Part eight

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Is Monday morning. The most dreaded morning of all mornings. The alarm clock sitting majestically on the small desk just a few meters away from the large queen size bed began to cloak angrily in the room singing its unfavorable and unwanted wake-up song just as the hour hand hit 5 am. An angry moan fell of Norah's lips in response, her nose scrunching up in displeasure, her ears bleeding, and asking for it to stop. She turned and turned around in protest under the large duvet providing protective and cuddling warmth. She tried to extricate herself from the tight grips of sleep but its hold on her was too tight and strong, instead, she was thrown further into the wonderful lands of dreams where things happen that will never happen in real life. For instance, winning the lottery. Her subconscious being deeper into the land of dreams made the annoying cloaking noise sound as if coming from a very far distance which was just fine for Norah but unfortunately the alarm clock was not just ready to give up yet in this battle of wills. As soon as it finished singing its wake-up call it began another, this time coming off like an angry child who has been wailing for food and his mother is ignoring him. Norah displayed her displeasure through an angry hiss that sounded just like that of a deadly snake, just as her right hand sneaked out of the under its hiding place on the bed to give the clock a hard smack. That shut it up real quick providing a much-desired silence in the room. Norah's breathing evened out again, her wrinkled forehead relaxing back in its place as sleep claimed her again. The alarm clock decided to keep its silence, giving its owner ten minutes of reprieve before it started croaking again. The sudden loud noise in the room just a few minutes after a graveyard silence finally snatched Norah from the grips of sleep and her eyes opened. She turned to her right and hit the snooze button, this time being semi-conscious. She looked at the time is thirty minutes past five. She turned around to her back, one hand going over her forehead while the other lay by her side. Her eyes fixed to the ceiling as she contemplated how to move her reluctant body from her warm bed to shower. Waking up for work every Monday morning is not fun for Norah but today there was this attached reluctance and laziness. Today she just felt like staying cocooned in bed, especially with how a little chilly the morning is, and not getting out till it's mid-afternoon but unfortunately that is a luxury affordable only to the rich who didn't to work for money anymore. After few more minutes of slacking around in bed, Norah dragged herself off it to get ready for work. She walked into the shower stall with her eyes still dropping slightly and her subconscious partially awake. In her half-zombie state, she hit the button that let down the water. A blood-curling scream tore through her throat when her whole body was drenched by bone-chilling cold water. FUCK! Norah exclaimed as she became fully awake. She quickly hit the buttons in succession to get the temperature right. After her morning routine, Norah emerged from her room wearing a body-fitting corporate blue gown that fell just to her knees, a low black heel cover shoes, her unfavorable wavy brown hair not restricted in its usual tight buns but rather allowed to roam free down her back. Before leaving the house she covered took off her long black coat off its position by the wall beside her front door. When she got into work there was a polite smile on her face for her co-workers which wasn't also a norm for her which made room for people to say hello which she replied. After her night with Krystal, something changed within her. She felt lighter and free and her colleagues at work have noticed the difference in her cause she could overhear them sometimes when she wants to get her coffee in the coffee room or taking a leak in the bathroom. Of course, none of them has approached her face to face to ask her anything instead they continued to speculate about it. One of their speculations is that she has finally gotten a boyfriend, and then they are also speculating the kind of man she will date. They wondered if she was going to bring her mystery beau to their annual office party which is coming up in few months. Norah has forgotten all about the party. She doesn't always enjoy the party because she is always one of those with no partner and only came with a friend which makes it tiresome to watch all the other couples especially when it's time for dance and the song is a slow one. Norah wondered who she was going to bring this year. She usually asks one of her friends, most times Linda but anyone else when she is not available. She is going to be the candidate again this year unless she miraculously starts dating before that day. Norah emerged from her work which she has been at all morning to stretch her neck and limbs when she noticed the absence of her neighbor from her seat. That was odd she thought with her eyebrow scrunching together in a confused frown. Rosalyn never leaves her desk unattended unless is for lunch. Her eyes flew to the slim silver watch on her wrist. It was eleven am. Definitely not time for lunch. Her eyes moved away from her neighbor and roamed around the workspace. Most of her colleagues had their heads bent to their work while others were chatting or moving from one place to the other. She felt a signal coming from her bladder telling her is time to empty it. She stood from her desk, her chair making scratchy noises on the floor as she moved it back. She was heading for the bathroom when she collided with another human being who just came out from her right. " I am so sorry..." she began raising her head to see who she hit but the rest of her apology got stuck in her throat when her eyes fell on the handsome dark features of Williams Baker, one of the financial execs of the company. The guy she has always had a crush on. He doesn't usually work on her floor because the top brass office is upstairs but the few times something brings him down to her floor and Norah catches the sight of him she will spend few minutes to half an hour mooning over how ridiculously good looking the guy is. His smile is always polite but so damn fine with his white sparkling teeth. His towering height and trim figure are something to die for and always sends Norah's heart on a race. His polite and gentlemanly attitude to his colleagues no matters their rank was so heart-melting, which makes it so easy for anyone to fall in love with him, including Norah, who isn't immune to his charming personality. She has always told herself she was so out of his league until this moment. " Hi, I am sorry, " Williams responded to Norah with his famous polite beautiful smile in place. His sexy deep bass voice sending an electric current down Norah's spine. Damn, his voice can give one an o****m she thought in her mind staring like a teenager at her first crush. " You are Norah, right? " He asked when Norah didn't respond to his apology. Norah could only nod like a lizard. Her lips felt as if held together by a tight rope preventing her from uttering a word, while the inside was dying from the excitement that Williams Baker recognized who she was. Williams's lips curved into an amusing grin at the adorable lost look in Norah's eyes as she gawked at him. " You look good this morning, " he complimented and he wasn't lying. The woman standing in front of him was looking stunning with her hair down and the tight-fitting office gown that was hugging her body in all the right places. He has noticed the woman around in the office but she was always looking so serious like a ferocious dog ready to bite if anyone gets close. Her cold over serious personality made him stay clear because he didn't know how she will react to him approaching her for anything. With him being a senior officer at work is easy for things to get misconstructed and gbam s****l harassment suit is on his desk and him being one of the few black men working in this white populated office it wouldn't go down well with him even if he is innocent. But today the woman not only looked gorgeous but she was missing her usual austere looks which gave him the courage to ask the question he has been wanting to ask for a long time. He knows he was appealing to most women, but he wasn't that conceited to think every woman will desire him, so he was a little nervous asking his question. " Will you have lunch with me today? " He asked with a held breath. Norah inside did a happy backflip in her mind before doing a joyful dance jiggle. He asked me to lunch she cried excitedly in her mind. While she was busy celebrating in her mind she forgot she has yet to give an answer to Williams who was almost about to expire from lack of air while waiting for a response. When Norah's response was taking too long to come, Williams released a sigh of disappointment, his mood dampening a little. Well, he tried. He was about to apologize for his mistake when Norah cut him off in a rush. Norah seeing the light dim in those dark swirling coffee eyes she immediately realized she was about to let a great opportunity pass her by if she doesn't loosen her tongue quick and say something. " I will go out with you, " she yelled, her voice ringing loud in the corridor attracting the attention of her co-workers. Norah cringed inside while her whole face burned crimson red from embarrassment. Williams smiled at Norah's mortification. She looked cute when she is embarrassed he thought, his smile widening when she refused to look up at him. " I am glad you said yes. I was scared you were going to turn me down. " Norah's eyes flew to him in surprise. He was scared she was going to say no. Does he not have a mirror in his house? She wondered in her mind. What sane woman will say no to such a gorgeous specimen of manhood. " Oh, that didn't even occur to me, " Norah blurted out and winced when her words resounded in her ears and made her feel like some wanton hussy. " I am glad, " Williams said smiling beautifully again at Norah. " I will pick you up later at lunchtime, " he said and with a polite nod walked away. Norah stood in the hallway with a stupefied look on her face. She couldn't believe the past few minutes. Did Williams Baker just ask her out, she thought in disbelief. Then she felt a pressure feeling in her private part as her full bladder announced its impatience, interrupting her happy musing and reminding her the reason she was out here in the first place. She quickly hurried into the bathroom. Just outside the stalls, she let out one happy loud whoop of yes with her folded fist flying up and coming down in a folded gesture. She was just about to find an empty stall to relieve herself when she heard the sound of someone moaning in one of the stalls. It couldn't be she thought freezing in her steps, and then leaned in more as if to confirm what she heard. " Don't do it is disgusting, " Prude muttered in an old biddy lady tone reading her mind. " But you are curious right, " Ego muttered in a sweet encouraging voice. Ego was right she was curious to know the people going at it like some damn pornstar in the female bathroom. She knew she shouldn't be nosy, after all, she hates it when people get all up in her business but she couldn't help it. Her eyes went down to the small space between the door of the occupied stall and the floor and she saw a big female white foot in all too familiar red shoes she can recognize anywhere. Her neighbor was f*****g someone in the bathroom, Norah thought with her hand clamped to her mouth in silent amusement. She didn't know Rosalyn heard it in her. She wondered at who the fellow was. Immediately her mind went off on a mission of finding who could be responsible for that pleasured filled moan that sounded like some being tortured than having a good time. She was lost in her head running through the possible candidate that she didn't know when the show ended and the door of the stall opened and she came face to face with Rosalyn and the least possible person she could have thought of. Thomas. Awkward. As their eyes met Norah felt like being literally any other place at that moment than where she stood right now. The duo stared at her like a fish caught outside water with their face burning red not that Norah's face was any better. Without a word, they shuffled past her like a couple of teenagers caught going at it by their parents. Norah groaned in mortification at being caught listening to other people having s*x in the bathroom. " That serves you right for being nosy, " Prude said to her.
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