Chapter Thirty Two

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Our weekend away was descending into disaster. If it wasn't me getting myself worked up, then it was him losing his temper. The phone call from Bradford had left him storming out of the hotel with little explanation other than that he hadn't brought his laptop with him and needed to find a computer and fast. I had no idea what was so important but he had left in a hurry, giving me a last apologetic look as he had left. So much for a weekend where we barely got out of bed. Day one and we hadn't managed to have any time together at all. Not really, anyway. I ordered room service for lunch and ordered some for David too, on the off chance that he came back quickly, but I wasn't holding my breath. Ordering two salads because it was the only thing on the menu that I was pretty sure wouldn't spoil before he got back. Aurora: I've ordered some lunch. Any idea how long you will be? I didn't really expect a reply, but after half an hour of radio silence I was getting annoyed. Not even with David, just with life. There was always something coming between us. When you loved someone it was supposed to be easy, simple. Yet, with us, it was anything but simple. When my phone rang, I nearly didn't answer it. Checking the display and seeing Rylie's name pop up, I changed my mind. "Hey" "Are you enjoying yourself yet?" "You have to be kidding, I haven't even left the hotel yet. The drive over was awful and I was shattered, so I went for a lie down. Besides, I'm not here to have a good time, it's work." "Yeah I know. I just thought you might manage to relax at least a little. You've had a rough few months, we all have and you deserve to get some time to yourself." Slightly glad that someone finally saw the situation for how it actually was. If Rylie had been around more she would have noticed a long time ago. She really was the sister I had never had. I smiled to myself at the thought and the reassuring sound of her voice. That voice of hers had been in my life before I even met her. The amount of times I had called Luca to deal with something and, instead, me and Rylie had spent ages just talking about anything and everything. "I love you." "Where did that come from? I mean I love you too, but it sounded more, I don't know... deep." "I was just thinking how you are one of the few people I can truly depend on and possibly the only person who actually sees me." "I'm not sure that's true. David sees you too." My palms seemed to sweat instantly. My voice hitched a couple of notes at least. "What made you say that?" "He always seems to be stepping in and telling everyone to lay off you. To stop piling so much on your plate. It's refreshing, it was getting tiring being the only one moaning at everyone about how they take you for granted." "I didn't know he had said anything." "Yeah he moans at Em quite regularly and I know he had stern words with Luca. Fully deserved I might add. He told him that they were all going to work you into an early grave. That they expected you to be able to cope with more than you could. That you had been having nightmares about finding Luca." I wanted to kill the prat. How could he be so stupid? Not to mention that it wasn't his place in the slightest. "I wonder how he knew." "I assumed you must have told him." Yes, that might have been the better explanation. I hadn't, I knew he knew I had flashbacks, but not about the nightmares. Wondering to myself if I'd had one the night I slept at his. "Maybe Em told him. She's slept in my room a couple of times, so she might have worked it out for herself. I didn't want you all worrying about me, especially with everything that has been going on." "There has been too much going on, but that's all behind us now. It's time for us all to rally around and give you a break for once. After the way you have held this family together, you deserve it. Have you and David gotten close over the last few weeks?" "I suppose so." I could sniff her playing matchmaker a mile away and at least that meant she didn't think anything was already going on. I was getting so tired of lying to everyone. It was more stress that I didn't need. I still wasn't even convinced it was necessary. Maybe keeping it from my parents was necessary, but I was sure Luca, Rylie and Em would understand. I was certain Em would understand, she loved us both and would want us to be happy. The betrayal was the lies not the action itself. It wasn't even as though she wanted her parents to get back together, because that would be the last thing she wanted. She hated what her mother did more than David did. David forgave too easily for his own good. It was that big heart of his. "He's a good friend." "Hmmm." "Spit it out, we both know you are dying to say something." "I just think the pair of you would make a great match. You are so similar and he might actually have a chance of being mature enough for you." "Yeah, Em would love that. Come on Rylie, be serious." I tried to laugh it off, to pretend she was being ridiculous, but really I wanted to know what she really thought about it. Rylie's opinion of the situation would mean a lot to me and she knew Emily well enough to gauge her reaction better than I did. "I am. I think Emily would absolutely love the idea. She loves you both after all." "She might love me but me being her wicked stepmother might be asking too much." I laughed and felt incredibly guilty at the same time. There was also a glimmer of hope in there. The idea that Rylie, who knew Em better than anyone, thought she would accept the idea was what I had hoped for more than anything else. "You are in no way wicked, but oddly, I can imagine you forcing her to scrub the floors." The lilt of humor in Rylie's voice made me smile. Speaking to her had been just what I needed to lighten my mood. "Yeah, well, if I'm the wicked stepmother, what does that make you? Wicked stepsister, awful aunt?" I looked up as the door opened. David took in the phone at my ear quickly and closed the door quietly behind him. "That doesn't bare thinking about. I guess I will have to think of someone else to set you up with." "I don't need setting up with anyone. Not with David, not with anyone." David raised his eyebrows and pointed to himself, mouthing me at me. I nodded in response. David strolled over and dropped a kiss on my forehead before heading into the bedroom. "I had better get going. I have got work to do after all." "OK, but promise me you will take some time for yourself." "I promise." As soon as I put the phone down I headed into the bedroom and leant against the wall, watching as David fought his way out of his clothes. Somehow, he had managed to secure a laptop and it was tossed on the bed in a simple case. It was rather amazing how he managed to get his own way no matter where he went. "What are you doing?" "I plan not to wear clothes for the rest of the time we're here. You can't say anything, you were in that dressing gown when I left." "I might have been in less if you hadn't left." "It was unavoidable. Bradford is demanding things again. Given that I'm not in the office, I don't have much choice but to do as he asks. The sooner I wrap up those loose ends the better. Who was on the phone, Rylie or Emily?" "Rylie. Something tells me that Em won't be ringing trying to match make between us. What do you mean wrapping up loose ends?" "I'm done being tied to that prick. It's time to walk away from the business, set up on my own maybe, or retire early. Hey, maybe I should buy my own vineyard, something small. Don't middle-aged men buy up small plots as hobbies? You might be surprised by Em. She's very open-minded and has a huge heart." "Yes they do, most of them struggle to make ends meet though. It's a difficult business when you are working on a small plot. Em takes after her dad, that's why." Finally depositing his shirt on the floor, he headed over to me and grabbed my face rather harshly. Pulling me to him and kissing me. "That sounded like a compliment." "I'm not sure it is. Sometimes your caring nature seems to bite me in the ass, but I'm glad about it at other times. As long as you still love me, I'm happy." He pulled me along with him as he walked backwards until he hit the bed and we fell together onto the bed. Him still gripping me as though I was the most important thing in the world and he needed to hold onto me at all costs. "I do love you. I will always love you. Never doubt that for a second."
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