CHAPTER 5: The church week

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  Just before Khalil could hug Emman, A woman wearing a collared shirt paired with slacks and high heels entered the classroom. Khalil looked at the woman and released a awkward laugh  " Natividad!" The Woman warned Khalil.  Khalil immediately sit to his seat and raised his two fingers, "Sorry Ms.Caren" The woman's name is Caren Natividad,  the adviser of their class.  She holds the beauty of youth yet a strict tone of a terror teacher.  "Everyone, please be seated. I will announce some events that will be happening this November," Ms.  Caren said.       She announced the upcoming Foundation week and the battle of the bands that will be the center of the event.  "I heard you already have a band so no need to worry, just work with your stalls okay? " Ms.  Caren said  " so,  miss,  the stall  theme is decided by the section, right? " the president of the class asked,  "Yes,  you're right. But  I suggest you focus on your product so that your stall can gain a lot of money. Design is also important but what makes your stall stand out is your product itself. " Ms.  Caren said. " No more questions? " The class shook their heads and said, "none." "One more thing, Khalil." she looked at Khalil and continued, " you're the band leader right? " khalil replied,"Yes Miss"  "list your band members and give it to me after your classes, are we clear? " Khalil nodded. "If no more question, I'll dismissed you now, " After the discussion, Ms.  Caren left the class. They waited for a couple of minutes before the next teacher arrived. As usual,  Vince didn't pay much attention to the class yet he ranked third each time there's a quiz. After three hours of dead time,  the class was finally dismissed. Vince waited for others to come out before he stood up from his chair. He might be impatient but he didn't want to push himself into the crowd. When he got down to the lobby and accidentally turned his head to the right side, he recognized a black Toyota Avalon car in the parking lot.  "Vince! " A woman waved her hand.  It was Kat's mom,  Analyn.  Vince walked toward her and greeted her with respect , "Hi po, Tita, " he smiled. "Wanna ride? Kat's class will be done soon," Analyn offered. Vince wouldn't like to take down the offer but he needed to. "No need Tita,  I need to visit the church later." With disappointment in her face,  Analyn let Vince go.  She didn't dare to persuade him more because of Vince's excuse.  Vince's father is quite popular in their place because of its church. He's known for his Bible study and faith in God. His family is also quite known for being respectful and a great follower of him. As a result, People in their church always had their eyes on his son and daughter. Making it difficult for the two siblings to act as what they want.  Only Analyn and her daughter, Kat, can see how Vince acts without any expectations.  "If that's the case,  hurry up or else you won't be able to ride any jeep or bus. Analyn said and patted Vince's head.  Vince smiled and bid her goodbye. He walked towards the school gate and put his finger to the biometrics. He rushed to the pedestrian bridge to reach the other side of the lane. His eyes widened  when looked at his watch. It's already 5:10 pm and it's rush hour. As what Analyn said, almost 10 jeepneys and busses had already passed but none of them have space, even a sabit is impossible. He waited for about 30 minutes before he got to ride a bus. Bus fares are much higher than jeepneys, but if he doesn't ride the bus, he needs to wait for a couple minutes before having a ride.  He put his bag to his front and embraced it before he entered the bus. These are his precautions for snatchers. As he entered, the bus was like a sardine in a can. He forced himself on the crowd in the entrance of the bus as he smelled the different combinations of sweats and perfume.  "Excuse me po. " he said while squeezing himself to fully enter the bus. As he couldn't walk more to the center, he was stuck in the front of the bus along with other passengers. "Hey Kuya, your destination is Lifehomes right? " the conductor asked the passenger who's near the bus door.  The passenger nodded.   The conductor continue, " then come here,  this lady's destination is Rosario," The conductor pointed to the place where the lady stood and asked the lady to walk towards the front for an easy exit. "oh,  let the lady walk through." The bus is crowded and the smell of people is combining with the bus aircon. Vince got his  handkerchief from his pocket and covered his nose and mouth as he couldn't endure the unpleasant smell. When the bus reached the Lifehomes, it became roomy as almost all of the passengers were already getting off. Vince found a vacant seat and sat on it. He puts his earphones on his ears and closes his eyes. He was awakened by a sudden shake of his body. When he opened his eyes, the conductor was looking at him. "Sir,  we have already reached the last destination." the conductor said Vince was shocked and apologized to the bus staff.  He immediately got off the bus. He looked. At his watch and it's already 6:45pm, his phone also has multiple miss calls from his father.  He instantly dialed his mother's phone.  "Where are you?  Your father is looking for you." his mom said from the other line.  " I'll be there ma,  i slept in the bus, " he said while running to. The nearest tricycle Toda.  "Alright,  I'll tell your papa, go here safe."she said and hung up. Luckily the bus's last destination is Taytay, so he's familiar with transportation. He rode a tricycle and paid a special price.When he reached the church he immediately went to his father to mano.  "pa, " he said. "oh,  finally your son is here, brother. what a respectful boy, I'll let you marry my daughter." one of the church members joked.  Vince just smiled at them, it was common for him to be praised by the churchmates and then his father would brag about his achievements and such.  If these words are knives his ears would be in a sea of blood. After the bible reading and study,  the church members left and it's time for Vince to face his father's lecture.  "Where have you been?" Vince's father asked.  " I accidentally slept on the bus, I-" before he finished his words his father cut him off. "tss.  Excuses. " Vince is not part of the church; he was only there to support his family.  He is catholic in religion and not Christian. Some say it's the same yet it is not. His father built a church because of its faith in God but he didn't think it was the reason. Whenever his father persuaded them to join the church he didn't say anything nor didn't agree. His reason?  He doesn't want to suffocate himself any more.  A/N: Rush hour pertains to the hours where jeepneys,  buses and any land transportation are full due to the people having the same time of getting home. Normally it starts from 5pm and lasts for 2-3 hours.  Sabit or hang. Is a term used when a man rides a full jeep and there's no any seat left.  They grip into anything metal or things and stand in the jeepney's entrance.  Kuya use to address older brother,
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