Chapter 22. Fever

3233 Words

Red They had to leave at dawn. It was risky with the sun burning high in the sky on the first summer days, but there was no other way. Red knew they couldn’t stay quite long in Lomme, not after Igodar’s death and Cath being in fact kidnapped from the towers.  Red waited in the shadows of the waking town, watching the thin line of the horizon in the distance, wondering if it would ever come a day when he would get used to the view. The sun seemed violet and orange this early in the morning, its globe hidden behind thin blue-grey clouds. The air felt crisp and a bit damp from last night’s light rain, but here in the ends of the city, a specific smelt of rotten food and canals ruined the impression of the nice day that waited ahead. With a sigh, he went inside one of the three small houses

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