Chapter One-2

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She sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder. “I wish I could tell what you’re thinking,” she whispered. “I know I’ve been a bit of a b***h to you in the past few months, but I can’t believe how much I love you now; and it’s not just because of the chastity. I meant it earlier – you’re not the loser you were a few months ago. You’ve changed so much, and it’s all for the better. I’m wondering if I deserve you actually; but I’d cheerfully kill anyone who tried to steal you from me.” I turned to her and lifted her head off my shoulder gently. I kissed her on the lips and smiled. “You really are a Goddess, Laura,” I told her. “I’m the lucky one – so incredibly lucky that you didn’t just ditch me. Thank you for making me a better person.” Laura sighed. “John, I’m so tired,” she said quietly. “Can we just go to sleep? Would that be OK? I feel guilty going to sleep though because I’m a bit worried about you, how you might be feeling.” “Of course it’d be OK. I’m fine, really,” I chuckled. Laura slid into the bed and turned over towards the wall. I got in beside her and turned off the light. “Goodnight, sweetheart,” she said, sounding as though she was almost asleep already. “Goodnight, Mistress,” I whispered, and kissed her on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and it was daylight. The clock said it was just after eight in the morning. We hadn’t gone to bed that late – maybe eleven. Gosh, I’d slept for nine hours! Laura was gone…well, not completely; I saw her bag was still on the chair. Perhaps she’d had to go to the bathroom. Then I noticed the cup of tea on the floor next to the bed. I reached out for it, and it was still warm – just right actually. As I finished the last sip the door opened and Laura walked in. She was wearing the same sundress she’d had on the day before. “Hey, you’re awake!” she chuckled. “I was getting worried – you didn’t even stir when I climbed out of bed over you.” She came over and gave me a quick kiss. “You found your tea then,” she said. “Was it still warm enough?” I stifled a yawn. “It was lovely, thanks, darling,” I managed to say. “I was planning to wear these for you today,” Laura said. She’d reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of denim shorts that looked very brief indeed. “But I think people might be a bit shocked when they saw my thighs!” She lifted her skirt up and I had to agree. The cane marks might look lovely to me, but they would cause a bit of surprise. “I bet you look great in them,” I said, still trying to get my eyes to work properly. “Chrissy bought them for me. They’re very sexy. I promise I’ll wear them for you soon, sweetheart. Now, are you going to get out of bed?” “What’s the rush?” I asked. “It’s Sunday.” Laura smiled and knelt down beside the bed. “I was going to buy you a bacon sandwich from the Union Café,” she said, smiling. “I know you love them, and now you’re not on your diet you can have one, can’t you?” I grinned. “Can I have an egg on it too?” Laura patted me gently on the cheek. “You cheeky monkey!” she said. “But after the lovely things you did to me last night I think I’m going to say yes.” While Laura tidied the room and packed her bag, I jumped into the shower. I put on some jeans and a white cotton shirt, and we headed off to the café. Considering it was still before nine o’clock on a Sunday morning the café was quite busy. As we walked in I noticed Angie and Louise were already here. This was one of their haunts, after all. I waved and they beckoned us over. I sent Laura on ahead while I waited to give our order. Two minutes later I sat down with the girls. “I understand you turned this gorgeous young woman down then?” Angie asked in amazement. I blushed. “I suppose I did,” I said shyly. “But don’t ask me why; I don’t know what I was thinking.” Louise leaned across and kissed my forehead. “There’s your problem,” she said in her delicious Southern Irish lilt. “You’re thinking about it too much. Maybe you should just go with your instincts, John.” I nodded and sighed. “I just hope you’ll give me another chance soon, Mistress,” I told Laura. “Hey, not so loud, sweetheart,” Laura said, squeezing my arm. “Why?” I asked her, keeping my voice at a normal level. “I’m proud to be your slave. I don’t care who knows it.” I saw Laura glance at Angie. She looked worried. Fortunately, we were saved from further discussion when the bacon sandwiches arrived. “Oh God, that’s great!” I mumbled through my first mouthful. “You’re such a slob, really, John,” Laura chuckled. “But you’re right, they’re yummy.” It was just something about the way she said that last word. Her perfect upper class accent sounded so cute. “Say the words ‘bacon butty’,” I told her. “Bacon butty?” Laura said, sounding surprised. “Why?” I giggled at the way she said it. Of course the Northern English slang for sandwich, ‘butty’, does sound bizarre when a posh Southerner says it. Christine had been the first one to point it out to me, and now I couldn’t ignore it. “Because it sounds like poetry coming from your lips,” I replied, diplomatically. “He’s taking the piss out of your posh accent,” Angie told her. Angie sounded like she came from somewhere close to the university. Maybe Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire; technically she was from the Midlands, but at least she said ‘butty’ properly. “Are you, John?” Laura said, as if she was shocked. “Are you daring to mock your Mistress?” I had a bad case of the giggles now. I couldn’t stop. The girls all joined in, and we kept setting each other off. We chatted like normal people for another hour or so. I’d seen the human side of the Goth Girls the previous day, but I was still amazed at how badly I’d misjudged them on our first meeting. I really did like them both a lot. “Hey, John!” Louise asked me. “Have you decided if you’re going to come and live with us yet?” “Well…yes,” I said. “I’d love to…I mean, I’d really like to take you up on the offer if you’re still OK with it, Angie.” “Absolutely,” Angie said, beaming. “Except you have to promise not to nag me about smoking.” I turned and looked at Louise, who winked at me, and shook her head slowly. “No deal,” I said to Angie. “I think you’re too beautiful to die young.” “Oh Jesus Christ, two of you at me now!” Angie said, rolling her eyes. “It’ll be easier to give up the fags than listen to nagging in stereo!” “Yay!” Louise chuckled. We said goodbye, exchanging kisses and I grabbed Laura’s hand; then we strolled back in the morning sunlight, and life seemed good. “Show me your revision timetable,” Laura ordered when we got back with the Sunday papers to my dorm room. “My what?” I said, nervously. “John, you’ve got your main block of exams in less than a month; surely you’ve drawn up a revision timetable?” “I’m going to have to say no, actually,” I said sheepishly. Laura stepped in front of me, slid her arms around me and drew me close; but she didn’t kiss me. “If you don’t want to f**k me anymore, how am I going to punish you if you revert to being a loser?” she whispered. “I assume you still don’t want to f**k me, that is?” All of a sudden it felt like a switch flipped in my mind. I gently, but firmly pushed Laura back towards the bed. She looked scared for a second because she couldn’t see where she was going. But then she allowed me to ease her down onto the covers. I took her hands and raised them up above her head, straddling her with my thighs. She blinked in surprise, and licked her lips. “L-let go, John,” she whispered. “No,” I told her. “Please, John, you’re hurting my wrist,” she said, breathing more heavily now. I pressed my mouth down over hers and kissed her. I didn’t want to be rough – I like to kiss her too much for that. She opened her mouth for me to explore her with my tongue; she was sighing gently. “Please be careful, sweetheart,” she told me. “I don’t have anything else to wear if this dress gets ripped.” Suddenly I realized the ludicrous situation I was in. Sure, I could gently undress her, but I was still locked in chastity. I would never think of snatching the key from around Laura’s neck. That seemed like a line I could never cross, but it was clear that Laura was enjoying me being a bit rough with her; and we had plenty of time. I rolled off her towards the wall and slapped her bottom firmly. “Well you’d better take it off then, hadn’t you?” I told her. “Yes, OK,” she whispered. She stood up and unbuttoned the dress with fingers that were trembling slightly. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, just a pair of silky white panties. In a few seconds she was naked. The key to my freedom was still on the chain around her neck. I’d taken off my boots, so I sat on the bed and stuck out a foot. Without me telling her, Laura slipped the sock off; then she did the same for the other foot. She reached forward and began to unbutton my shirt, and eased it off my shoulders before folding it carefully on the chair. “May I take your belt off, John?” she asked. I nodded slowly. Then she unfastened my jeans, and I stepped out of them carefully. I didn’t want to fall on my face; that would probably break the mood a bit! Thank goodness she hadn’t made me wear a pair of panties today! She slipped my boxers down, and then looked me in the eye. “Please let me unlock you,” she said. “Don’t say no to me this time, John!” I saw there were tears gathering in her eyelids. I smiled and kissed her. “Yes, OK,” I whispered. I checked the bedside clock. Good grief, we’d been making love for three hours, and it had been amazing. Laura had been so excited she’d reached a climax a few seconds after I entered her. I was desperate to pace myself, but the sight of her beautiful face smiling at the thought of me making love to her was just too much. After a short rest I felt her lips envelope my c**k. Given the period of denial, and the incredible teasing of this weekend I didn’t need to wait too long. Her mouth quickly brought my c**k to attention, and she continued to give me a blow job. “Wait a second,” I said. “I want to take you up the bottom. I’d like to know who you prefer – me or Brian.” “Oh that’s so sweet!” she said, smiling. “To think you’re jealous of a gay man. Mind you, the way you blew him off last week I’m feeling pretty jealous myself. Go on then, take me! There’s some lube in my bag.” “Oh!” she groaned as I pushed myself into her. “Yes, that’s rather good!” “Better than Brian?” I teased, but she ignored the bait. As I gently eased back and forward I realized this was the first time I’d taken any woman this way. I felt slightly sad that I wasn’t the first for Laura. She’d deliberately asked Brian to “take her virginity” anally the previous weekend. I fingered her clit as I buggered her arse – what a sordid description of something that felt so good for both of us. “Gosh I think you do feel nicer actually, John,” she said breathlessly. “Maybe it’s because I know I love you.” She’d said it so many times this weekend; and I’d said it back, but did I really believe it? I knew the feelings I had for Christine were True Love™, no doubt about it in my mind. But I knew I loved Laura too; it’s just that she wasn’t the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with – could that be why I hadn’t wanted her to release me? Afterwards, as we lay cuddling each other I knew I had to keep a close eye on the time. I almost felt like drifting off to sleep again, but that would be a disaster. Laura had to be on the three fifty bus because Christine was planning to meet her in Nottingham. There were later buses, but that would upset some elaborate plans the girls had made. So reluctantly we got out of bed and cleaned up in the sink. There was no time for another shower. Laura’s bag was already packed, so we hurriedly dressed and then walked down to the bus station. The bus was on time, and I waited while Laura found a seat. She was next to the window, and I could see the tears dripping down her cheeks as she pressed her face against the glass. I realized that I was crying too. I really didn’t want her to leave; but then the bus pulled away, and we just had time for one last wave.
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