Chapter Thirty Three

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That night we were both too exhausted to do much other than collapse. As we drifted off, I remembered thinking that at least I was lying in his arms instead of being alone. I had never really considered myself lonely, not until I understood what it meant to actually have someone. Not just someone, but the one. Waking up beside him just made it hit home even harder. I wanted nothing else in life but to wake up with him each day. It was a dying shame that the following morning I would be waking up alone again. The idea gave me an awful empty feeling. It was a shame we had only managed to carve out one night together. It was even worse that the little time we had, David had spent some of it dealing with Bradford. As always, David was fast asleep. We both woke up at set times but our body clocks seemed to work completely differently. Mine made it so I slept lightly from about 4 am until I woke at 5.30 am. David slept like the dead all night long, then at 6 am he would be wide awake. He was one of those annoying morning people. Cheerful and chipper with way too much energy. Knowing I had a half-hour head start on David, I headed for the bathroom. The bathroom was lush, well the whole suite was . I knew it would be before we even arrived. David would have happily slept in a shoebox, but when it came to people he cared about, he insisted on them having the best. I knew from conversations with Emily that she had fought against his need for her to have the best her whole life. He had wanted her to have a town house in one of the best neighborhoods in their town but she had refused it. Somehow he had managed to spoil her yet also make her the sort of person that refused to splash other people's money. I turned the tap on and watched as the water splashed into the stark white tub encased all the way around in black marble. Eyeing up the complimentary toiletries on the side, they were just as fancy as everything else in the room. It didn't say what scent the bath foam was, but I smelt lavender and elderberry drifting up as I poured the little bottle into the path of the stream of steaming water. I slipped into the water before the bath was full. The bath was so large it would take ages to fill, it was built for couples, that much was clear. I almost regretted not waking David up to join me as I slipped under the water to wet my hair like I always did. Closing my eyes and taking Rylie's advice about taking time for myself. David and I only had a matter of hours left together and I needed to find time to talk to him. Except I was certain the conversation would cause us to argue. Which was hardly the end to the weekend I wanted. I wasn't sure how long I had been lying there with my eyes closed drifting in the clouds of bubbles, but hearing David moving around brought me back to reality. I heard him open the door and start speaking to someone. It made me tense up slightly. The bathroom door was ajar and it was the first room inside the suite, making me closer to the main door than I liked. The movement behind me had me leaning my head back to look at the cause. Relaxing slightly when I saw David standing there. "I poked my head in and saw something was missing so I thought I had best rectify the situation." He pulled his arm from around the door frame, revealing a black tray balancing on his palm. One of the champagne flutes threatened to fall from the movement and David rushed to steady it. Along with the glasses was a bottle of champagne to go with them and a dish full of strawberries. It was a classic move, but it was classic for a reason. It worked and it screamed romance. He was already naked and did a little dance towards the tub, leaving me in hysterics. Filling a glass and handing it to me before perching the bowl of strawberries on the side of the bath and filling his own glass. Finally, he joined me in the bath. As expected, he was full of energy and causing mayhem as he sloshed water over the side of the bath. He didn't bother to pick up his champagne flute or take his time, instantly leaning over to me. "Morning beautiful." Smirking slightly as he dropped the slightest kiss on my lips. As his finger rolled up my side, I understood the reason for the smirk. He always knew just how to drive me insane with the least amount of effort. I squirmed slightly under his touch, trying not to react to him because I knew it was exactly what he wanted. He would happily brag that he didn't even have to touch me for me to be dripping with desperation. He wasn't wrong, but that didn't mean I was going to make it easy for him. When I failed to react, he grabbed my chain in his fist and used it to pull me up to him. I complied, mainly because I didn't want to risk snapping my necklace. Realising how important it was for me for it to stay intact, to not break that commitment between the two of us. He got me so close to his lips, but didn't attempt to lay his mouth on mine. "You look absolutely radiant baby girl. Good enough to eat." His spare hand must have retrieved a strawberry while I was otherwise distracted, he pressed it up between us, the red berry connected to both our mouths. I nibbled at it out of instinct and he took a hefty bit, closing the distance between our lips. His tongue instantly delved into my mouth, tasting overwhelmingly of strawberry as he explored me. As his weight settled on my thighs, forcing me to spread my legs to give him some room. Almost regretting it as he used it to his advantage by maneuvering himself so his hard c**k pushed against my opening. It was just enough for me to register the intrusion, but not enough to penetrate. Just sitting there, waiting for me to shift to nudge him inside. The temptation to tilt my hips was heightened because it seemed like forever since we were last connected in that way. I still wouldn't give in. Instead, I moved just enough to sweep his tip along my opening. It might have teased me, but it would be guaranteed to drive him crazy as well. I saw the slight twitch in his jaw and the sudden pause in his breathing and smiled inwardly, making sure to not let my amusement show on my face. "Good girls don't tease." "Well, I guess I'm not a good girl then." The devilish look that spread across his face made me squirm all the more. When his hand delved into the water, I thought I knew what to expect, but I was wrong. As his hand squeezed between my thighs, I could feel his hand grasp his c**k firmly. Moving it up until it laid against my clit. "Are you sure you aren't a good girl?" I considered my options and nearly backed down. I couldn't decide which was better, him rewarding me for being good or finding out what my punishment was for being bad. "Never!" Slowly he started rubbing my clit with the tip of his c**k. I had expected him to start speeding up or to slip it inside me without warning, but he just kept up the punishingly slow caresses. It just resulted in turning me on more than I already was. Fast enough that it sent shockwaves through me, but not fast enough that it would make me come and I knew he was doing it on purpose. His face told me everything I needed to know. With that sly, winning smile of his. His eyes had grown darker with pleasure and they bore into mine and fed off my reaction to him. "Still a bad girl?" I tried to find my voice, but nothing came out on the first attempt. "Yes." It came out much less convincing and a little shaky. I needed him to fill me so badly. That feeling of fullness that I had missed so much. As he swept down, I angled my hips so he was lined up to give me just what I wanted and squeezed my thighs around him. He resisted masterfully and I knew he had seen the move coming. When he swept up again he stopped. His c**k no longer pressing against me, but his fist instead. Pumping at his hardness, quick and fast. All the while, his knuckles grazed against me, forcing me higher than before. I was so turned on, all it would take was one hard deep thrust and I would be unleashed. Instead, my punishment was to be pushed to the brink and denied while he spunked over me. He wanted me to recant, that was all it would take. My desperation was great, but not as great as my stubbornness. "I know what you want. Tell me you will be a good girl and I will give it to you. Just think a few little words is all it takes to get my c**k slamming deep inside you." Oh f**k. I had never known the effect simple words could have, but as he practically hissed them out, I was sure those words alone would be enough to make me explode. It just wasn't quite enough. It was there, that pressure like a screaming banshee in my groin screaming the words he wanted to hear and not being heard. I wanted to beat him, to win. Except I no longer knew what winning was. Was it holding out or was it feeling the warmth of his seed spreading inside of me. "I'm going to be a good girl." I had barely gotten the words out before his c**k was deep inside me and taking my breath away. "f**k baby girl, you feel so tight." I couldn't think straight. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was embrace the feeling of him. "Come for me princess." His command was answered by my entire body convulsing as I came harder than I ever had before. "f**k, fuck." David buried his head in my breasts as I felt the telltale rhythm change, followed by the warmth of him, before he stilled. All I could think was thank God we had both gotten ourselves together because I didn't know how I had gone as long as I had without him. Any longer and it would have killed me. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, finally being able to just relax as he laid there between my legs.
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