Chapter 8 : "They are very misleading."

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The room was a wonderland for anyone who grew up reading about magical worlds. There were cauldrons, old and thick books of spells, a faint scent of mystical herbs, charms and what not. There was a small window that was spraying sunlight inside. Morgan flicked her fingers and a flame appeared under the cauldron, slowly heating up the vessel. Raven was shocked for a second before she calmed herself. She had to remind herself over and over again that magic was not unusual in the world she was going to enter into. "Won't you be seen through the window?" Raven pointed out after calming herself. Morgan went through the trouble of casting runes and spells on the door. Did she forget about that window? Morgan was taking out a few books from her shelf, she didn't have to turn to answer, "Not really. You cannot see anything from the outside." Raven was given a wooden stool to sit on and watch as Morgan worked. "I am going to brew a potion for you first. It will help with your magic when you go to the Academy. Usually there are classes when you have to perform small spells and runes." Morgan opened a book to a certain page and laid it on a table in front of the cauldron. Then she read the recipe and kept adding herbs and liquids into it. Raven watched with parted lips. Her eyes only blinked when they burnt. She was seeing an actual magic potion making process!! Morgan then took a small blade from a drawer and made a small slit on her palm. Raven hissed. "Why did you do that?!" Morgan placed her palm over the opening of the cauldron and pressed a few drops of blood into it. There was a sizzle from the cauldron. Morgan looked into the cauldron with satisfaction and reduced the fire to a low. She turned to Raven to explain, "You cannot have magic in yourself if you don't have magic in your blood. By adding some of my blood, you can assimilate the power of the potion better." Morgan proceeded to ladle the potion into a bowl to cool down. It was a bright purple colored liquid which emitted a sweet scent. "Will it taste bad?" Raven asked. "It will taste just like water." Morga. Answered. With the help of a funnel, Morgan poured the potion into little glass bottles. There were three of them which looked like test tubes. A wooden cork was used to close the tube and they were then handed over to Raven. "Keep them with you. You cannot have them anytime you want. Only take a sip before classes. The affect will last for upto six hours. Don't take more if not necessarily." Raven took the tubes and nodded earnestly. She valued these things a lot. It was all Morgan's efforts for Raven. How could she not listen? "Thank you so much for these aunt Morgan." "I told you before that you don't have to thank me." Morgan remember something when she carefully looked at Raven, "Raven, I think we have to change your appearance." Raven subconsciously touched her face. Was something wrong with her current appearance? Did she contradict the standards of their world? Would she have to make her ears pointy or hair coiled or grow horns? Raven's thoughts were more or less displayed on her face. Morgan laughed and waved her hand, "Don't think too much. It's just that, you look too much like your father. If someone who knew your father were to see you, they will know. Considering how dangerous it is, we have to keep your Identity a secret, I suggest we change up a few things." Raven never saw herself as very beautiful but not ugly as well. If someone asked, Raven wasn't shy to call herself pretty. Raven always had a good amount amount of confidence in her appearance. Having to change it didn't settle well with her. But the situation called for it. Raven had no choice. "If that's necessary then I am okay with it." "You don't have to worry too much about it. I will take care of it as well." Morgan comforted her, "The members of our cover wear a crystal on their forehead and inorder to go to the academy as my Successor, you have to wear it too. I'll put a spell in it so that as long as you wear it, you will look different." Raven sighed a breath of relief. She didn't have to change things permanently then. As long as it was a temporary change, Raven was willing to do it. "I'll get you that crystal along with the admission papers. But you cannot remove it while you are within the academy. Not even in secret. You never know where and who is watching. It will be too risky. Make sure you keep up your pretense." Morgan was warning her on every step, if Raven still make a mistake, won't that mean she didn't have a fully functional brain? Raven made mental notes for all these things and made sure she didn't screw up anything for herself and Morgan. Morgan finished cleaning up the cauldron and exited the room with Raven. They spend the time before lunch talking about interesting things in the magical world. Raven was interested in knowing everything. "So you mean that, that other world is also divided? Just like ours?" Raven asked when Morgan mentioned the amount of species and kingdoms the world had. "Yes, every specie has their own kingdom. Like, the werewolves have resided to the east and right next to them is the kingdom of vampires in the north-east." "Vampires and werewolves next to each other?! Aren't they blood thirsty enemies?!" Raven shrieked based on her knowledge of the supernatural novels. Morgan laughed, "Who told you that they are enemies. An occasional brawl is common among people. But everyone is generally harmonious. Besides, the Lycan prince and the Vampire prince are best friends. You shouldn't believe the things written in those novels these days. They are very misleading." ------------------------------- Hey Beautiful Readers! I'll get a better updating schedule next month! promise! updates will be more regular too! Follow my i********: (authorskylar01) for updates and character aesthetics and sneak peeks for upcoming chapters!
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