? Red Lips

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Somebody told me that my life appears so poignant, that I have those memories in my past which are still etched in my mind. Maybe, living my life is a little bit easy for others. But every day is a struggle that I need to get through. Every day is like a race track that I need to finish no matter what happen. Everyday, I need to prove something that can add to my entire humanity. In my own outlook, my life is an unending bunch of commandments. Pressures. Expectations. Failures. Judgments. Those hurtful words, I always need to gulp down those words even they are so suicidal to ingest. I always need to satisfy all the expectations of the people around me. I am obliged to work and move under pressure. I should not fail anything or anybody. I am required to accept all the judgments of all the people who think they know every single thing about me. I am forced to look perfect in front of everyone. Do you think my life is easy to live in? Do you think it's easy to move in this constricted world where every mistake that you commit will be noticed compared to all the good things you did? Is it easy? Yeah, it's easy to cut your life to death. But cutting never becomes the solution rather it will just add to the problems. That's why, at the end of the day, I still manage to smile because I know there are people, few people out there who believe in me. "Hey! Lips, someone looking for you." I looked back and saw Denver, beside him is a man who's wearing a black tuxedo. I can tell by the way he looks at me that his a powerful and dangerous person, but his presence doesn't scare me. "Who are you? What are you doing here in my house?" "Hi, I'm Dark Constantine. I need someone to protect me from my enemies.. I'm next in line for their execution.. I'll pay triple if you've work for me." My eyebrows suddenly rose up, because of what I heard. 'Well that's a boldfaced lie.' I saw eagerness and manipulation in his face. So,, I concluded that he will just using me for his own s**t business. Oh! crap! how did he find out about my work? I caught a glimpse of Denver who averted his eyes from me. "I'm not interested, find someone else that can be satisfied your damn ego." "Hey! I'm here for business! as you can see, I'm offering you a good job with high salary." He handed me the blank check that had already been signed. "And you heard my answer already, right? so, back off." I don't know why I'm disgusted with the face of the man in front of me. "Look! I really want you to be my personal bodyguard! Can you reconsider my offer?" he said with a plea, which made me even more annoyed with him. "Still no" l just raised my middle finger then left the house. "Denver! you said we can convince Lips? What happened?" I just stared at Red who had just come out of the door. "You can't catch her by doing that stupid s**t, you must find another way to get her interest." "What will we do now?" confused I asked Denver deep in thought. "She has changed, she's not the same as before, Dark. So, prepare yourself, because you will not only experience pain but hell with Lips." "And what is that?" I asked nervously. "You'll see ... when I met Lips at a bar, I knew she was an unusual woman. She drank a lot and smoked, many guys liked her but she didn't even give anyone hope. Because for her everything is just work without personal matter. There is a lot of people who fear and avoiding her, because when Lips is bored and angry.. you will only end up in two places .. in the hospital or cemetery. lf not crippled you are probably dying. or worse your dead." "That's how Lips' life turned out? I never thought her life would be miserable." I was shocked by what I heard. "Lips became addicted to drugs, went into rehab and when she got out of the rehabilitation center, she suddenly disappeared." "She what?" I asked Denver, with disbelief. "Four years... no communication with each other. until one day, she just knocked on my door. She looks different, her name is different, she is different from the old Lips I met before. I can't accept that she's an assassin, who doesn't blink when she kills someone. I always ask her why she entered that job... and there is only one answer she always gives me .." "And what is that, Denver?" I asked consciously. "She said that her life is boring, and she wants to have fun. But you know Dark, I can feel her sadness. even if she is good at hiding her true feelings, you can still read the truth in her eyes. and who knows that behind her sweet smile are hidden many dark secrets of her new Identity." "Did you know anything about Lips 'past before you met at the bar?" I asked Denver, surprisingly! he knew so much about Red. "Nothing! Lips is very secretive! all I know about her is just my research. But I can't find her past.. wait a minute! why are you asking me about Lips? what do you need from her and why do you want her to be your bodyguard?" "She took something that belongs to me, l want it back" l answered seriously. Denver stared at Dark with suspicion. "And what did she took from you?" "It's a secret, Denver. Anyway, thanks for your help, it's a good start for me that I've found Red Gomez as well." 'Maybe these two have a past.. Hmm.. Interesting. "Hey! Dark, just a reminder! Don't upset Lips if you don't want to be buried alive." "I know! So improve your work as well, you might be buried alive before me if you make a mistake." I smirk at Denver. then walked out of Lips' house. Honestly, I searched for Lips because of the incident that happened last month. Since then I haven't forgotten her. Suddenly, our past flashbacked in my mind. Happy and painful memories that I will never forget. 'REWIND.. LAST MONTH.. You see her standing at the opposite side of street and she is about to cross as the red light starts to flash. You look at her intently and you notice how she looks better than the last time you saw her. She has her black leather bag in her shoulder with her corporate attire and semi high heels shoes. You smile at the thought that she managed to succeed, that the girl who once doubted herself is making herself proud now. You remember how this girl once treated you as her world. You start to wonder who has been with her during the times you've turned your back at her. You feel sudden clutch in your heart as the thought of someone is with her now, treating her right unlike what you did to her, someone who is making her the happiest, or maybe you still have your hopes high and think that you're still the man she thinks of living her life with. Then she looks at you too, trying to figure out the feautures of your familiar face and she smiled at you too and bid a little wave. You don't know if that's for greeting you hello or for bidding goodbye or it could be both because there isn't much time for talking. She has grown up, that's all you ever tell yourself as she past by you. She's not the same girl who begged you to come back when you decided to leave her. She looks different now, her eyes finally shines, it isn't as cold as ice anymore. Her hair fits perfectly in her face, she's prettier than before, she's better -she finally moved on. You wonder who's doing the job you refused to do. Years ago, she told you how much she loved you and she even apologized for not being good enough for you. And right now, all you could ever do is to regret and blame yourself for letting her go. If she ever does give up on you, know that it took her a lot of courage to do that -it cost her everything to realize that this too much burden is not for her to carry. She's the type who would give endless chances, still chooses to trust even after rejections and harsh-evaluations, always chooses to stay and accepts people regardless of their past and mistakes. She's the type who would be there for you when everyone else thinks you're hopeless, she will be there for you even when she shouldn't be. She's the type who believes that everyone has their goodness in their hearts. She would fight for you even when you don't deserve to be fought for. She's the type who keeps on holding on even when she should have let you go a long time ago and chooses to love and understand you even when she has all the reason to leave you. If she ever does give up on you, realize how much it took her to her to get to that point. She may seem strong but she can only allow herself to get hurt so many times until she's had enough. I looked up at the sky, it was dark again. it's just like my life has been dark since she left. 'I'll do anything as long as you just come back into my life, Red.. just come back to me. ' ?MahikaNiAyana
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