
211 Words
Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide. I used to be a powerhouse of ambition. I had dreams of running my own substance use rehabilitation clinic. I wanted a Ph.D. I wanted things in life. I want to help as much as I can. I want to see the world I live in change. I kicked a*s and did it like a mother fucker. Now I don't even recognize that girl anymore. She seems like someone from a different life in a much different time. Now I don't know what I want to do with my life. Nothing sounds intriguing. I used to want to help people, but how can I help others if I can't even help myself? How can I tell someone things will get better when to my core I believe they never will? How can I tell others to kick the drugs when I'm dealing with alcoholism myself? How do you learn to forgive yourself? Where do you even start? How can you forget all the terrible things you said and ignore all the "I should have..." Sentences that your mind creates? How do you learn to love the world again? Red ? Lips ?MahikaNiAyana
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