Chapter 21. Dealings

2495 Words

Cath    Of course, Red didn’t give an answer to Cath’s last question, but Cath hadn’t really expected it from him. Whatever the secret behind his identity was, it would remain unrevealed, at least for now, and Cath wouldn’t press for it. They were both still standing in the small room, their gazes locked on each other while the silence filled the space between them. Red’s blue eyes looked almost as dark as the night sky outside, the little flickering lights of the candles threw tiny stars in them, and Cath found himself falling again into their depts as if no time had really passed. Cath knew he should be angry. Hells, he should rip off the damn ropes that tied him to this chair and make Red and his companions pay for his ruined plans. However, anger was not what he felt right now. The

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