Part four

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Norah sat down on her bed then stood up again and began to pace around her room. She was a nervous wreck. Tonight is the night she is getting f****d. Waking up from that wet dream this morning had occupied her mind with the thought of s*x and what was going to happen this night. All through the day at work, Norah couldn't concentrate even Jonas's taunts that always get a rise out of her didn't even phase her. She was sure she looked like a retard today at work, with the way she kept spacing out. When she came home from work she had quickly got her house in order no need to reveal to the person what a messy person she was. Once she was sure her modest condo looked presentable she had hurried to get ready. The next problem was figuring out what to wear. What does one wear for a night of s*x with a hooker? she asked herself while staring at the clothes in her closet. " Nothing? " Ego supplied. " Pantsuit and dress top, " Prude countered. Norah ignored them and picked her phone to call her best friend. The phone rang for few minutes before it was picked up. " What do I wear? " she blurted into the phone. " What! " Linda exclaimed in confusion. " What do I wear this night, " Norah clarified. " Oh, " Linda said into the phone chuckling when she realized what her friend was asking for. Her friend's naivety was cute. " Well, you should go something that will flaunt that gorgeous figure of yours, " Linda helpfully supplied. Norah was stupefied by the compliment. She has never viewed herself as gorgeous nor has she ever thought that she had a good figure but it felt nice hearing it even if is coming from her best friend. " Thanks, " she said into the phone, thanking her for her help and compliment. " You are welcome, and don't forget you owe me details tomorrow, " Linda yelled into the phone before cutting it. She turned around to see her other friends staring at her with their hands folded across their chests. " Spill, " Susanne growled. Linda felt like a rat boxed in by so many cats as her friends froze her to the spot with their curious gazes. She shook her head at them not wanting to betray Norah's confidence but they were not letting up. They kept their gaze on her knowing that it was always her undoing. She hated people staring at her so will do anything to avoid that. She could feel her resolve crumble as they stared at her not blinking. " Norah is getting laid tonight, " she blurted out. " What!!!! " Her three friends screamed at once. Norah heed Linda's advice and looked for something enticing in her closet. A black gown caught her attention and she unhooked it from the hanger. it was a knee-length gown with a short sleeve round hand and square neck. she decided to go for it. When she slipped her slim frame through the gown it wrapped around her like a second skin flaunting her small curves. Norah turned her ass around viewing the small rounded contours in the mirror before turning to face the mirror with her front. She looked good she thought to herself admiring the fit of the gown on her body. The sound of the bell ringing echoed throughout the house causing Norah to freeze in her tracks as her heart pulmonated to her stomach. Her nerves worsened ten times while her heart raced in her stomach. Feeling partly anxious and partly excited Norah made her way to the door. Just as she stepped out of her room her stomach growled, reminding her that she hasn't had anything to eat since lunch. She had been too nervous to think of food when she came home from work. She ignored her grumbling stomach and headed for the door. She unlatched the lock and then opened the door to see the most stunning woman she has ever seen in her life leaning against her wall. NO ONE POV The two women stared at each other surprised and were captured by the other appearance. Payton was the first to snap out of her entrance stare. " Don't you know is dangerous to set up the meeting in your house, what if the person is a murderer? " she teased, her eyes twinkling at her client, while her tongue snaked out to lick her lips. The woman who stood in front of her was gorgeous. Slender with a slight curve and her chest, every lesbian wet dream. The breast looked round and a hand full molded sexily by the hot dress she was wearing which was giving a peekabo into her cleavage. " Huh, " Norah muttered absent-mindedly as her eyes followed the movement of the pink flesh across what she now realized is very full pink lips that look so kissable. What the f**k was she thinking, Norah thought shaking herself at her sensual musing. " Who are you? " she asked when her eyes met that of the amused ones of the stunning woman. Payton had seen the lust that appeared in those beautiful pale blue eyes and she saw her pupils dilate when her eyes followed her tongue. Her action has been unintentional but it pleased her to see that the woman finds her attractive. " Krystal at your service, ma'am, " she said with a gentleman bow, strengthening up to give her a rakish grin. She didn't know why she was flirting with the woman. Usually, when she comes to do a job she doesn't waste time dallying with the clients. She is always very professional, goes in do her job, and gets out. It has never been fun for her but this night she seems to be acting differently. " Huh, " Norah muttered again with a look of confusion. Why was this woman making her react like she has air in her brain cells she wondered in her mind. " I am from the escort service, " Payton clarified with a smile on her face. " But I asked for a man, not a woman, " Norah stammered with a frown wrinkling her forehead. Payton's mood dampened, the woman was straight, she thought in disappointment. She brightened up almost immediately as a cocky grin curved her lips. " I promise to pleasure you much more than any man could ever, " she purred in a sexy low tone moving to stand very close to her client. Norah swallowed, her heart pounding in her chest at the woman's proximity. She smelled nice she thought as her feminine soft scent assaulted her nostrils. She moved back so she could look the woman in the eyes. She was about to decline her offer telling her that she wasn't a lesbian and has never been attracted to a woman before but the words didn't come. She was held bound by the woman's alluring brown eyes. They were willing her to take a chance. Norah found herself nodding her head, accepting to do something she never thought she will do in a million years. Payton smiled at her before pulling her into her body. She leaned down and kissed her. Norah has kissed so many lips, no scratch that, her experience with kissing just like every other thing was abysmal but as Krystal's lips moved over hers she quickly concluded that her lips were the softest lips she has ever kissed and her kiss the best she has ever received. She closed her eyes and followed her directives as she directs, moving her lips in imitation of Krystal's. They stood at the pouch kissing each other before Payton realize that they shouldn't be doing this out here. She pulled back from the woman and gazed down at her with hooded eyes. " Take me to your room, " she whispered. Norah nodded and turned without words and headed back inside the house. While they made their way to her room she could feel the woman's gaze on her which made her uncomfortable and aroused at the same time. Payton can't believe she was turned on by a client even before the s*x. Usually meeting with her clients whether men or women Payton never allows herself to feel anything she treats it like the job it was, but this night she was finding it difficult seeing the woman walking in front of her as a client, and that in itself scared the s**t out her. She needed to tune her head back right and remember she was here to do a job and not fall for the client not that she was falling or anything. Norah's hand on the doorknob was trembling. She was nervous and scared. She opened the door and walked in very aware of the woman behind her. In the middle of her room, she stood awkwardly clueless about what to do. Payton's eyes went around the room. The room was nice, feminine, and smelled like the woman in front of her. She focused back her attention on the woman and noticed how tense she looked. She approached her calmly and stood in front of her. " Don't be nervous, we move as slow as you want, " she whispered trying to soothe the woman's nerves. She was aware that it was her first time so she was going to try to make it a memorable one for her. Norah gulped down trying to appear less anxious but her heart was beating so loud in her ear. " I have never done this before, " she whispered in a shaking tone, her eyes gazing into the other woman's eyes. " I know darling. " Payton laughed when the woman's eyes flew to hers in question. " Is on your profile, " she answered the question in her eyes. Norah blushed realizing the woman is aware that she is a virgin. " There is nothing to be ashamed of darling, " Payton muttered moving around the woman to stand at her back. " As much as this gown looks so hot on you it has to come off, " she whispered close to her neck. Norah swallowed and nodded her head her fingers folding into her palms, as frame shook. Payton slowly took the zipper down exposing the smooth back. Her fingers came up to lightly stroke the back before slipping the gown off her shoulders. Then she leaned down to place light kisses on the exposed flesh. Norah gasped and closed her eyes, her neck falling to the side as the soft lips move to her neck. " Turn around, " Payton murmured softly into her ear. Norah gulped and did as she was asked. Payton's eyes went down. She was right, the woman has an amazing rack, she thought staring at the high firm breast. Norah's fist tightened by her side as she fought the urge to cover herself. No one has viewed her with such scrutiny. Payton read the insecurities in her eyes. You don't have anything to be ashamed of, " you are hot, " she said to her leaning down to kiss her on the neck. Norah moaned tilting her head to the side to give her more room. Payton moved her hands till she had the waist of the gown in her hand she tugged till she had it past her hips and then let it slip to the floor. " Go to the bed, darling, " she murmured to her. Norah stepped off the gown pulling around her feet and walked on trembling legs to the bed and laid on it with her back to the soft bed while she stared up at the gorgeous woman waiting for what next. She grew expectant when she saw her hands go to her blouse and she began to unbutton it. Payton kept her eyes on her client while she slowly revealed herself. She grinned proudly when a gasp fell off her lips as her upper body was revealed. Norah couldn't look away as her eyes became fixed on the firm breast held bound by a sexy see-through black bra which allowed her to see the hardened dusky brown n*****s. She swallowed dryly as all the saliva in her mouth disappeared. After this night she will figure out why she was reacting like this to another woman form but right now she was impatient to have the gorgeous body she was feasting on close to her. Her impatient must have shown in her eyes because the other woman quickly shed the rest of her clothes and made her way to the bed. Norah's eyes narrowed with desire as the woman drew closer to her. Payton moved till her whole body covered the woman before she leaned down to kiss her.
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