Chapter 20. Alliances

1550 Words

Cath hadn’t moved since the moment Red left him. The thread of the candle flame that danced in the air around him a few minutes earlier, had died down and now it was just a mere flicker on one of the candles, lined above the empty hearth. He seemed calmed down now as if he had accepted his fate. Or had come up with a less obvious plan how the escape his captors. Either way, he was not one of the people who gave up easily or trusted easily, so Red considered him with caution. When he heard Red’s voice, he corrected his position on the chair, lifting himself up and standing alert to every movement he heard. Red stepped towards him and removed the black bag from his head. Two diamond grey eyes stared intently at Red the next minute, a small smirk danced on the male’s full lips. He was all

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