Part two

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Work was slow as a snail today, and I was bored, so to occupy myself I decided to browse through the internet. I just opened my browser when a notification caught my attention. It was a s*x ad. I usually get a lot of these notifications on my browser, but I intend to ignore them but today because of my bored mind I decided to explore. My curiosity was piqued when I saw the caption. MAKE YOUR s****l FANTASY COME THROUGH. I doubled clicked on it. The site opened in full-page and I began to read. It was an escort service sight and if I needed an escort all I had to do was click on the button that said apply. My cautious side wared with my new impulsive side. Ego and Prude were at it again. Arguing about the foolishness of what I was about to do. I simply tuned them out and stared at the latter. While I stared the letters morphed into cartoon characters that began talking to me asking me to click. The image in my mind was too funny that I chuckled to myself which got the attention of my co-worker in the next cubicle. " What is funny? " Rosalyn asked giving me a weird look. Rosalyn is one of those busybodies you find in workplaces that always wants to know everybody's business. She is a fat white female in her early thirties not that you will believe it with her size and dressing. Her hair a bright ginger color that she wears cut to her neck region with some bangs. She has been my neighbor since I began working in this company five years ago despite that our relationship has never evolved past the initial greeting we greet every morning. I was hardly a social person and tends to keep to myself a lot at work, which my neighbor finds irritating cause she is always looking for who to gossip with but has never found an ally in me. " Nothing, " I murmured without looking in her direction. From my side-eye and caught her leaning back in her seat as if to catch a glance at what is on my computer. Rosalyn is nosy like that. I took a look at the position of my laptop making sure it was really out of her reach. I didn't need the whole office knowing I was using the Internet to get laid. Confident that she couldn't take a peek at my computer I went back to what I was doing. I clicked on the APPLY at the left corner of my computer and waited for the page to load. The page looked like a form that I was asked to fill. The first part was all about my demographics. Name age s*x and address. I paused a bit when it got to the part that asked for my s****l orientation. I have never met or interacted with a gay person before, most times I forget that being straight was not all that is out there. I clicked on straight because I have never entertained the idea of anything otherwise. Moving on they requested the type of men I desired. I closed my eyes to picture the perfect man in my mind and the only picture I could conjure up was Tony the guy I met at the club last night. I guess he really did have more effect on me than I initially thought. With his image in mind, I decided to fill in the physical attribute I wanted. The next page kind of made me blush. It asked for the kinks and other things I enjoy in the bedroom. I tried to think of anything that turns me on in bed but being that my experience in that area was severely lacking I couldn't think of anything to write so I left it blank. The next page that popped up made me pause. It was the payment page. I didn't know I was going to pay, I thought staring at the figures that were glaring back at me daring me to click. Prude's voice penetrated my mind in my moment of distraction. " What if this is a fraud and they are just there to defraud money from clueless and naive users like you. " Her words did not help the doubts that began to cloud my mind. Well is only a thousand dollars, I am sure you can afford to lose such an amount, Ego added her two tidbits. A thousand dollars just for a night of s*x don't you think that is a lot, Prude shrilled, her voice loud making her wince in reaction. I ignored them and decided to take a chance and clicked on the payment. Done I relaxed back on my seat wiping her mind thoughts of what I just did. I didn't want to start exercising second thought and regret the decision I just made. Well, I have done it, hopefully is not a fraud and by tomorrow I will hopefully resign my membership at the virgin club. " Hey, " Norah, are you up for lunch, " I heard a voice say behind me startling me. " Damn! " I exclaimed as my heart skipped in my chest. I quickly on her computer closing the browser. " Hey, are you watching p**n at work? the familiar voice teased coming further into her cubicle. He must have seen how quickly I minimize my browser. I turned to face my unwanted visitor, my face devoid of any emotions except for a boring look. " No Jonas, I am not you, " I said with a mocking smirk. Jonas only flashed her a crooked smile, not a bit fazed by her taunting. " If only you agreed to go out with me I will not resort to using p**n to fulfill my fantasy, " Jonas said giving me what he believes to be a sexy smile but was more off thirty-two yellow teeth on full display which looked kind of creepy. Jonas has been on me to go out with him since I came into the company but I turned down every one of his advances. The guys creep me out, not just by his looks which is that of an average lanky male on c***k with brown mousy hair that looks like they saw a cream ever in their life, also his irritating male chauvinistic attitude. Jonas was your typical male asshole who thinks that just because they have something dangling between their legs it automatically makes them desirable to the female folks. And the guy is so annoying with his crude comments and touchy fingers like right now his hand was on Norah's shoulder like they were some long-lost buddies. Norah picked up the wet clammy fingers on her shoulders almost throwing up from how much his touch grossed her out and dropped it to his side with force almost causing the hand to hit her desk. It would have served him right. " I am busy Jonas, " she said in a dismissive bored tone, making sure not to let how much his presence was irritating her show in her voice, that will only fuel him on and make him want to stay. " But is lunchtime, and when I walked in you weren't doing anything he said with a smug grin as if he just caught my hand in a cookie jar. Norah rolled her eyes at the guy's thick head and his inability to take a hint. For God's sake she was trying to send him away does she need to spell it out for him to get a clue. Dumb men. " I am not going for lunch, " Norah lied still trying to be diplomatic. The sound of her phone ringing made her grin inside. Finally, something to occupy her. Maybe now he will take the hint and leave her alone. " Hello, " she said into the phone turning away from him. She expected it to be his cue to leave but her eyes grew wide in shock before narrowing in anger when the guy just sat down on her desk making himself at home, and showering her with his overpoured male cologne that was making her want to gag. What the f**k does it take to get this jerk away from her private space, Norah wondered in her head. Norah turned to flash him an irritating look. " Anything else? " she asked harshly no longer in the mood to play nice. Jonas grinned at her. " I am waiting for us to go out for lunch. " " Org! " Ashley groaned in frustration. Did the guy only hear what he wants to hear? How much clearer can she get before he gets it that she was interested in having lunch with him today tomorrow or ever? " Hold on, " she told her best friend on the line. " Listen Jonas let me say this in such a way it can penetrate this thick skull of yours, I will never, read my lips go out with you. " " Don't worry Norah baby you will come around, " Jonas said with a wink and walked out. Norah dropped her forehead to her fingers in frustration. " Why don't you give him a chance, you should be lucky he is even asking you out, " Rosalyn muttered to her. Norah turned to glare at the woman. Why don't you stop being a p***y and ask him out yourself, she spoke harshly to the woman making her gasp in shock. Norah might be a virgin, and sometimes a prude that doesn't mean she can't curse when the occasion calls for it. it was an all-knowledge of Rosalyn's crush on Jonas. Norah smirked to herself when she caught the rosy tint on the woman's cheeks. Serves her right, next time maybe she will just mind her business, Norah thought before going back to her call. Hello, she muttered into the phone wanting to find out if her friend was still online. " What was that? " Linda her friend asked in mild amusement having heard the whole conversation. One of my work colleagues and his girlfriend-to-be who wouldn't leave me alone, Norah grumbled into her phone. Linda chuckled at the aggravated tone of her best friend. Is it the Creepy Tom? she asked referring to the guy at work Norah told them has been pestering her to go out with him. She started calling him Creepy Tom because to her the guy looks creepy. " The one and only, " Norah mumbled with a hiss. " What does he want this time? For us to go out to lunch like I am so desperate for company that I have to go out with any d**k, Tom, and Harry that ask me out. But you are desperate, Linda teased with a mild snicker. Believe me when I tell you that even if the guy is the last man on earth I will rather die a virgin than go out with him. Linda laughed harder at how serious Norah sounded. " Well if you keep running from men at bars you might still die a virgin, " she teased. Making jest of the way she ran out of the club last night without saying any word to anybody. " What happened? " Norah sighed before telling her friend everything that happened last night. Linda burst into laughter. " Wait you meant to tell me that you stood there and watched another bird cat away with your meat for the night. " Norah cringed at the crude analogy. " First of all that is a very weird-ass analogy and second of all what was I suppose to do, declare my ownership of him. " " Yeah, I bet if you had laid one on him there, he wouldn't think twice about the bimbo. Who I am kidding you can never do such a daring thing like this, " Linda muttered with a slight hint of mockery. " Well, I did a very daring thing today, " Norah muttered like a petulant child proving herself to her mother. Yeah, like what? Linda asked, not believing that her best friend has a daring bone in her body. I sighed up for an escort service, Norah blurted out in a fast tone, her voice nervous and making it difficult to comprehend her. What! Linda exclaimed in a tone that made it sound like her best friend was speaking gibberish. Norah closed her eyes. She didn't want to repeat what she did. " I sighed up for an escort service, " she repeated this time her voice was a little bit raised, luckily she was the only one around as the rest have gone out for lunch. Linda cracked up again. Her friend was hilarious. " You needn't make up things just to prove to me that you can be daring, " she said in a mirth-filled voice before cracking up again. " I am serious, " Norah said interrupting her laughter. Linda paused, all laughter draining from her voice. " Are you insane! " she yelled in a shrill voice making Norah pull the phone away from her ear to avoid going deaf. " Are you trying to make me deaf?! she fired back. " Not really but it would be better than losing your sanity which is what it seems you have lost by doing such an idiotic thing, " Linda scolded, sounding disappointed with her friend for doing what she considered to be a risky thing that could put her in danger. " I don't know why you are getting your pant in a twist, you are the one that just said I can't be daring now you are complaining. " " First of all, I am not wearing any pants today...... " " TMI, " Norah yelled interrupting her friend. Linda continued as if she hasn't spoken. " Secondly, all I said was daring, not stupid. " " Hey easy with the name-calling, and there is nothing I can do about it now I have already paid. " " Please tell me you didn't, " Linda muttered, her tone begging that her friend wasn't this stupid and gullible. Norah remained silent. Norah!!! Linda yelled into the phone. " What, I was running out of options. You saw what happened last night. Maybe if I pay for it, he wouldn't have to leave me in favor of some blonde bimbo. " Linda shook her head even though Norah can't see it. " What if is a scam. " " Prude already made that argument, Norah mumbled into the phone. " " Who is Prude? " Linda asked sounding confused. " Never mind, I have already made the mistake so will just wait and see what will happen, Norah mumbled in a dismissive tone willing her best friend to just forget about it. When is this your night of tryst happening? " Tomorrow, I guess, " Norah muttered not sounding sure. " What about Andrea's birthday? " " What about it? " Norah asked confused why it was significant. Linda groaned. " Norah! don't tell me you forget. " " Ok, I won't, " Norah said in a cheeky tone. " Don't be cute. " you can't just keep forgetting the birthday of the people friends with for the past ten years, Linda muttered sounding a little peeved. Her friend has this bad habit of forgetting their birthdays which can be a little annoying since everyone tends to remember hers. Norah felt bad. Her best friend was right. It is bad of her the way she keeps forgetting her friends birthday but she doesn't do it intentionally. She can't seem to understand why when it comes to birthdays the dates refuses to stick to her brain. You are rights, Lin, I will think of a way to make it up to her. You know I usually do. Linda smiled. Knowing the length at which her best friend goes to make up for missing or forgetting their birthday. Her last birthday, where she turned thirty that Norah had forgotten, she had gotten her and her husband a reservation at the new Italian restaurant which just opened that Linda had been dying to eat in but the price was discouraging. So what do I tell her is the reason why you are not at her party tomorrow. " That I am getting my brains f****d the hell out of me, " Norah teased. " Yep, that is exactly what I am telling her, Linda teased back. And laughed when Norah began to protest. " Just find something and tell her please, " Norah begged. She didn't want her friends knowing how far she was willing to go just to get laid. Well, you owe me for this, and I will be expecting explicit details, Linda said, before saying her goodbyes. Norah looked down at her watch to see that lunch was almost over. Damn she couldn't believe she spent close to an hour speaking to her friend. Now she wasn't going to get anything to eat. When work ended Norah quickly gathered her things and hurried home. She was so hungry that she could swallow a horse. Done with her meal Norah decided to turn in early. While preparing for bed Norah's mind went to the form she filled at the office and before she closed her eyes Tony reappeared in her mind's eye as she imagined him or some who looks like him is the one they will send tomorrow. With the image in her mind Norah closed her eyes and fell asleep. Norah lay naked on the bed watching the tall man handsome man standing bare-chested in her bedroom, her eyes hungrily moved over his abs and delicious smooth pecs. She watched with intense focus as the man's hands went to his blue dirty jeans riding low on his hips with his Calvin Klein boxers showing. With a teasing look in her direction, the man began to pull the jeans slowly down his legs. Norah gasped when his package was revealed. He had an impressive bulge in his boxers. She felt her s*x tighten and grow wet as she drank in his sexiness. She couldn't wait to be pressed down by his impressive weight and his rough big paws to crawl over her eliciting all the delicious pleasure that will leave her skin in goosebumps and her p***y drenching wet. She licked her dry lips as the man's hands went to his boxers. Yes, remove it she chanted in her head. But the man gave her another teasing grin before pulling his hand away. She couldn't help the moan of protest that escaped her lips at being denied. Her heart began to thump against her chest as the man-made his way towards her, his gaze hungry and swirling with lust. It was a heady feeling to have such an effect on a man this beautiful. Norah couldn't believe it. She has never had a man look at her with so much want and lust. " Close your eyes, " he whispered in a sexy tone, his lips ghosting against her causing her whole body to quake in reaction. Immediately her eyes flew shot as she waited with eager anticipation for the next move, but none came. She opened her eyes only to find out she was alone. She looked frantically with was akin to desperation in her eyes for the man but her room was conspicuously empty. She was trying to wrap her head around what the hell happened and where the hell the man was when the most shrill annoying voice penetrated the room. Norah looked around for the source of the annoying voice she couldn't find it until she was pulled out of her dream to reality. So it was just a dream, she thought in disappointment. Just like her to finally have the attention of a gorgeous man only for it to be a dream.
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