and they respected her as their new leader. The witch sub-kingdom was small compared to the other Kingdom because it shared land with the wizard sub-kingdom. "Why is it called sub-kingdom and not a kingdom by itself?" Raven asked on their way inside. She stayed closely behind Morgan, holding the back of her wheelchair as she glanced around. They must really love their herbs and trees. Everywhere, all Raven could see was greenery. Back at Veshmor the only way to be able to see this amount of greenery was to go to a park or on a trek over a mountain. It was a refreshing surrounding. "That's because we share the land with wizards. Those are male sorcerers. Both of us are very prideful and having the land called wizard kingdom or witch Kingdom was not going to happen. Eventually the land was divided equally and given to both." Morgan explained and also added a small laugh. "It is ridiculous tho. Because although we pretend that these are two different lands, ruled by different rulers, there is no physical boundry dividing us. Wizards and witches come and go as they please." Raven licked her lips and asked, "So I'm guessing that the attack that stopped inner teleportation wasn't from the wizards?" "Ah, no. They cannot bear to attack us. If they do, the witches and wizards will perish." Morgan winked, "We rely on each other for the future generation, you see." Raven had been enlightened by Morgan and nodded. She didn't ask anything further. The way to the main town wasn't as long as she felt. The forest like way ended within a ten minute walk. During those ten minutes Raven kept touching her hair. Nothing had changed except for the color. It had the same length, same texture. She was curious to see what her face looked like. Did her eyes change too? There was no other choice than to wait. Morgan and Raven were received by a few people when they crossed the forest. They were all dressed in the same Cape, all white with a glorious golden border. Their hoods were up but not covering their faces. They greeted Morgan with a respectful smile and welcomed her back to their sub-kingdom. Not much was spoken among them. There was a respectful line between the three women who received them and Morgan. Raven also received good natured smiles from them which she returned with her own awkward smile. "Take us to the capital." Morgan said in her soft voice. The three women had already prepared a small portal. Raven had seen that thing twice already, but the initial surprise was still there. "Capital?" Raven whispered secretly to Morgan as the three women prepared the portal and what not. "Every kingdom has a capital. It's like a headquarter. It's in the centre of the kingdom. Everything is operated from there. Surrounding the capital are towns or cities. Since witches don't prefer technology too much, we kept it simple. We can only consider out kingdom to have towns. You will love the werewolf kingdom, it's a lot more like your city. We will go there to meet your uncle in a few days." Raven nodded. She was slowly but surely absorbing all the information. Moving to a whole new world was not easy. It was nerve-wracking and mind numbing. The portal transport took less then a second to reach the capital. Raven and Morgan landed in front of a big mansion. Raven looked behind her and found a set of huge rust colored gates behind her. They had come in straight through the portal. The mansion was decorated like coffee. That's what raven thought when she entered. Everything was so comfortable and soft, there was a scent of coffee coming from the kitchen too. The mansion was surrounded by shrubs, bushes, small trees and all kind of plants and herbs. It was all that a witch would need to do her thing. However, Raven was not a witch. As much as she wanted to pretend and keep up the act, she just couldn't feel at ease. She was here for her selfish motives. And soon Raven would leave and go to the Avencia Academy. Would she be able to come back here and give this place a chance to be her safe place? Raven didn't know. But she wanted to give it a try. Morgan was the closest thing to a family now. If Raven could ever do something for Morgan, then she won't hesitate. The mansion had been prepared for Morgan's arrival. All the rooms were cleaned and decorated. Raven got a room on the first floor while Morgan was on the ground floor. There was a room for magic too. But unlike the spells in the human world, this door was normal. It wasn't prohibited to perform magic within the kingdom. However, to be able to perform magic outside the border of the kingdom, the witches and wizards had to get a license stating they were of age and have passed the test of safe magic. Raven felt it was very similar to the driving tests and license in the human world. ------------------------------------- New updating schedule is up on my ** (authorskylar01) check it out!
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