Chapter 4:I'll be there

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Vince wanted to comfort her. But before he could speak,  a group of guys passed by. It's Andrei's group, they walk in silence yet girls inside the canteen start to murmur to each other. Vince can't help but to follow them with his eyes. He stops when Hannah speaks.  "Kat, you seem unwell, " Hannah said. Vince looks at Kat and as expected, Kat white skin face turns red. Her hands are trembling under the table as she speaks, "no!.. i just... " she paused for a second when she realized that her voice went up. "nothing. I'm okay," she said.  Vince looked worried, he placed his hands on Kat's shoulder and asked.  `` Are you really okay? " Kat nodded as a reply and bowed her head.     Kat's hands were still trembling as she looked up at the group of guys entering the canteen.  Her smile became bigger when she saw the tall moreno guy, walking in their direction.  In just a moment her worried eyes spark. When her eyes meet Andrei's eyes she immediately looks away pretending to talk to Vince.  "Right!? " Kat exclaimed, Vince seems to understand the situation, he stared at Kat and nodded even though Kat didn't ask him anything. Kat then turns around to her food and eats, Vince does the same.  Not so long when Vince felt a sudden movement in their table. He looked up and found Calex holding a tray, he may have accidentally bumped into their table when he walked. The canteen is small and almost full, making the people who walk on the sides of the tables accidentally bump their body on it.  "I'm sorry." Calex apologized and turned his head  to the people sitting at the table. He was shocked when he saw a familiar face."Oh? Morales?" Vince nod and said,  " be careful next time, " "ah…  okay, sorry again," Calex said and left.     While Calex reached their table at the back,  Hannah couldn't take her eyes off him, she tilted her body to see Calex more.  And when Calex already sat on his chair, Hannah turned around to Vince.   She asked," you know him? " Vince nod and said,  "yup" "What's his sss? " Hannah said with excitement.    A hard slap on her back makes him groan in pain. Turning her head to the girl next to her, she asked with twitching eyebrows, "WTF is your problem,Carol? "        Carol didn't answer and pointed to Hannah's food.  Hannah releases a "tss." and continues her food. Vince also continued eating and enjoying his food in silence when Kat suddenly grabbed one of his hands. His face looked confused, but Kat just stared at him. He noticed that Kat want to tell him something but don't know how.  He raised his eyebrows, put down his utensils and turned his body to face Kat.  "What? " he said.  "uhm…"  Kat became hesitant. This makes Vince roll his eyes and say, " just tell me. " Kat released a deep sight and looked at Vince,  "I need your help, " "What helped? " he asked.      Kat reached her bag and got the two water bottles from it.  At first Vince is confused about the bottle but later on he remembers about the gayuma thing they've done a day ago. However, the liquid on the bottle doesn't look like the one they did so he asked her. "What's that? " he asked       Kat draws her hand signaling him to come near, he did come and Kat whisper in his ears, "Gayuma" He was right, "but the color… " he said     Kat stay away from him and said,  "I did put three tablespoons of it here," Now he knows why. " okay… " he said with a satisfied voice. " Give this to him! " Kat smiled and put the bottle in his chest with force. With the pain he felt, he groaned "ahh.. ",  "Sorry, " Kat apologized. He waved his hand, "it's okay. " Hannah and Carol, who finished their food, just watched the two awkwardly. Hannah whispers to Carol,  "Are they aware that we're still here? " Carol just shrugged and fixed her Tupperware.Vince felt that Hannah was  staring at them.  When he looked at her,  he found their plates and tupperware were clean,  he asked,  "you're done? " "yup, " Hannah replied. "I wanna go pee,  Hannah come with me! " Carol said from nowhere. Hannah looked at her with a confused face, thinking why would she suddenly want to go pee. "ohh… " she said when she finally realized what Carol meant.  "Ohh right,  excuse us. " Hannah said and put her plate in the tray and left with Carol, leaving the two dumbfounded. "What happened to them? " Vince asked.  "Carol wants to pee. " Kat said. "By the way, we still have 10 minutes before the next bell.  Can you give that to him now? " she asked.  "Why me? " Vince asked.  "you're a man, that's okay, just tell him it's me who gave it." Kat said while pushing him.  "isn't it weird if a guy like me gave water from nowhere to another guy? "  Vince said while trying to fight the push of Kat.  "no, it isn't, " Kat said and pushed him harder.  Without any choice, Vince stood up and admitted his defeat.  He walked towards Andrei's group who is currently cleaning their table. When he had already reached the table, Calex noticed his sudden appearance. "Morales?" Calex asked within his shock. " Divinaflor,  can you give this to Manlapaz? " he said without any hesitation and gave the bottle to Calex.     Calex raised his eyebrows and looked at him with suspicion.  "It's not from me."  Vince said before Calex opened his mouth .     Vince and Calex have been friends. They've been  classmates for the whole 4 years in their junior high school. At first Calex didn't like Vince. Maybe, because Vince can pass his exam without studying or because Vince stands up the most in almost anything. Whatever his reason is, he always says, "there's no reason why, I just don't like Vince's presence." . But when they reached the third year,  they became a partner in the student council.Vince is the president while Calex is his Vice. And as vice-president, Calex calls the president, "Mr. Morales". That later became Morales. Everyday from Day to noon or sometimes night, these two always work together with other student councils and grow a bond with each other for the past 2 years. Spending a lot of time with Calex,  Vince almost knew a lot about him.  One of those is the habit of Calex to ship a guy to another guy.  Calex laughed so hard that he almost lost his breath. "Morales… hahahaha…  I can't." Vince looked at him with a dull face and said. " Stop it,  just give this to him.  It's from Kat. "  Calex managed to compose himself. "If you really know me, you should give me something else as payment." he smirked.  Vince raised his fist and said " why not? " Calex widened his eyes and chuckles, "Okay, okay. I'll give this to Andrei." Calex left Vince at the side of the table and went to a guy who's putting his plate to the tray. Vince didn't leave as he wanted to make sure Andrei will receive the gift from Kat.  Noticing that Vince didn't leave, Calex  suddenly thought of naughty things. "Hey, Andrei! " Calex smirks and puts his hand to Andrei's shoulder.  "Get off me." Andrei said, trying to remove Calex's hand.  "What do you need? " " Someone gave you this, " Calex showed Andrei a water bottle. Andrei, "water?  Don't joke with me."  Calex, " I'm not,  look let me open it for you." Calex opened the bottle, "You had just your meal Finnish, You haven't drank water right? Here. " Andrei's throat began to dry, gulping his saliva, he snatched the water bottle from Calex and drank from it. Out of nowhere, Calex said,  "It's from Morales!" Vince, who was still standing on the side of the table suddenly widened his eyes while Andrei didn't react at all.  "Do you think I'm deaf? " Andrei said after he drank all the water from the bottle. "I was an inch away from you both,  the hell man" he said and gave Vincent a wave of hand. "Tell your friend, thanks. " then left to put his tray in the right place.  Vincent released  a sigh of relief. He didn't notice that Calex walked towards him.  "So you won't thank me? " Calex said.   Vince shrugged his shoulders in shock, " you startled me.  Btw thanks." he said and left Calex laughing.  Vince walks to the table where Kat is sitting. But before he got to sit beside Kat,  He heard Calex call him. "Hey, Morales," Calex said.  Vince just turned his head and looked at Calex.  " Tell me if you need me, " Calex said in a loud voice. He got his bag and walked towards Vince.  He patted its shoulder and wink. "I'll be there, " Calex walked out the canteen and bumped into Andrei who's waiting for him. Vince is still in the middle of confusion, trying to gather every word that Calex said to him when Kat tapped his arm.  "Thank you, " she said " I'll treat you next time,  let's go, the bell will ring in any minute."        Without a word,  Vince put his tupperware in his bag and cleaned the table.  After he's done,  both of them left the canteen.  When they almost reached the lobby, Kat suddenly talked.  "My mom will pick me up later, Do you want to ride home with us?" Kat offered Vince.  He shook his head and said, "no need, I need to visit the church." "Is it the time of the day? " Kat asked.           Vince nodded and got a candy from his pocket that he bought before they left the canteen. He tossed it to his mouth and started biting. " That Calex in the canteen a while ago,  is he…?" Kat  said and raised her hand then flipped it.  With a shock he accidentally swallowed the candy he's biting. It got stuck to his chest and he was unable to get it out. So, He started to tap his chest and cough as he couldn't breathe. He felt a burning heat inside her stomach to his face. When Kat noticed the situation, she panicked and got the  water bottle from her bag, opened it's lid and gave it to Vince.  "Here, drink this." she said while tapping the back of Vince.  Vince snatched the bottle from Kat's hand and drank it all the way. Fortunately, Vince got the candy completely swallowed and started to breathe normally, but it was that time that Kat realized that she gave him the water with gayuma. "uhm...Vince? " Kat said between her breaths.  Vince replied, "yeah? " "Are you feeling okay?" "yeah… ?" Vince then raised his eyebrows when he detected that there's something wrong.`` Why? " he asked.  Kat pointed at the water bottle that Vince was holding."you've drunk…. " Vince impatiently said, "the? " "the Gayuma?"  she said and held Vince arms.  " I'm sorry, spit it out" she said while worrying Vince will be affected by the gayuma.  Vince was stunned but realized that there's nothing to worry about, " no need,  I still like you maybe it will just give more like since it's gayuma" "b-but…" Kat doesn't know how she will act or what she should say. "Don't worry about me,  just forget it.  If this works on me,  Andrei will surely be affected right? " he smiled, " No need to worry, okay?" Kat just nods and says good bye then part their way. Kat walks towards the second building while Vince walks upstairs through the stairs at the center of the lobby. The bell rings before Vince gets to his room, but he doesn't flick nor fear that he will be late. As expected, he comes way too early than their instructor. He sat in his seat and played a game on his phone.  Khalil,  one of his classmates approached him and asked, "Hey, want to join the band? " Vince shook his head and didn't pay more attention to what his classmate said.  "ARGGGHHHHH!! " Khalil shouted.  Vince looked at him and raised his eyebrows. "Won't there be anyone who wants to join?" Khalil said with frustration. "botb will be on 10th of November, we only have a week yet we still need a vocalist from this section." A guy from the back of Vince's seat slapped Khalil's back.  "Stupid. We  already complete the band," "Really?" Khalil asked. " Are you for real, Emman?" Khalil with a disbelieving voice asked the guy, Emman.  Emman nods, "uh-huh. Ethan already said yes. He's willing to be the vocalist,"  Khalil  turns to emman and wants to hug him but before he does that,  Ms.Caren  enters the room. 
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