Part six

2335 Words
The next morning the first thing that Norah became aware of is the soreness between her legs and then last night came rushing back in her mind like a flowing river feeling her mind with memories of the pleasure she experienced last night. Even though she knew in her heart that the space beside her will be empty still her hand went seeking. She felt a sharp shot of disappointment pierce her chest when she confirmed what she already suspected. She didn't know why she had hoped the woman stayed. The disappointment she felt at waking up alone didn't diminish the elation that filled her heart at the thought of finally having s*x. She felt liberated and full of energy, and by no means bothered by her aching muscles. She walked towards the bathroom with a slight limp to her step. The feel of the hot water running down her body was delicious and helped relieve some of the aches on her n*****s and s*x. She used her sponge to move the soap sods over her body washing off the lingering feeling of last night, and when she got to her n*****s she drew sponge across the aching points, her eyes closed as they grew hard and her brain sent her delicious images of Krystal's mouth on them. She closed her eyes as she relieved the remembered pleasurable sensations. She moved the sponge away down her body to her s*x, it felt sore at the same time pleasurable as her sponge moved delicately across her bruised flesh. She tried to imagine it was Krystal's fingers stroking her between the legs and moaned, she forgoes the sponge and decided to use her fingers as her s*x grew wet in desire. She stroked her now aroused flesh softly, stoking the embers of her desire. Using one hand to please herself in her s*x the other crept up till it engulfed her aching n*****s and she tugged while moving one finger inside her dripping s*x. As she moaned in pleasure while f*****g herself she felt Krystal behind her, her lips moving along her wet skin, while her hands moved around her body to join her hands at her s*x and breast and together they stroked her to release. Norah's eyes tightened close as she moaned her release and when she was done Krystal's mirage dissolved like a mist in her mind and she was once again alone in her shower. She quickly finished her shower and came out. She began to hurry through her dressing, m**********g in the shower was going to make her late. She was never late, but she didn't mind today. Norah walked into work and all eyes swung her way which made her self-conscious, she wondered why she was being stared at. Her colleagues weren't even trying to hide that they were staring at her. Norah looked down at herself wondering if she had her clothes backward but it was the right way. Then why the father Christmas stare she pondered hurrying to her seat to get out of the hot stares. Her ass has just touched her seat when she got her first unwanted visitor. " Something is different about you this morning, " Rosalyn muttered from behind her. Norah turned to look at the busy body woman. " What do you mean? " she asked narrowing her eyes at the woman. Rosalyn ignored her sour tone and continued with her observation. She peered down at her like a hawk staring down at its prey. " Has nobody told you that is rude to stare, " Norah hissed at the woman. " You are glowing, you had s*x, the woman screeched in an excited tone as if she has discovered the f*****g way to travel to the sun. Norah hissed in annoyance at the woman's shrill tone and how loud she was broadcasting her business. She opened her mouth to tell the woman it was none of her business if she had s*x but another voice caught in. " Who had s*x? " the familiar annoying nasal voice asked as Tom's lanky figure filled the doorway. What was with these two always dropping by her cubicle any f*****g time they want. " Nobody, " Norah growled before Rosalyn could open her big mouth. Her two unwanted visitors stared at her intensely as if trying to figure out the truth from her forehead. Their rude intense stare was getting on Norah's nerves. " You guys do know is rude to stare right? " Norah glowered at her co-workers. " If you guys don't have anything better to do this morning I do and I would like to get back to my work, " Norah growled in a dismissive tone, restraining herself from using the word shu, to pursue her morning unwanted visitors. " I don't know why you are denying it but I am sure you got laid last night, is written all over you, " Rosalyn shot at her before walking out of her cubicle. Norah didn't bother responding and just focused on her computer. " Who was it? " Tom demanded, his tone coming off weird as if he was annoyed or jealous. " Excuse me, " Norah hissed, turning to face the imbecile, her body vibrating with rage. On what grounds does he have to question her about her personal life. " Listen Tom 'cause I am only going to say this once. My personal life is mine, and off-limits to you, and if you are having any silly notion in that thick skull of yours that there is something between us then let me disabuse you of that notion. There will never be anything between us, and the next time you trespass into my cubicle and is not work-related I will report you for s****l harassment, " Norah seethed at the guy, her eyes glaring daggers at him. When she was done the guy gaped at her in shock, his face stark red from embarrassment. " I am sorry, " he whimpered in a timid tone before high tailing it off her cubicle like the hounds of hell were on his tail. " That was very harsh of you, " Rosalyn retorted from her cubicle. " No one asked you, " Norah snarled at the woman before turning to her work. It was time she set the guy straight. She couldn't continue suffering under his harassment anymore, and she didn't care if it was harsh or not he deserved it. Norah couldn't believe that she had woken up this morning feeling on top of the world only to have her co-workers trying to spoil her beautiful morning. Krystal gorgeous appeared in her mind eye bringing calmness to her troubled mind. Using last night's sweet pleasurable memories to wash away the bad altercation with her colleagues Norah began her work. As Norah worked flashes of last night's memories continued to appear in her mind eye shooting thrills of pleasure to her s*x making her s*x engorged with arousal. It became worse that it was the only thing occupying her mind and her s*x felt hot from arousal that she started shifting around on her seat to offer herself some sort of relief but that wasn't helping and was only making it worse. She looked up from her work computer and glanced around the room but no one was paying attention to her so her hands crept under her black skirt along with her knees, inner thighs towards her heated s*x. The sound of footsteps drawing close to her cubicle snapped her hand out of her skirt. She swallowed as her heart raced in her chest at what she nearly did. She couldn't believe she was about to masturbate in the office where anyone could work in on her. She swallowed again and tried to wipe her mind off last night and focus on her work. She sank into her work with focus intensity and was so lost in it for hours that she didn't realize when it was time for lunch and her colleagues began to leave the office for lunch. The sound of her phone ringing inside the cubicle snapped her out of her work daze. Without looking at the phone she clicked on the answer button. " b***h where the f**k are you? " her best friend Linda growled into the phone. " At work, " Norah replied coolly, her tone implying that it should have been obvious where she was. Her sarcastic comment wasn't appreciated by her best friend who hissed into the phone. " We are waiting for you at the restaurant across your building, " Linda growled into the phone. She and the rest of their friends have been waiting for Norah for their agreed lunch for the past ten minutes and the brunette has yet to arrive which instigated the call. " What do you mean by us? " Norah asked in a low suspicious tone. Linda closed her eyes, muttering f**k in her mind. She had forgotten that Norah was not aware that she blabbed her business last night to the rest of their friends who decided to crash their lunch date to quiz their friends for details. " Nothing, " Linda said quickly into the phone. " Please hurry up, " she added. " I will be there in the next five minutes, " Norah said letting her suspicion go. " Make that two, " a familiar voice said. " What was that? " she quickly asked her friend. " Nothing, " Linda said and cut the call. Five minutes later, Norah walked into the restaurant and used her eyes to try and locate her best friend, and when she did she nearly turned back and walk right out. Sitting with her best friend were the rest of their friends. Norah couldn't help the sinking suspicious feelings that filled her that Linda has filled them in on what happened last night. If she did, Norah was going to murder her and make sure they never found her body. " Wow girl you are glowing, " Amber said when she took a seat between her and Linda. " I don't know what you are talking about, " Norah muttered with an innocent smile before leaning to Linda, " I am going to kill you, " she whispered to her. " I am sorry, " Linda whispered in return. " Caught the innocent crap, we all know that you hired a p********e to f**k you last night, " Franca mocked with a smirk and a smug look. Norah felt her whole body suffused with rage, this was the reason she hadn't wanted her friends to know. She silently breathed in and out to calm herself before plastering a fake smile on her face. She wasn't going to allow the other woman to make her feel ashamed of what she had done. " You are right, I hired an escort last night, " Norah said to her friend as she recalled all the pleasurable things that Krystal did to her last night. " Damn, he must have been so good if he had you smiling like a cat that ate the canary, " Susanne gushed seeing the big smile on Norah's face. Norah wiped off the smile she wasn't aware was on her face. She tried to imagine her friend's faces if she was to tell them that it was a she rather than a he that rocked her world last night. The comical astonished look they all be wearing had her smiling again. " And the grin grows wider, please drop the juicy details, " Linda demanded in an excited tone like a kid in a candy store. " I don't kiss and tell, " Norah teased with a slight grin on her face and nearly lost it at the childish pout that appeared on Linda's face. " Since when, " Linda moaned at her. " Since I had something to tell, " Norah said with a wink. " I don't think it applies here, " Franca chipped in. " And I don't give a f**k what you think, " Norah retorted. " Is my personal life and I decide if I want to share or not, " Norah glowered at the short blonde. She turned to the rest of her friends. " I am sorry guys I am not yet ready to talk about this. " " Well, when you're ready promise you will give us all the details, " Amber demanded holding her gaze with her light brown eyes. Norah smiled at the gorgeous Latino, " I promise, " she said. After lunch, Norah bid farewell to her friends and returned to work. While she was heading over to her cubicle she saw Tommy coming from the other direction and soon as the guy saw that she was the one he turned around and took another direction. Norah smirked to herself at successfully scaring the guy off, at least now she can have peace of mind at work. After work, Norah arrived home to see Linda waiting for her at her door. " How long have you been waiting? " she asked with a frown at her friend. " Not long, " Linda answered following her into the house. Norah hung up her coat, removed her shoes by the side, as Linda did the same. " What are you doing here? " she asked heading to the kitchen. " I came for the details you couldn't share with the others, " Linda said taking a seat on the kitchen seat. Norah shook her head and poured two glasses of wine for them. She should have known Linda wouldn't let it be. " So how was your first experience with a d**k? " Linda asked with a smirk. " Fingers, " Norah muttered with a smirk of her own. Linda frowned. " what do you mean? " " I slept with a woman. "
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