Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Christine’s Turn The next three weeks were going to be crazy. In addition to the hectic revision schedule for my end of year exams, I also had to perform three complex chemical synthesis experiments in the lab. I suspected eating and sleeping would become optional extras. Dave and I decided to cooperate on the revision work. We spent hours in the library, creating revision notes, working on previous exam questions, and generally kicking the s**t out of our brain cells. It wasn’t a big surprise when I saw Amy walking away from the library one evening, hand in hand with some posh looking t**t of a guy. It was more surprising that I hadn’t seen her around the campus until now. We’d exchanged a couple of emails after I’d helped her get rid of the Bastard Jim Sutton, but I’d been clear that our relationship had to stay platonic. She hadn’t been happy about it at the time, but she looked like she’d got over it now. “John!” she beamed, and kissed me on both cheeks. “I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?” She looked ravishing. I’d always known she was beautiful, but for most of that time she’d had the worry of the relationship with Jim Sutton, her father’s business partner who’d all but raped her while they were on a family holiday in Portugal. Now she looked happy, free of care, and it was evident in her face. ‘I’m fine, thanks, how about you?” I asked. “Everything OK at home?” “Perfect now,” she said, giving me a knowing look. “This is my friend, Adrian. Adrian, this is John, and Dave.” “Pleased to meet you,” Adrian said. He even spoke like a t**t, I thought. I smiled sweetly and shook his hand. “Hey, how was your weekend with Laura?” Amy asked. “It was eventful,” I chuckled. “And bloody noisy by all accounts!” Dave interjected. “Really!” Amy said, beaming. “What a naughty boy! I have to run; I’m meeting the girls in town.” She kissed me on the cheek, and I breathed in the wonderful smell of her shampoo. Concealed by her body, her right hand gently squeezed my groin, finding the hard CB3000 in its usual place. As she pulled back she smiled again. “I hope she made you happy,” she said quietly. “Bye John. Bye Dave!” As they walked away, Dave stared at me in amazement. “Amy is actually happy that you got laid with Laura?” he asked. “How the f**k do you juggle all these women and not get your eyes scratched out?” “Just natural talent really,” I said casually. “Come on, we’ve got loads of work to do.” Since I was so busy at university, the girls had suggested I stay on campus at the weekend, and this time it would be Christine who visited me. I was really looking forward to seeing her, especially as it would be just the two of us. Laura had told me to keep quiet about our Sunday love making. I was supposed to be locked up in chastity, and only released if I got the very top grade in my exams – something I was very unlikely to achieve. If Christine found out that Laura had released me, she would be totally furious. Of course, Christine had her own car; so she drove over on Friday evening. She’d been to the campus once before, after Easter to drop me off with my stuff, but had never stayed over. I’d try to plan something nice for us to do together, especially as I’d been working so hard on revising, and felt I’d earned a break over the weekend. Christine texted me when she drove onto the campus, and I ran down to the car park near my dorm to meet her. There were plenty of spaces at the weekend because so many students went home. I saw the little red Micra coming along the road and waved like a madman, my face set in a huge grin. Christine pulled into the space I was standing near and got out of the car. She was dressed in fashionably shabby jeans, trainers and a simple striped T-shirt top. Her hair was combed in a more casual, tousled style than usual. It made her look about five years younger than the usual severe school teacher I knew and loved. We grabbed each other in a hug and I had to just hold her for a few seconds to make sure she was real. “I missed you,” she told me, her voice muffled by my shoulder; I could tell she was crying. “Likewise,” I told her. “You look good enough to eat!” “Well who’s stopping you?” she chuckled. I took her weekend bag and we literally ran back to my room. We were giggling and out of breath when we got there. As soon as I’d closed the door Christine stripped of her T-shirt and tried to take off her boots and jeans at the same time. I smiled, and bent down to help her. Once I had her naked, she threw herself back onto my bed. I stayed dressed, on the assumption that I’d stay locked up, and lay down next to her to kiss her. Her breath tasted minty – probably from candy she’d been eating while driving. It was so good to feel her under my fingers; so I spent a couple of minutes reacquainting myself with her curves, and features. Her n*****s were as hard as bullets as I gently sucked them and let my fingers slide over her buttocks; I thought she seemed firmer than usual. Laura and Christine tended to do a lot of fitness classes, and Christine in particular was still losing weight and toning up very nicely. Her p***y was deliciously wet as I fingered her and it only took a couple of minutes of attention from my tongue to bring her to a climax. “Oh God I needed that!” she said, laughing. “I’ve been avoiding Laura all week so I could enjoy you.” I shuffled up the bed and kissed her. “I hope I was worth it,” I chuckled. “It must have been difficult resisting Laura’s attentions.” “Oh we still slept together,” Christine told me. “And I made sure she was happy; but I wanted to save myself for you.” “That’s very romantic of you,” I whispered, lowering my lips onto her n*****s again. “Oooh, another one would be so tempting, sweetie!” she groaned. “But I only had half a sandwich for lunch, and I’m totally famished!” She pulled me up to her. “What would you like this weekend?” she asked. “If you want I can unlock you right now, and we can spend all weekend locked in this room, making love.” “Wow,” I said. “Err…yes please, that would be brilliant!” I wasn’t going to mention the exam grade condition the girls had imposed. If both Laura and Christine chose to ignore their own rule, who was I to argue? She smiled. “Or I can keep you locked up, and you can earn your orgasm.” I groaned. “Orgasm, singular? You mean just one?” She kissed me. “And you have to earn that one. Isn’t one orgasm from me enough for you?” she asked innocently. “Are you getting greedy? Greedy boys…need their medicine.” “No please Christine, don’t start pouring that stuff into me again. Please, Mistress!” On several occasions Christine had used some vile mixture to humiliate me. I still had no idea what was in it. “At least you’ve got your manners back,” she chuckled. “Now where are we going to eat?” “Did…did we decide yet if we’re going to make love all weekend?” I asked, hopefully. “Because, that would be absolutely amazing, Mistress.” “You don’t want me making decisions like that when I’m hungry, do you?” she chuckled. “Feed me!” “Well most of the restaurants in town should be open by the time we walk down there,” I suggested. “There’s a great Indian restaurant I can recommend.” “Mmm,” she chuckled. “Sounds great; but stop me from ordering too much food. I have a terrible habit of doing that in an Indian restaurant. I’ll pig out and be too full for more s*x later. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?” “Of course not, Mistress!” I said, smiling. We were quite restrained as we ordered in the restaurant. While we waited for the food to arrive I told Christine about my revision work, and we talked about plans for the summer. Len and Maria had offered me several weeks’ work in the lab again, which was brilliant. “What about an actual holiday though John?” Christine asked. “We should go away somewhere, all three of us.” I sighed. “It sounds great Christine, it really does. But if I can work in the lab most of the summer it’ll do wonders for my student debt.” “Let me treat you!” Christine said. “I’ll pay for your holiday. You’ll still lose the wages for that week, I know.” “You’re definitely not paying for me!” I said firmly. “I know you’ve got a wage coming in, but I bet the car is costing you more than you thought.” “Tell me about it,” she said, nodding. “I had to put two new tires on her last week.” “You two should go on vacation…you and Laura.” I told her. “Go somewhere sunny and get a nice tan. Go and sunbathe naked somewhere; and make love while you’re both still sweaty and oily from the beach. Send me naughty emails explaining how many times you made love together. Drive me crazy with frustration!” Christine looked at me with a piece of nan bread halfway to her mouth; then blinked. “If you’re trying to get me wet, you’re doing a very good job,” she whispered. “Do you remember the way that a warm body smells after a couple of hours sunbathing?” I asked her, gently stroking the back of her hand. “You’ll be able to rub suntan lotion into every part of Laura’s body right out in public. There’ll be men gazing at you massaging her breasts and it’ll all be perfectly acceptable behavior.” “Stop it, John!” she said quietly; she was almost drooling. “And it won’t be just her breasts…you can stroke her bottom, and her thighs; anywhere you like. And if you’re on a fully naked beach do you think they’ll notice the juices glistening in her p***y? I mean, she’s shaven it now and it’s pretty obvious. They’ll know it’s not just sweat, Christine.” “I said stop…please, John!” Then she smiled. “Let me finish my dinner at least.” I sat there grinning; it was quite enjoyable, turning her on that way. She looked at me for a few seconds as she finished her piece of nan bread. “OK, since you insist on torturing me in public, it doesn’t make me feel so guilty about telling you,” she said. This didn’t sound good. “Tell me what?” I asked. “Laura and I would like you to wear our marks.” “Jesus, you don’t mean you’re going to brand me or something, do you?” I said, feeling suddenly very uncomfortable. Christine paused and considered the question as she took a sip of her lager. “Probably not,” she said at last. “Not for the moment anyway.” She was smiling in such a wicked way, clearly teasing me. “What do you want me to do, Mistress?” I whispered, checking that the waiter was out of earshot. “Nothing drastic, John; for the moment we just want you to get a tattoo,” Christine told me. I groaned. “Oh come on!” I said. “Tattoos are so ridiculously chav[1]. I know I’m working class, but I hate the idea of tattoos – they’re just idiotic.” Christine took another sip of lager. “We thought you might react that way. But how about a tattoo in a very discrete place? Now that you shaved your pubic hair, you could be tattooed there; and if you decided it was a bad idea in the future, you just let your hair grow back.” “That’s supposed to be a better option?” I gasped. “It’ll hurt like mad!” Christine actually laughed at that. “Oh sweetheart, are you scared of a little bit of pain? My goodness, John, after what I’ve done to you in the Torture Chair, having a tattoo will be like going for a haircut. I bet you won’t even notice it.” She leaned forward, taking care not to let her T-shirt brush her plate. “We’ve been doing some research. There’s a really well reviewed tattoo parlor in Nottingham; it’s very clean and modern. We’ll pay for you, and we’ll both be there with you. You don’t need to have it done until after your exams are over with. Please, John, please wear our marks!” She was smiling at me and I knew I couldn’t resist her. “Wh-what would you want me to have?” I asked. “I mean what would it look like?” Her smile widened because she knew she’d won. She reached into her handbag and pulled out a sheet of paper that she unfolded on the table. The design had three letters…L, C and J in a triangular pattern, and a curling, fancy font in black. The L and C were at the top, and the J underneath. The outline was red, heart-shaped, and blended with the curly letters; actually it looked really cool. “You see?” she asked. “Laura and Christine on top, and you as our slave underneath. All inside a bleeding heart; nothing tacky, and no whips or slave collars to be seen.”
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