Chapter 7 : It was not everyday that she got to witness someone casting a spell for real.

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Raven's sleep had been light, she woke up several times throughout the night and fell back into a slumber just as fast. It was so cold that the blanket felt like a wet cloth over her body. It was so uncomfortable. That unbearable cold became a reason that she woke up before six in the morning. The sun was nowhere in sight. While in Veshmor it would be shining up at this time, the clouds were still swimming through the sky in Schemir. Raven wrapped herself up in extra blankets and sat on the bed. She felt a bit sleepy but not enough to go back to sleep. On the other hand, she didn't want to disturb Morgan from her sleep, so Raven decided to just camp on her bed and wake up in a slow pace. Raven was used to living in a relatively warm region. Adapting to this new climate was difficult. But then Raven thought, she didn't have to adapt. She was going to attend the academy soon. They had magic there, surely the climate won't be uncomfortable. That thought got her excited all over again. Who wouldn't want to witness the things they grew up reading in fairytales? Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies and all the good things would be all around her. Among the curiousity for the unknown world, she was also curious about herself. Since her mother belonged to the werewolves, Raven wanted to know more about them as well. Raven had their blood in her veins, did that mean she could shift into a she-wolf? It was a scary and heart racing thought. Raven had read a lot about werewolves in fantasy novels. The way they shift differed upon who wrote the novel and what suited the theme. But the most common ones included broke bones and a lot of pain. Raven shivered due to the cold. The more idle she was, the more her brain worked, and not in the right direction too. Aside from the painful shifting, Raven's brain leaned towards the other most important thing about werewolves. Mates. Like every Romance light-novel fan, Raven had also at some point fantasized about finding something as unrealistic as a mate and spend her life without worry of them cheating. Now that the same fantasy had become a bigger part of her life, Raven wanted to know if it was true. If yes, then she also wanted to know about the probability of her finding a true love in this world. Dawn didn't arrive until past eight in Schemir. When the soft rays of sun finally fell upon Raven's windows, she got off the bed and went to freshen up. The hot shower was a relief from the cold that had gathered all over Raven's skin. After the process of defrosting the cold off, Raven dressed into warm clothes and tied a thick woolen scarf around her neck. It was vital to not ignore the importance of wool in a place like Schemir. Wool yarn was sold like precious silk in this place and nearby regions because of it's much needed warmth. Raven was glad she brought it from Veshmor. Morgan was up as well. She wheeled herself out of her room downstairs and spotted Raven when she came downstairs. "Good morning Raven," Morgan greeted with a smile, "Did you sleep well?" Raven returned the greeting with a smile of her own and said honestly, "It is a lot colder than where I used to live. It might take some time to get used to the temperature." Morgan's legs were in a bad condition but that didn't stop her from cooking up a storm for breakfast. Raven felt bad for sitting around while Morgan did the work but whenever she went to help, Morgan would just send her back. Breakfast was hot and hearty, perfect for a cold weather. Raven truly enjoyed it a lot. It had been so long since she sat down like this and ate contently. Ever since grandmother Cecilia's death, Raven had not put much consideration into her meals. Whatever was available would have to do or if she wasn't in the mood then take out it was. Even for breakfast. After a filling breakfast Raven followed Morgan into a room. It was right next to Morgan's bedroom and had a few symbols drawn all over the door. "What do the signs mean?" Raven asked in fascination. She mentally scolded herself. She can't go around behaving as if she was new to this new world. If she was mesmerized or scared easily after seeing something like this then sooner or later Raven would be found out and thrown out of the Academy. Or worse, killed. "Those are runes and a few spells which is used to seal something. I don't want the other witches or wizards to know about my place so I only perform my magic in this room. This way they won't be able to detect the fluctuations and find me." Morgan explained patiently. There was no lock or doorknob to open the door. Morgan whispered something and gave the door a light push. On cue, the wooden door creaked open. Raven gasped at the display of magic. It was not everyday that she got to witness someone casting a spell for real. "That was so cool." She couldn't help but say. Morgan chuckled and wheeled herself inside, "You have to get used to seeing strange things like this. When we go to our world, you will see much more than this. Good and evil exists everywhere and in everything. Don't give yourself away in front of others. Even in the face of extraordinary people and acts, pretend as if you can do better. This way you will seem like one of them." "Can do better?" Raven frowned, "But what if someone asks me something and I don't know. Won't that make me a laughing stock?" "Of course not. It is just an assumption in case someone does take interest in you. Your priority has to be to remain low-key and invisible. Avoid interacting if you can." ------------------------------------ Hey Beautiful Readers! As y'all can probably tell that I've changed the title and cover of the story. It's for the better! I have posted a character aesthetic on my ** (authorskylar01) so check it out! Many of my story character aesthetics and sneak peek a are posted over there! I'll be posting sneak peeks for Lycan Prince's Hybrid too! so follow me there!
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