Chapter 12 : A Change In Appearance!

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Raven was slowly but surely getting a hang of seeing unusual things. For example, there was no housekeeping staff to clean the big mansion. Instead, the next day Raven encountered a broom sweeping itself around early morning as if it was dancing in the air. Raven thought she was still sleeping and was seeing things. Until Morgan told her that it was natural to use magic for cleaning. Raven thought it was very convenient. No one had to break their back cleaning the huge place. Being in the witch sub-kingdom was truly a different experience. Magic was everywhere, in every little thing. It was as if the world was standing on the foundation of magic, which might as well be true. Morgan was the new leader of the sub-kingdom and had a lot of responsibilities to take care of. Right after breakfast Morgan told Raven to get ready in the new clothes they brought from the fairy kingdom. "Why?" Raven asked. She thought it was only necessary for when she was at the academy. "I have a meeting with other witches in a while, there I will formally introduce you as my person, who has to be looked after by them. You are only my temporary heir, but that doesn't change your importance. They know about you, but it is also important to show your face." Raven understood Morgan's intention behind all this. It was all so that Raven would have a smooth sailing to the Avencia Academy. Raven went ahead and picked out a long dress to wear. It was decorated with crystals on the bodice and the crystals got smaller and sparse as it reached the hem. It was a soft gold tinted dress. It looked elegant but not arrogant. Raven loved the fashion in this world. In the human world she would wear jeans most often, gowns and dresses with heavy looks were only worn on occasion. But here it was a norm and Raven could wear it even on a normal outing and be completely comfortable. She brushed her now blonde hair and looked herself in the mirror for a while minute. Raven had seen herself yesterday but still couldn't get over her new look. Her body was the same, her height was the same. Technically, only her face had some changes. Her boring brown eyes were now a bright blue color. They were like jolts of electrical current running through orbs. The bridge of her nose was a bit straight and higher than before. Her lips were particularly red and had taken a bow shape. Very subtle but beautiful. Her chin was sharper than before too. Raven would say that the person in the mirror was a much superior version of herself. She actually liked looking at herself. Her boring self, clad in washed jeans, shirt and sneakers was impossible to find. She saw a girl who was dressed like a princess, and looked like a princess. Morgan knocked on her door and broke her concentration. Raven opened the door of her room to let Morgan in. Morgan smiled when she saw Raven dressed so nicely, "You look gorgeous, Raven." "Thanks aunt Morgan." Raven suddenly became shy. Morgan had a wrapped cloth on her lap. She unwrapped it and inside was a silver head band. The headband was simple and shiny, with a teardrop crystal hanging on one side. Morgan gestured for raven to bend forward. Raven crouched down and bend forward. Morgan lifted the headband and placed it on top of Raven's head. It fit her perfectly. The silver band wrapped around her head and the clear crystal laid on her forehead like a crown. "Perfect." Morgan kissed her head as Raven got back up, "This headband has to be worn at all times. Witches in the sub-kingdom also have headbands but slightly different. The crystal signifies that you are an important person to us. I have added a charm into it that will help you keep this appearance as long as you wear it. I won't be in the academy with you so it's important that you don't take it off." Raven nodded and felt around for the headband. It didn't feel heavy at all, but the way it looked on her gave off a very regal feeling. Raven then followed Morgan out of her room. They entered a meeting room on the ground floor. The room had a large window which gave off the view of open garden that surrounded the mansion. Raven wheeled Morgan to the front of the long table. Many women were already seated. A man was also present, who stood up when Morgan and Raven came in. Not a split second later, everyone else also stood up for them. "Lady Morgan, I was wondering when we will have a good leader to co-operate with." The man smiled and kissed Morgan's hand. Morgan smiled back slightly. She gestured for everyone to sit back. "Thank you Lord Jomir. You didn't have to come here personally. I would have visited the wizard sub-kingdom soon." The man, Lord Jomir, shook his head as he took a seat, "How could I not. I heard you came back with an heir. I cannot possibly miss the chance to see the young lady." Following his words, all eyes landed on Raven. Raven subconsciously gripped Morgan's wheelchair, her face warmed up to an unbearable temperature. "Yes, my Raven has been living in the human world with me for a long time. I think it is time to introduce her to our world." Morgan pleasantly held Raven's hand and brought her up front, "This is Raven, and she is like a daughter to me. I am going to send her to the Avencia Academy for further learnings and training. Although I want her to be my successor, Raven will have the last say in the decision. I will not force her if she doesn't want to do anything. I hope everyone understands." -----------------------------------
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