Part seven

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" I slept with a woman " The unexpected words from her best friend caused the wine that Linda just took spluttered out of her mouth splashing everywhere, as her jaw hit the floor and she gawked at her best friend in shock, telling herself she must have heard wrong, she couldn't have heard Norah say what she thinks she said. Norah broke down and laughed so hard that she almost peed in her panties. The shocked look on Linda's face was hilarious. Thinking that her friend's laughter meant she was pulling her legs. Linda closed her mouth and wiped off the invisible drool before hissing at her friend in annoyance for teasing her that way. " You had me there, " she said pointing fingers at her. "I nearly believed you, " she said with mocking laughter at herself for being so gullible. Norah's laughter disappeared when she realized that her friend thought she was joking because of her laughter. " Lin, I wasn't joking, " she said in a serious tone. Linda's glass of wine froze very close to her lips and as she stared at Norah trying to determine if she was being serious. When her friend's solemn face remained she realized she wasn't messing with her. " A woman f****d you! " she yelled, amazed, her eyes wide. Norah smiled, nodding her head. " Wow, I can't believe this. How was it, how did she even do it? I mean...... " Norah quickly cut her off. " I know what you mean Lin, and I must tell you that the lack of d**k wasn't a problem she made me c*m just fine with her fingers, in fact, several times, " she said with a smug smile. Linda's eyes bulged out of her socket. " How many times? " she gasped. " Four times, " Norah muttered with a smirk, taking a healthy sip of her drink. " Four! " Linda spluttered. She has never had an o****m more than once. All the guys she has been sleeping with have been a one-time wonder, that is why she gets bored easily with them. Once they have c*m that is the end, and here is her friend saying she had o****m four times sleeping with a woman. She has been sleeping with the wrong s*x she joked in her mind. " You must have had the time of your life, " she said to her friend, still. trying to imagine how two women could do it. " You have no idea, " Norah mused, her smile growing wide as she recalled again all the pleasure she experienced last night. Her s*x clenched tight in remembrance. " Tell me everything, " Linda beseeched her friend, her curiosity getting the best of her as her friends glowed with a happy smile. Norah felt like keeping the experience to herself and at the same time she wanted to scream about it at the rooftop. She decided to share with her best friend because she was bursting to tell. When she was done her best stared at her with envy before it cleared off quickly as it had appeared. " So does that mean you are a lesbian now? " Linda asked watching her best friend. Norah tilted her head to one side as if thinking about her best friend's words. " I don't find myself attracted to you if that is what you are worried about, " she teased her friend with a wide grin. " Is not what I am worried about, you dork, and you will be lucky to have a woman as hot as me, " Linda retorted back, throwing the piece of paper she saw on the table at her friend who laughed dodging the missile. Her best friend was right. She was hot. With her small delicate heart shape face, small sculpted nose, well carved and arched eyebrows, stunning hazel eyes, high cheeks bone, delicate jaw, flowing soft light blonde hair, and trim figure. She was the hottest among all their friends. " I can't say if I am or not since I have only slept with one woman but I tell you apart from Krystal I don't find any other person attractive in that way, " Norah said answering Linda's question. Linda nodded finishing her drink. " Well if it turns out that you know that I will support you and you will always be my friend, " Linda assured her friend. Norah nodded smiling her thanks at her best friend. A yawn escaped her lips as she felt the call of sleep in her eyes. " I guess I should take my leave so you can rest after the adventurous night you had last night, " Linda teased her friend getting to her feet. Norah followed her friend to the door. As Linda turned to leave after their goodbyes Norah stopped her by calling out. " Linda wait. " Linda paused and turned to her friend with a curious look in her eyes. " Not a word to the others, " Norah warned. Linda blushed. " I promise I won't blab this time, " Linda. " Good night, " Norah said and went into her house while her friend walked to her car. As Norah prepared for bed her thoughts went to Krystal. She wondered if the woman thought of her. Don't be silly Norah, you are just one of many clients she has, why would she think of you? her mind mocked. Norah sighed as she laid on her made bed. Her mind was right, Krystal must have forgotten about her as soon as she walked out of her door. Before her eyes closed in sleep Krystal's face was the last thing she saw before sleep claimed her. For the rest of the week, Norah's thoughts were not far away from Krystal and the night they shared. It was the first thing she thought of when she wakes up in the morning, the last thing she thought of before falling asleep. Even during her waking moments all, she thought about was Krystal. Her body was severely missing her touch and no matter how many times she touched herself she couldn't recreate the same magic Krystal touched wrought on her body. She was going crazy with frustration and unfilled desire. It was Friday night, she had just walked through the door when her phone rang. The invitation by her friends for a Friday night out was a saving grace from another night of wallowing in s****l frustration while she relieves over and over again her night with Krystal. This time they didn't go to a club but decided on something low-key and quiet. The bar they walked in was cool with a homey feeling with a traditional setting style, and old-school music playing low-key in the background, there was a small dancing floor and few couples were there taking a little slow spin around. There was a pool area and moderate patrons around. They found a table very close to the pool area and picked few seats off the empty table close to theirs to make up for five seats. When they settled down, Linda and Amber went to get their drinks. While they waited for their friends to return with their drinks they filled the silence with small talks catching up with each other about work. " Here, girls, " Linda said dropping a bottle of beer in front of me and Susanne while Amber dropped one in front of Franca. " To a good weekend!! " Linda yelled as we raised our bottles. " To a great weekend!!! " we chorused jamming the bottles together. " So anything new happens to anyone of us recently? " Linda asked. Amber put her bottle to her lips and drank almost finishing the drink inside before she slammed the bottle mildly on the table, alerting our attention to her. " Are you alright? " Amber? Susanne asked in concern. The brunette stayed silent for few seconds before whispering. " I broke up with Richard. " " What! we all exclaimed in shock. " Amber and Richard have been together for five years now, they met in one of the teacher's conferences, yeah Amber is a teacher. According to Amber, they clicked as soon as their eyes met across the room, luckily for both of them they lived in the same city so their conference romance didn't have to end. " Why? what happened? " This was coming from Franca. Amber released a bitter sigh before speaking. " I caught him with another woman, " she mumbled as her eyes wailed up in tears. " f*****g bastard, " Linda growled in anger, echoing what we all were thinking. I can't believe he will do such a thing to you, she growled. " Who was it? " Susanne asked softly. " Some broad from work, " Amber mumbled chucking down the rest of her drink and turned to hail the bartender for more drinks. " I caught them when I went over to his place last night. We were meant to have dinner but the bastard had canceled telling me he wasn't feeling okay, so I thought to go over and check on him only to find out that the son of a b***h was not only healthy but was celebrating his health in a very strenuous way, " she muttered sarcastically making us chuckle lightly " so ladies I plan to get f*****g wasted tonight, " she yelled drinking down the new bottle. " I wonder why men are such a pig, " Norah muttered. Remembering on numerous occasions her friends have been cheated on by the guys they are dating. " Well, you don't have anything to worry about since you are a lesbian now, " Linda blurted out. Norah's feet quickly came down on her friend's feet hard. " Ah! Linda exclaimed painfully as Franca screamed " what! at the same time " Nothing she is just wagging her mouth because of her drink, you know what a lightweight she is, " Norah quickly covered turning to glare at her best friend who was doing her best not to look at her. Her best friend sure has a big mouth. They threw more words of comfort at Amber before the topic was changed by Linda. Her workplace just got a new boss, who is hot like Brad Pitt, and Linda has her sight set on him. Linda works in a publishing company, she is one of their editors, and one of hell of an editor. She has been single for two months which is the longest Linda has ever gone without a boyfriend, but it seems that is about to change. Linda is one woman who knows how to go after what she wants. She doesn't lack confidence and she got the looks. Norah wouldn't be surprised if when they meet another time Linda will dating her hot boss. Yeah, Linda is not the type to do casual, all her numerous lovers she dates them, but they never last. Being as hot as she is, she doesn't have trouble getting dates when she wants one. Like right now, Norah noticed her cutting eye at the chocolate sexy looking guy seating few seats away from them. Norah wanted to ask her what about her hot boss but knew it was futile, Linda never takes her lovers seriously. She watched as the man returned a flirting look with a smile of interest. Norah wished she could be this forward or confident but who was she kidding. " And Linda scores, " Susanne yelled as the others caught on at what she was doing. A smug look came over Linda's eyes. " I don't know what you guys are talking about. " " Here they come, " Susanne muttered underneath her voice. " They? " Norah questioned looking in the direction of the guy Linda was flirting with and surely he was making his way towards their table but he wasn't alone. Beside him was a light-skinned man with dreads and a calm bad boy look. Norah quickly looked away when her eyes met those of the man with dreads. " Hello, a pretty lady may I have this dance with you? " the chocolate-skinned man asked Linda in a low deep hoarse voice, like someone that smokes, just as upbeat music came on. Linda gave the guy a flirty smile before placing her small hand in his large ones and followed him to the dance floor. " And you? beautiful lady, " Norah had a deep baritone voice asked. She didn't bother raising her head knowing she wasn't the one being referred to. " Norah, he is talking to you, " Susanne whispered to her. " What! " Norah gasped in mild surprise her eyes flying up and truly the man was looking at her waiting for her reply. She blushed rosy red. " Yes, " she mumbled placing her hand in the big ones stretched out to her. On the dance floor, she tried to follow the beat as much as possible. The man danced till he was so close to her body and began to rock then rubbing his organ against her ass. Norah felt his hardness as the man leaned into her neck to trail his lips along with it lightly. Norah closed her eyes, moving her neck as her mind filled with the image of another lip doing the same thing to her. The thoughts of Krystal's lips on her skin made her moan softly which the man behind her mistook for her enjoyment of his actions. He quickly turned Norah around and kissed her roughly on the dance floor. Norah tried to enjoy the kiss but she couldn't. it was rougher, crude, and his four o clock shadow kept tingling her. His lips were so thin and chapped a far cry from the soft full ones that brought her so much pleasure a few nights ago. No, she can't do this. She placed her hands on the man's broad chest and pushed him off. " I can't, " she mumbled and fled the bar.
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