Part three

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Dressed in a black trench coat and a big black hat perched on her head, on high pencil heel sandals Payton made her way through the hotel doors. She was meeting a client at a Hilton hotel. One of the most beautiful and expensive hotels in the city made exclusively for the rich and famous. Inside the massive reception halls with its pristine floor clean floor that reflected off light, the beautiful white walls, Payton made her way to the reception desk. " I am here to see Mr. Cameron in room 123, " she said in a low alto golden voice, almost purring the words out. The tall gentleman in a white long sleeve shirt, a sleeveless black jacket, and a bow tie stared at Payton trying to make an identification but eyes were covered by large black spectacles and the hat had most of her face covered. Payton held the receptionist's stare and waited for him to make the call. Still staring at her he made the call upstairs. Payton impatiently waited for him to be done only hearing his side of the communication. Mr. Cameron must have acknowledged her identity cause when the gentleman put down the telephone, he let her go upstairs. " Mr. Cameron is on the fifth floor, " the receptionist helpfully supplied. " Thank you, Payton said and made her way to the lift. " The lift arrived few minutes after she pressed the button but she wasn't alone. The gentleman who stood beside her walked in with her giving her a nod of hello. While they rode the lift Payton could feel his stare of interest but she acted as if she wasn't aware. Outside work, men don't interest her. When she left the lift she cat walked seductively to the room number she was giving on the appointment email. She knocked and waited patiently for the door to open. A second later the door opened to reveal a white middle-aged man looking to be in his fifties with a half of his front hair lost to baldness and a mild pot belly, average in height. The man gave her a look of confusion so she pulled down her dark shade, folded it, and hooked it through her coat. " I am Krystal, " she said in her deep alto voice. The guy's eyes grew wide as he realized who she was before darkening with interest as his tongue came out to lick his lips while he gave Payton a lascivious stare raking her body from her head to her toe. " Come on in, " he said. Payton smiled as she passed into the room. The room was one of the executive rooms with a very huge king-size bed. Payton slowly unbuttoned her coat aware of the pair of eyes staring at her from behind, when she had all the buttons open she slowly slipped it off her shoulders before letting it slip to the floor to reveal the black teddy and matching thong she had underneath. She smirked when she heard the man's breath catch in his throat. Men are so easy she thought turning to face him allowing him to feed his eyes on her form. Payton was proud of her body. She was hot if she does say so herself that is why she had a lot of clients and charges more than the average escort and secondly she was very good at her job. She has never had an unsatisfied client. She felt the man's gaze travel from her slim long neck through her chest to freeze on her chest. She has always been told by her clients especially the men that she has a nice rack. Her breast size is D cup, round, firm, and high up in her chest. The man gulped his prominent Adam's apple moving up and down with his swallow. His dull brown beady eyes filled with lust as he continued to take in her chest. Payton knew that if she didn't take charge this was going to be longer more than the allocated time which is an hour, and Payton never stays a second past the paying time. She walked to the bed a sat down on the bed relaxing back she allowed a sexy look to appear in her eyes as she regarded the man as if he was the sexiest man on earth. " So what is gonna be, Papi, " she poured licking her lips while crossing her legs at the knee. He gave her a nervous look before trailing her long smooth golden tan legs with his eyes before returning to her face to speak. " I want you to take charge, " the man stammered out. An amused smile grazed Payton's lips. So he was one of those. Those rich businessmen that are bored in their life and looking for some kind of excitement. Payton blinked and allowed her dominant persona to surface. In her line of work, she has had to develop so many personas to fit each of her client's desires. She has played the act of a young virgin school girl which is a fav of most of her male clients. It was difficult to pull off with her a height of five ft ten but she was able to pull it off amazingly. " I want you to undress down to your boxers, " she commanded in a low hard tone filled with authority. The man gasped and began to do as she instructed, his hands trembling as he tried to be quick as if scared of being punished if he didn't finish on time. Will probably like that sort of thing Payton thought watching as the man got naked. Once he was down to his saggy white underpants it was all that Payton could do to not gag at the very unattractive sight. With her face stony she stood up and approached the guy. " I see you have been very naughty, " she purred walking around. " Yes, mistress, " the man gasped out quaking on his knees. Payton leaned very close to his ear from his behind and whispered. " Then I am gonna have to punish you, " she purred into his ear, her voice deepening, she blew lightly on his skin making him shiver. She strengthened up, before commanding him to get on the bed on all fours, her voice losing its s*x undertone to assume a tone of command. The man hurried to the bed and did as she requested. For any job, Payton always tried to come prepared that is why she has a small briefcase that contains her s*x toys. She pulled out a dragon tail flogger she has in her briefcase and approached the man. As she got close she noticed the little tent on his pants, and shook her head, men are so easy to arouse she thought. Without giving him any warning she swung the blogger and brought it down on his ass. The man mewed before asking for more. Payton was much too happy to oblige. If she was being honest with herself she kind of likes it when she gets to be in control of the men she sleeps with, ordering them around punishing them, and so on. It gives her this heady feeling that always sends a thrill to her clit. Like right now she felt her clit throb as the man moaned in pain as her hand came down on his ass repeatedly. Satisfied that the man was properly aroused she let up and told the man to lie on his back. The man did as she requested wincing a bit as his sore ass pressed down into the mattress with his c**k standing erect underneath his underwear. Payton climbed the bed, straddling him which put her p***y on his protruding belly, she moved her hips using her s*x to massage his stomach. The man moaned closing his eyes. " Open your eyes, " Payton commanded, and the guy snapped his eyes open immediately viewing Payton with a narrow gaze with his breath falling fast. Payton smirked when she grabbed his hand with force and placed it above his head and he moaned, she used his shirt as a rope securing his hands together. " Don't move it, " she instructed before going down on him with her lips. She trailed it across his chest taking little bites of his skin that made him moan out in pleasure. She moved till she was just above his boxers then she teased him with her fingers pretending to go in while keeping her fingers away. " Please! " the man panted at her raising his hips as if to encourage her hand to move. Payton smirked before moving his pants down to expose his little weenie. Payton forced down the laughter that rushed to her throat when she saw his size. She looked up to see the man looking red-faced not looking at her. " Is not the size that counts, " she purred moving her hand over his prick. The man brightened and began to moan begging for her to grip him harder which Payton was happy to oblige him, within seconds the man was spewing his seeds everywhere including Payton's body. This was the part she disliked most. She bore it till the man was spent and collapsed on his bed tired. For a man with a little prick he sure has a lot of juice, Payton thought and began to stroke him again. The man's eyes grew wide before it fell close in pleasure. Payton leaned down and took his prick inside her mouth and began to suck him off. The man's eyes flew open in surprised pleasure when he felt her tongue on his hardness. He began to pump his hips trying to sink his c**k into Payton's throat which she accommodated him till she felt the tightening of his balls that announced that she was about to come and she quickly withdrew her mouth. This was a no-no for her. She hated a man cumming in her mouth and is in one of her stipulations. When the man was done Payton glanced at her watch and saw his time was up and she stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. When she came out the man asked if she was leaving already in a slurred weak voice. Payton didn't respond and just headed for the door. When Payton got home she did her post-work cleaning routine and made it out to her balcony with a wine in her hand to relax. She was enjoying the cool breeze floating up to her when her phone dinged she looked it was another work email. She sighed when she saw that the client was requesting to meet tonight. This night she has reserved it as a free night, no work. She was about to decline the request when curiosity got the best of her. She clicked on the email. When it opened she read all the information on the client she was further intrigued. A virgin at twenty-seven. These days Payton rarely meets virgins in her line of work. The client being a female made her more intrigued. She was so intrigued about her next client that she decided to take the Job. When nighttime came Payton didn't dress in her usual work attire which is a black teddy with a matching thing underneath a trench coat. This time she went for more casual wear and when she was getting ready the care she took with her appearance made her as if she was gearing up for a date instead of a meeting with a client. She took one more glance at her image in the mirror satisfied with her look she left the house. When Payton arrived at the address she pressed the doorbell and waited and for a reason, she couldn't put a finger on why her heart started racing when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door and when the door opened she realized why.
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