
The Lost Story

friends to lovers
enimies to lovers

Due to Kat's feelings for Andrei, she made a love potion and made him drink it. The potion must be drunk by the one who made it and the given person. However Vince, Kat’s bestfriend, accidentally drinks another bottle of potion making the two men fall in a coma for almost three months.

In three months of coma, Vince and Andrei continue to live in their dreams, wherein they find themselves having affection for each other. But after they’ve woken up, reality slaps them as they find out that everything was just a dream. Will they still look for the Lost story? Or will they leave everything on their dreams?

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It's 5 in the morning yet it's still dark outside. A loud cluck of the neighbor's chicken wakes Vince up. Opening his eyes, he met the ceiling he's not familiar with. He immediately got up from bed and looked around.  Even though the room is dim and his head is spinning due to yesterday's fun time,  he can see that on his left was a close single glass door-window that had a nice view of a tall building and on his right was the bed and a study table filled with notebooks, books and a laptop. There is also a cabinet in front of the bed that is much taller than him. Realizing that he's not in his house, he instantly looks for his phone.  "Where is it? " he asked himself. With a heavy head, He looked at the bed he sleeps at and tapped every single corner, however, there was no phone in the bed,instead he cupped a pair of human thighs. He soon realized that there's another person in the bed. His heart skips a beat and is stunned with the man who's sleeping. At that time the sun rose up filling the room with light. He can now clearly see the guy with a bold shoulder, tan skin, slanted closed eyes, and pinkish lips lying on the bed.  "the f? " he said and slapped his face.  He thought that this might be his dream because he drank too much yesterday. But the pain from the slap burns his face creating a mark on his cheeks. "no!  This won't be happening." he said then turned around facing the window.  He looked at himself and thanked God that he's still wearing a shirt and underwear. He releases a deep sight and lays down again into the bed, digging himself to the blanket ,  thinking that if he sleeps, he would be awake in the real world. But before he got to close his eyes the guy turned around revealing it's muscular chest. Vince was stunned at once, A cold sweat ran to his forehead and his heart beat faster than usual . It just came to his mind that they share the same blanket. " Are you awake now? " the guy asked Vince while it's eyes are closed    The deep morning voice of the guy gave Vince a shiver from the bone to his outer skin. Vince closed his eyes immediately and didn't dare to reply. Noticing that Vince didn't answer, the guy opened his eyes and looked at Vince.  "stop pretending you're asleep, I already feel you got up a while ago." The guy's voice seems irritated. Who wouldn't be irritated if someone who sleeps in your house doesn't answer your question and pretends to sleep. Opening one of his eyes,  Vince looked at the guy.  Their eyes met and without any thoughts Vince closed his eyes again.  With a husky voice, Vince called the guy's name, "Andrei? " Andrei frowned, "of course, who do you think am i? " Andrei got up and pulled out the blanket, revealing the bodies of both of them. Vince opened his eyes widened as he felt the cold air touch his skin, even though he is wearing a shirt, he still got embarrassed because of the underwear he's wearing. He pulled back the blanket and with a great force he accidentally pulled Andrei lay on top of him.  "get up. Mom wo--" before Andrei could finish his sentence, his room's door opened and the beautiful woman in her 40's wearing a satin blue dress entered.  The woman's eyes grew bigger when he saw the two guys on the bed. She soon process the situation and smiled at them, she said,  " The breakfast is ready, you can eat now,  babies." then winks at them.  "mom? " Andrei frowned. The woman pretended to be shocked by covering her mouth with her own hand, "oh? Did I interrupt your lovely morning?" the woman exclaimed. Vince, still in midst of confusion, instantly pushed Andrei in the side. With this action Andrei can't help but to raise his eyebrows. Seeing her son become annoyed, Alice, Andrei's mom,  chuckles. "I'm going now,  i still have a party to attend but no need to hurry, you can microwave the food.  Go on continue your se-" With a shock, both of the men widened their eyes and shouted in unison. "MOM!!? "  "TITA!! " With a laugh,  She left the two men dumbfounded. Heat from nowhere got up to their cheeks making their faces turn red. Silence keeps them company until a ring of the phone brings them back.  Andrei turned around when he felt the vibration of the phone on his side and picked it up. " my phone! " Vince exclaimed and snatched the phone from Andrei's hand. It really is his phone. However the excitement he felt turned into fear when he saw his father's number flashing to his phone. He answered it and said,  " hello, pa? " Silence.  The fear grows up to his bones, making him shivered inside out. Maybe he's a man but he fears his father the most.  Who wouldn't fear a man who leads a church? Or more likely, who will not fear to stain a respectable man's reputation?  "where are you? " his father asked with a calm yet strict voice. "at…" he paused for a second and looked at Andrei. He continued, "at Andrei's place." "Come home." it said and hung up.  He threw his phone back to bed and was planning to get up. Andrei notices Vince's face turning dark, he held his hands before it got up and pushed him down the bed. Vince startled,  his face expression shouts confusion.  The two eyes meet each other,  slowly exchanging dialogue. When their brains finished processing the scene they were at,  their faces were halfway inch close. Their heartbeats are faster than the wild horse, their breaths are uncontrollable  and their face turns into rosie red. Is it pleasing, having someone on your side while fear and sadness swallow you? This is how Vince felt at the moment but sometimes brains overpowered the heart.  He pushed Andrei once more and got up.   With disappointment written all over Andrei's face he got up as well and fixed the bed.  "You can take shower first," Andrei suggested to Vince. Vince just nodded at the side.  Andrei releases a deep sight and "tss. ". He rolled his eyes and walked towards the cabinet in front of the bed and opened it.  "here. Catch! " he said and threw the towel to Vince.  " You can use my soap in the bathroom, but if you're uncomfortable you can use the new one… just tell me, " he continued  and got some white shirts. He closed the cabinet and went straight to Vince, "here,  you can use my shirt. Your dad would be mad if you went home in that state."  Vince smiled, " Thanks" Andrei dazed at Vince who didn't move an inch. He raised his eyebrows and asked Vince with confusion, " Seriously? Why are you not moving? " " I-I don't know where the bathroom was," Vince replied with shyness in his voice.  With a deep sight, Andrei led Vince to the bathroom. Past 12 in the afternoon when Vince got home,  he could feel his body shiver from the fear that his dad would shout at him.  When he entered their house, his dad gave him a cold shoulder. "overnight? " his dad asked "yes po*, " he answered  "Are we your parents? " his dad asked.  He gave a silent answer. " So you're old enough not to tell us where you've been? " his dad's voice grew annoyed. "Ga* " The soft voice of his mother softened his dad's a little bit. " pa,  i told mom yesterday that we wil-" "Will  drink? " His voice lost for a moment when his dad gazed at him. His heart skips a beat when he meets his father's eye. He just nodded in silence. "you know that in this house we don't tolerate drinking, i accept you even you confess that you're a stupid ga--"  "Ga. Watch your words? " his mom cut his father words  He felt like his world would be crushed again. "you… I let you do what you want, choose what you want.  Accept you even being a homosexual is forbidden in the bibble,  let you not join the church but what is this?  You are at the guy's house after drinking? Tell me what is your problem? You keep on disappointing me? " He can't understand his father's words but there's only one thing that he got from all of the words spit by his dad.  With confusion written to his face, he answered. " pa, do you think that I'll fckd every guy cause I'm gay? " "Vince? "  his mom exclaimed in shock. "that's not what your father means" "No mom, it is," he said.  All these months his father really does not accept him as gay,  he always said that he accept Vince but in reality, he still persuade his son to join his church. Vince knew that his father was losing face to his church mates yet it still let him do what he wanted but with guilt tripping. " Dad, even you persuade me to join your church that's impossible to cure your so called illness because being a gay is not an illness!" he said.  His father was shocked. " yes it is not illness cause that's a demonic spirit inserted in you" Vince can't help himself but to laugh. A/n:  Tita simply referred to one’s aunt. the definition was also extended to include female friends, co-workers, or colleagues of one’s parents Po/Opo is a Filipino word that indicates respect for elders or higher level. It is usually used after the sentence. Ga or also known as pangga is an endearment between lovers from the Bisaya region. It means love or honey. 

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