Chapter 2 : The Story Of My Mother

1100 Words
The diary had entries from the day Raven's mother, Fiona, turned twelve. Raven went through the daily activities of her mother with an easy mind. She found that Fiona was a teenager like her, even their personalities were alike. Living in a bustling city, Fiona grew up with a large circle of friends and a lot of confidence. She liked to do what she wanted to, she was also helpful and kind at the same time. Raven felt a sense of loss as she read through them. Growing up with her grandmother, Raven didn't feel as if she needed a mother. But right now her heart was a bit tight as she was going through her own mother's life. Fiona's life was normal and full of fun until she reached eighteen. It was then that everything really started to go downhill for the girl. It all started twenty years ago when Fiona found out about her true family lineage. Although raise in a family of humans and in a purely human society, Fiona's werewolf blood was hard to hide. Unaware of her own blood, Fiona panicked when she suddenly met someone from a wolf pack one day. Her strong scent had attracted her pack members who were trying to find the lost child of their Alpha for eighteen years. Fiona's fear was clear in her words. She was scared of her abnormalities. She had seen herself as a human for as long as she remembered. Suddenly her real parents came to get her, she was introduced to a pack. As Raven read more, she realised that fantasy couldn't be as detailed as her mother had written in her diary. The new world she was going to enter was more complex than she originally thought. Fiona soon found out why she had grown up with humans. She was the second child from the Alpha and Luna of Silver Dawn pack. After her birth, the pack went under a surprise attack by rogues which left everything in chaos. No one knew the whereabouts of the newly born child of the Luna. They tried to find her but since her scent wasn't developed yet, they couldn't pin point her location. Human scent also blocked Fiona's scent for a long time. It wasn't until someone got close enough to her that they recognised her. Fiona's new life as a she-wolf was difficult to say the least. She didn't hate her new life but it was uncomfortable to say the least. It took her months to get used to them. As the Alpha's daughter, she was well respected and even sent to a proper school made for them. Then, at the age of twenty, Fiona encountered a man named Liam. The concept of mates was still new to Fiona but when it came to Liam, she found it to be a beautiful thing. Falling in love was a beautiful process and Fiona enjoyed it to the fullest. Liam was everything she wanted in a life partner and when he reciprocated her feeling, Fiona only found her days to be brighter and nights to be beautiful. However, Liam was not a werewolf. It created a slight disturbance within the pack as he never specified where he belonged. Liam's identity was always a secret. Fiona was one of those few individuals who knew relatively more about him but even she didn't know where he came from or what he was until the very end. Liam later revealed that he attended the Avencia Academy. The name itself was enough to cast an image in anyone's mind. The prestigious Academy that only accepted heirs of various species. The last of resistance from her parents vanished. Fiona didn't care about anything else and decided to marry Liam. She marked him soon and live with him. Raven had a small smile on her face as she read about her parents love story. Her mother was smitten in love, it was very obvious that Fiona valued Liam a lot in her heart. But good days didn't last long. Fiona was eight months pregnant when one day Liam had to leave for a few days. It was the worse time to leave Fiona alone and Liam was reluctant to do so. But the pressing matters had to be addressed by him. Fiona waited for him to come back but a week passed by and he didn't show up. Then one day someone came knocking on her door. It was one of few friends of Liam whom Fiona knew well. He was in a bad state. Raven frowned. This wasn't going to be anything good. She flipped the page. The sentences became shorter as she kept reading. They were rushed, as if the one writing it had too little time and no words to express her emotions. Liam's friend informed her that Liam was in danger and her baby could be in danger too. Fiona didn't mentioned who it was that was coming after them. Liam's friend had come to warn her. The next entry was a week later. It was the longest entry through the diary. Raven pursed her lips as she read. Fiona's labor came early. She was preparing to leave her house that day when she went into labor. It was the neighborhood aunty Cecilia who came to her aid and helped her go to the hospital. There she gave birth to the baby girl Raven. However, before Fiona could even hold her daughter to her heart's content, they came for her. Fiona barely escaped and left her baby at the neighborhood aunt Cecilia's house with the box. Fiona could only hide away and pray that they never find her child. The letter was the last thing Fiona mother wrote to her daughter. Raven closed the diary. A few droplets of hot tears fell on the old cover and slit down to soak her clothes. Raven felt as if she lost more than one person today. Her grandmother and her mother were already gone. Raven was determined not to be alone in this world. If her father was still alive, she wanted to find him. --------------------------------- Hey Beautiful Readers! Updates are on Monday, Thursday and Saturday for this month! We are celebrating a festival called Ganesh chaturthi here in India from tomorrow! I am so excited! It's all lights and sweets and good things, good vibes!! Absolutely amazing! Wishing all of you a joyous time and hope luck remains at your side! Definitely going to ask a lot of happiness for all of you guys! Thanks! Lot's of love, Skylar, XOXO
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