Chapter Two-2

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I sat there looking at the design. “You let Laura go first?” I asked. “Her initial first, I mean?” She nodded. “Yes, the crafty b***h played the fiancée card. I mean, you two are still engaged remember. She’s going to start asking you about dates for the wedding you know, John.” “Don’t remind me!” I chuckled. “How big would it be?” “The wedding or the tattoo?” she chuckled. “Well…if you’re OK with the design then we have to email it to the studio, and they’ll check that it’ll work and tell us what the best size is. But I think it should be about a quarter of this size.” “I…I quite like the design; did you draw it?” I asked. I knew Christine was reasonably good at sketching – she was quite a talented artist. “No, I’m not that good with designs like this, but Laura had a brainwave; she asked Angie and Louise to do it for us. Louise did it, and I think it’s quite beautiful; she’s really clever. We had a chat on the phone with the two of them about what we wanted, and she had it for us a couple of days later. They both sound really nice by the way and I think I could listen to Louise talk all day; she has such a beautiful accent. It’s going to be lovely having you being trained by them next year and maybe I’ll even get to play with them sometime; with you watching, of course. Hey! Maybe we can meet them for coffee this weekend?” They’d been planning this with the Goth Girls? Good grief, why was I always the last one consulted in these things? Of course I knew why; I was the slave, the lowest form of life in the relationship. Christine’s eyes narrowed. “You know you want to do this, John. I can tell – are you waiting for me to sweeten the deal?” she asked. I licked my lips, not knowing quite what to answer. “Oh sweetheart!” she chuckled quietly. “Do you want me to promise I’ll unlock you, and let you make love to me? Is that what you’re waiting for? You’d actually trade a permanent mark on your flesh for a quick orgasm? That’s such a typically male thing to do!” She said it in a teasing voice, like a playground taunt, and then she smiled. “I’ll tell you what I’ll do for you,” she said in a whisper. “I’ll keep you locked up until I’m good and ready; do you understand me, John?” I nodded. “Say it!” she ordered. “Yes, Mistress, I understand,” I said, my eyes cast down. “And if you agree to the tattoo, I’ll agree not going to ram a Deep Heat dildo up your arse when we get back to your room,” she said sweetly. “How’s that for a good deal?” “As you wish, Mistress,” I whispered. “That’s more like it,” she said, folding the paper up and putting it back in her bag. “I’ll send the design to the studio and we can make an appointment for you for about a month’s time.” She leaned forward again. “And if you ever try to extract concessions from me again I’ll find a way to make you pay for it, do you understand me, John?” “Yes, Mistress, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean…” I stammered, but inside I knew I loved it when Christine treated me this way. She was so clinical in her abuse of me; it was absolutely wonderful. “Be quiet now,” she said gently. “Finish your meal.” “Yes, Mistress.” We walked hand in hand back to the university. It was a lovely June evening. “I really like the fact that you can read my mind,” I told Christine. “What do you mean?” “Back there when you accused me of waiting for you to give me some concession. I wasn’t specifically thinking it, but I’m sure that’s what I wanted subconsciously; and I love that you’re so strict with me. Thank you, Mistress.” She stopped, and then pulled me to her. She put her head on my shoulder and hugged me. “I love you so much that it hurts,” she whispered. “And sometimes I just want to wrap you in a bag, or maybe put you in a little cage and torture you until you scream and beg me to let you go. I love you, John; so why do I want to hurt you so much?” “Because you know I love it?” I suggested. “Mmm,” she sighed. “That’s part of it; but you didn’t love it at first, did you? You came to love it though.” “I came to love you,” I told her. “And I love doing the things that please you. I love being your total and utter slave.” She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. “And you’re going to wear our marks,” she said, happily. “Of course I will, Mistress; because I know it’s what you want,” I said, smiling. “Will you be wearing them too?” “What?” she asked; sounding surprised. “Well…forgive me for being impertinent, but when I saw the design I thought that’s what you had in mind; it would work on all three of us.” Christine seemed genuinely shocked. “I never even considered it,” she said thoughtfully. “But you’re right; it would work. I just wonder if Laura would actually do it.” “Why don’t you just tell her to do it?” I asked. She looked into my eyes with a knowing smile. “You devious little s**t!” she chuckled. “That’s evil; it’s positively evil. You’re trying to top from the bottom again!” “And you’re going to do it, aren’t you, Mistress?” I queried, grinning. “Wait till I get you back to the room,” she whispered. “Once you’ve f****d me with the strap-on you’re going to find out what I do to slaves that have ideas above their station.” “But you’re going to do it,” I pressed. I knew she was going to punish me anyway, so I wanted her to say it to me. She kissed me then. “You know I’m going to do it,” she whispered. “That’s wonderful!” I told her. “The three of us carrying the marks; I’ve never been so proud to be your slave.” “Come on then, let’s see how good a slave you can be,” she told me, and pulled me along by the hand. The walk back to the room gave us time to digest our food. I kept up a certain level of teasing about Christine going on holiday with Laura. I asked how Christine had felt this last week when she was making love to Laura, but not getting her own satisfaction. I suggested that when we all had our tattoos we could take a photo just of our crotches, with me in my chastity device in the center. So by the time we got back Christine was extremely turned on, and ready for me to begin to give her pleasure. After warming her up with my mouth and fingers, Christine quickly ordered me to get into the strap-on and screw her. She begged me to stop after another two orgasms so that she could work on me now. “All week I was wondering how I could punish you in your dorm room,” she told me, still slightly out of breath from my attentions. “I can’t use the strap or cane because of the noise of it hitting your body; and even with you gagged, people will hear you.” She walked to her weekend bag and brought out a small object folded into a shopping bag. She took it out and held it up for me to see. It was a sharp metal spike with a wooden handle. I knew what it was. “It’s a gimlet,” I said. “Goodness, how clever!” Christine chuckled. “You even know the name of it.” “Many years of pointless woodwork at school,” I chuckled. “It’s for making holes in wood to give a wood screw a start.” “Go to the top of the class,” Christine said, walking slowly towards me. She was pressing the point of the gimlet into her index finger to test its edge. “What do you think it will feel like when I press it into your flesh, and drag it across you?” I swallowed hard. “I…I think it’s going to hurt, Mistress,” I said. “That’s a very good assumption, sweetie,” she said, smiling. “Depending on where I choose on your body, I suspect it’s going to hurt quite a bit.” “I…I think you’ll need to gag me, Mistress,” I suggested. “Way ahead of you, darling,” she chuckled. Two minutes later my mouth was stuffed with a flannel that was secured in place with gaffer tape. My dorm bed was bolted flush against one wall, and I simply hadn’t figured out a way to secure wrist and ankle straps to it. So Christine had to make do with handcuffing my wrists behind me, with gaffer tape pulling my elbows together, and a second set of handcuffs on my ankles. She used a sterilizing wipe on the gimlet as I watched her. “So let’s see how you like it, shall we?” she said kindly. “I’m going to use the gimlet, and your job is to take the pain without making any noise. Each time you succeed I’m going to put on one sexy piece of clothing from my bag. If you make a noise, then I’ll just carry on hurting you. Once I’m fully dressed I’m going to play with you a different way for a while to give you a rest, and then we’ll reverse the process. I’ll use the gimlet on you, and I’ll strip off my clothes one by one for you.” She paused and leaned close to my ear. “If you manage to get me naked then maybe…just maybe I’ll unlock you. Understand?” I nodded eagerly. “One extra thing,” she said firmly. “You’re gagged, so you can’t say your safe word. So what do you do to tell me if it gets too much?” I shook my head firmly three times, and made the “Uh-Uh” noise through the gag. “Good boy,” she said, smiling. “Let’s begin then.” She reached out and placed the tip of the gimlet on my stomach; I felt the sharp tip in my skin and tried to get ready. Christine drew the metal spike firmly across my stomach in a single, quick motion. I actually heard the scraping noise as it dragged through my skin. I couldn’t help it; the pain was too much, and I screamed into the gag. It came out as a muffled cry, and Christine smiled. “Oh dear!” she chuckled. “Very noisy; and that’s just your tummy. Imagine how this is going to feel on your nipples.” I whimpered quietly and closed my eyes. As she placed the tip on the other side of my stomach I tried to think of Christine slipping into some sexy outfit. The pain came and I screamed again. s**t; I wasn’t very good at this. Ten minutes later and Christine was wearing five items of clothing. She’d bought a very nice, slinky bra and brief set in a black, lycra material that looked really sexy. I’d also managed to get her into her suspender belt, and both stockings. I knew I had a criss-cross of red lines across my stomach and chest already. She cleaned the tip of the gimlet every few strokes with the sterilizing wipes. As far as I could tell she hadn’t drawn blood, but the scratches were agonizing. “Turn over,” she ordered. “Let’s see how you do on the other side.” I couldn’t help but whimper the first two times she scraped the tip across my back; but then I seemed to find my point of concentration again. The next three items of clothing were a black studded collar, and two matching wrist bands. I lost my focus a bit then, and took five or six strokes of the gimlet without getting any more items of clothing onto her. She had me turn over again, and switched to my inner thighs. The gimlet was really painful there; but I clenched my jaw around the gag and managed to dress Christine in a slutty, black lycra mini skirt and a tight white shiny blouse. “OK, sweetheart,” she whispered. “You look gorgeous with all those lines on your flesh. Time for the real thing now, love. I’m going to press the spike into your n*****s for the last few items of clothing; is that OK?” I nodded weakly. I was sweating now, and the salty liquid was stinging my eyes. Christine mopped my brow gently with her hand and licked a few drops of sweat out of my eyes. “Good boy,” she whispered. “I love you so much, and you’re doing very well; you’re nearly there.” She pressed the gimlet against the skin around my left n****e and traced a circle. It wasn’t too bad, and I managed not to make a noise. “Well done!” she said with genuine delight. “You’re getting good at this game!” She slipped on one of her black, knee length boots. I didn’t do as well with the next two strokes, both aimed at the same n****e. But then I stayed silent and she put on the other boot. She was fully dressed, thank God! But then she lowered the gimlet onto my right n****e and scraped. I was caught off guard and wanted to ask her why we hadn’t finished. I whimpered on the next three strokes too – I’d lost my concentration. Finally I stayed silent. She smiled and walked over to her bag. She brought out a pair of black leather gloves. I groaned. How many more accessories did she have in there?
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